Folder 6: Luke Society Prayer Calendars --- 1987-1991
Folder 7: Book: Delta Doctor --- 1991
Folder 8: Book: Where Next Lord? --- 1994
Folder 9: Book: Release to Soar --- 2010
Folder 10: Seminar in Missiology paper: A Mission in Mississippi. A Reflection on Inculturation of Gospel Ministry in a Cross Cultural Context. Written by Ken Nydam
Series 2: Video Cassettes
Box 2
Item 1: Touching Lives in Romania
Item 2: Touching Lives in the Yucatan
Item 3: Touching Lives in Ghana
Item 4: Touching Lives in the Dominican Republic
Item 5: Touching Lives in Honduras
Item 6: The Luke Society Around the World
Item 7: Kids Around the World
Item 8: A Light for the Ukraine
Item 9: The Luke Society
Series 3: DVDs
Box 2
Item 10: Shalom Prayer Testimonies
Item 11: The Forgotten Ones (Korean Ministry)
Item 12: Luke Society International Conference --- 1990