Title: Frisian Information Bureau Collection, 1848-1986
Frisian Information Bureau is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of a better knowledge of Greater Friesland. The collection consists of extensive correspondence with B. J. Fridsma, articles, scrapbook, clippings, notes, poems, pamphlets, plays, papers, and periodicals: Frisian News Items, (Louis P. De Boer, B. J. Fridsma, editors); Sljucht en Rjucht; Eachweid; fen Fryske groun.
Administrative/Biographical History
Lolle P. de Boer and Bernard J. originally organized the Frisian Information Bureau. Fridsma in 1943. De Boer was librarian, bibliographer, and genealogist, while Fridsma was a faculty member of Calvin College. The mission of the Frisian Information Bureau was to promote and support awareness of Frisian life and culture. The Bureau did this by having a monthly bulletin called, the Frisian News Items. They also offered a book service and a loan library, which supplied articles about Frisian culture. The Frisian Information Bureau was supported by contributions and was a nonprofit organization.