Collection Overview
Title: Dean for Multicultural Affairs
ID: CU/C3/C3.18
Extent: 0.0
Formerly 3.6.1 Director of Academic Multicultural Affairs - See also C7.7.8
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Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1252],
Box 1194],
Box 1267],
- Box 1252
- Folder 3
- Item 1: National Christian Multicultural Student Leadership Conference Planning Committee, minutes --- 1994
- Item 2: National Christian Multicultural Student Leadership Conference Planning Committee, back-up documents --- 1994
- Item 3: “Beyond Celebration: Embracing God’s Justice,” Conference Brochure --- 1995
- Item 4: “Beyond Celebration: Embracing God’s Justice,” Schedule --- 1995
- Item 5: “Beyond Celebration: Embracing God’s Justice,” Speakers --- 1995
- Item 6: Conference Evaluations --- undated
- Folder 4: Correspondence: 1987-1989 --- 1987-1989
- Folder 5: Correspondence: Randal Jelks --- 1993-2004
- Folder 6: African and African Diaspora Studies - Application for, assessments of, and grants given for new minor; Report of Mid-Grant Evaluation Visit --- 2004-2006, 2005
- Folder 7
- Item 1: African and African Diaspora Studies Program Initiatives and Building --- 2002
- Item 2: Proposal for and Details of Off-Campus Semester Program in Ghana --- 2005
- Folder 8: African and African-American Studies (AAAS) - Program Proposal for Interdisciplinary Minor --- 2004
- Box 1194
- Folder 1
- Item 1: Chart: "The Evolution of Multicultural Initiatives since the Comprehensive Plan" --- 1985-1998
- Item 2: A Draft Prefacing Issues before the Multicultural Affairs Committee --- 1999
- Folder 2: A Consultation of African American Christian Scholars in Higher Education: Integrating Faith and the Scholarly Disciplines, Proposal and Reports --- 2001-2004
- (Funded by Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship)
- Folder 3: 1988 Fall Report --- 1988
- Folder 4: Grant Proposals to Ford Foundation: "Faith-Based College/Community Partnerships: Educational Opportunity for Minority Youth" --- 1998-1999
- Folder 5: Graduate Fellowship Program for Ethnic Minority Persons --- 1986-1989
- Folder 6: Linking Precollege Programming to Urban Churches: Program Description; Program Descriptions: Seminar 1997-98, Summer Journeys; Adventures in Education Program Descriptions --- 1996-1999, 1997-1998, undated
- Folder 7: Minority Faculty Recruitment Progress Reports, Lists of Minority Faculty/Staff --- 1985-1991
- Folder 8
- Item 1: Multicultural Affairs Committee State of the College Report --- 2001-2010
- 2001-2002,2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2010
- Item 2: Multicultural Progress of the College Annual Report --- 1998-1999
- Folder 9: Multicultural Affairs - resources --- 2006
- Folder 10: Necessities for an effective affirmative action plan --- undated
- Folder 11: Observations --- 1990
- Folder 12: Proposal for funding of project "In-charge" --- 1988
- Folder 13: Proposal for Interdisciplinary Minor in African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) --- 2003
- Folder 14: Recommendations for Calvin based upon the civil rights in higher education; final report --- 1989
- Folder 15
- Item 1: 4-S: Select Student Support Services Program: Proposal Abstract for Assistantship Program for Academic Engagement to Increase Retention --- 1999-2000
- Proposal Abstract for Leadership Academy
- Item 2: Proposal Abstract for Leadership Academy --- 2001-2002
- Folder 16: State of the college submissions from various departments to MAC for State of the College Report --- 2004-2005
- Folder 17
- Item 1: Stepping East: Asian Studies at Calvin College - A Proposal to the Freeman Foundation --- 2001
- Item 2: A Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Proposal to Points of Life Foundation --- 1998
- Folder 18: Supplemental Plan for the Recruitment of Ethnic Minority Students --- 1989
- Folder 19
- Item 1: African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) Minor: Pamphlet --- 2004
- Item 2: African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) Minor: "Minds in the Making" Advertisement Describing Program Minor --- 2004
- Folder 20: Calvin College Graduate Study Fellowship Program for Prospective Minority Faculty Members, Brochures --- undated
- Folder 21: The Ephesian moment --- 2002
- Folder 22
- Item 1: Flyers: Faculty and Staff Development Workshops --- 2008 May
- Item 2: Flyers: Anti-Racism Day --- 2008 September
- Folder 23: From Every Nation --- 2003, 2004
- Folder 24: From Every Nation Symposium on Race --- 2007 March
- Folder 25: A Comparison: From Every Nation (2003) and The Comprehensive Plan for Integrating North American Ethnic (1985) --- 1985, 2003
- Box 1267
- Folder 1
- Item 1: Admissions brochures: "The Kingdom of God.." --- 2010
- Item 2: Admissions brochures: "Let’s Connect" --- undated
- Folder 2: Multicultural Resources --- 2006
- Folder 3: Reconciliation & Restoration Reading Group: "Silent Racism: How Well-Meaning White People Perpetuate the Racial Divide" --- 2008 September-2008 November
- By Barbara Trepagnier
- Folder 4: Announcement, Talking Points, vol. 1, no. 1 - vol. 1, no. 7 --- 2006 October-2007 April, May
- http://www.calvin.edu/admin/provost/multicultural/talkingpoints.html
- Folder 5: Talking Points, vol. 2, no. 1 - vol. 4. No. 1 --- 2007 October-2011 September, 2015 May
- Access Restriction: Committee terminated, 2015 May
- Folder 6: Workplan and Accountability Measures for African and African Diaspora Studies; Course Proposals for AADS Minor; AADS sponsored events posters --- 2005-2006
Browse by Box:
Box 1252],
Box 1194],
Box 1267],