Spoelhof Institute fpr Christian Leadership in Business
Teacher Education
"Credimus Ut Intelligamus," Student Club
"Do Ut Detis"
"Fas Et Jus," Christian Political Society
"The Blotter"
125th Anniversary Committee
A. Diekema Evaluation Committee
A. J. Rooks
A. J. Rooks, 1900-1918
Walter Aardsma Collection
Abuse Prevention
Academic Advising Committee
Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs
Academic Committee
Academic Council
Academic Dean, Division of Arts, Languages, and Education
Academic Dean, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Academic Dean, Division of Social Sciences and Contextual Disciplines 2011
Academic Events
Academic Standards
Accreditation Self-Studies
Walter H. Ackerman Collection
Acquisitions Librarian
Ad Hoc Christian Schooling Exceptions Review Committee
Ad Hoc Committee on Alternative Housing
Ad Hoc Committee On Quebec Seminary (Institut Farel)
Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Life
Ad Hoc Off Campus Programs
Ad Hoc Off-Campus, Foreign Study Programs Committee
Ad-Hoc for the Study of Disciplinary Matters (See C2.1.7, Discipline)
AdHoc Building Committee
AdHoc Curriculum Committee
Administration and Finance
Administration and Finance
Home Missions: Administrative Files
World Missions: Administrative Files
Adminstration, Finance, and Information Services (AF & IS) Committee
Admissions and Recruitment
Admissions Counselors
Adult and Continuing Education
Adult and Continuing Education
Adult and Continuing Education Committee (Formerly: CAP, Calvin Accelerated Program)
Adult and Summer Programs Coordinator
Advancement Committee
Advisory Committee On Mission Matters
Advisory Committee on Seminary Program
Advisory on Property and Finance
Advisory on Property and Finance
African and African Diaspora minor (reports to C3.18)
Agenda For Synod 1978
Agenda For Synod 1984
Agenda For Synod 1986
Agenda For Synod 1988
Agenda For Synod 1989
Agenda For Synod 1990
Agenda For Synod 1991
Agenda For Synod 1992
Agenda For Synod 1993
Agenda For Synod 1994
Agenda For Synod 1995
Agenda For Synod 1997
Agenda For Synod 1998
Agenda For Synod 1999
Agenda For Synod 2000
Henry Ahuis Papers
Alberta North
Alberta South
Alberta South/Saskatchewan
All College Discipline Committee
All Ontario Diaconal Conference
Alliance of Institutions for Christian Higher Education
Alliance of Reformed Churches Collection
Herman Alofs Collection
Alternative Meal Program Committee
Animal Care and Use Committee
Anthony J. Diekema, 1976-1995
Anthony J. Diekema, 1976-1995
Bernard J. Apol Collection
Appellate Board Committee
Appointment of College Pastor
Appointment of Librarian
Appointments Re: Rules for Seminary Appointments
Architectural Maintenance Supervisor
Area and Periodic Studies Committee
David A. Armour Collection
Arrangements and Hospitality Subcommittee
Art and Art History
Asian Studies major (reports to C3.3)
Assistant Controller
Assistant Director of CAP
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Assistant Director of International Admissions
Assistant Director of Physical Plant
Assistant Directors of Admissions
Assistant Library Director/College
Assistant Library Director/Seminary
Assistant Theological Librarian and Curator of H.H. Meeter Center
Assistant to the Vice President
Assistants to the President
Associate Director for Academic Services, Pedagogy
Associate Director for Academic Services, Registrar
Associate Director of Admissions
Associate Director of Planned Giving
Association for Public Justice
Association for the Advancement of Dutch-American Studies
Association of Christian Reformed Laymen Collection
Athletic Association
Atlantic Northeast
Atlantic Northeast Diaconal Conference
Attendance for appointment Clerk Position
Audio-Visual Services
Audit Committee
Audit Committee
Automation Librarian
AV Graphic Services
Available Housing Space
Henry E. Avink Collection
Marvin C. Baarman Collection
Van Cleaf Bachman Collection
Back To God Hour Committee
Back to God Ministries International
Henry Baker Collection
Andrew J. Bandstra Collection
Andrew E. Barnes Collection
Henry J. Baron Collection
Ford Lewis Battles Collection
Herman Bavinck Collection
Baxter Community Center Association Collection
Henry Beets Collection
Bernard John Bennink Collection
Bethesda Hospital Collection
Marenus J. Beukema Collection
Henricus Beuker Collection
Nicholas H. Beversluis Collection
Bi-National Staff
Marilyn R. Bierling Collection
Bike Club
Black Enrollment
Ralph Blocksma Collection
Board Development
Board Development
Board of Trustee Committee of Inspection
Board of Trustee Committee of Inspection
Board of Trustee CRCNA-Michigan Corporation
Board of Trustees
Board Of Trustees Ad Hoc Committees
Board of Trustees CRCNA - Canada Corporation
Board of Trustees Executive Committee
Board of Trustees Subcommittees
Board Special Committee, Report
Board Structure
Board-Faculty Study Re: Principles and Practices in Appointments
Lillian Bode Collection
Mark Boekelman Collection
Peter A. Boelens Papers
Geert (Gerrit) Egberts Boer Collection
Harry Reinier Boer Collection
Jan H. Boer Collection
Gerrit B. Boerfyn Collection
Pierson G. Boermans Collection
Edgar Boevé Collection
John A. Bolt Collection
John Bolt Collection
Ralph Bolt Collection
David Douwe Bonnema Collection
Henry Bonnema Collection
Clarence Boomsma Collection
Juan Samuel Boonstra Collection
Ann Marie Bos Collection
Bert P. Bos Collection
John R. Bos Collection
Thomas Boslooper Collection
Jacob H. Bosscher Collection
Clarence Bouma Collection
H. Donald Bouma Collection
Gerard Bouma Collection
Hessel Bouma, III Collection
William Brashler Collection
Dirk Dirksz Brat Collection
Albert H. Bratt Collection
Dirk H. Bratt and Family Collection
Hero Bratt Collection
John H. Bratt Collection
Murvel Bratt Collection
Quirinus Breen Collection
Emily Brink Papers
J.R. Brink Collection
John W. Brink Collection
Leonard P. Brink Collection
Herbert J. Brinks Collection
British Columbia
BC North-West
BC South-East
Albert E. Broene Collection
Geert Broene Collection
Herman H. Broene Collection
Ralph Bronkema Collection
Jacob Brouwer Collection
Tony Brouwer Collection
Martha Bruinooge Collection
Henry A. Bruinsma Collection
Anthony Brummelkamp Collection
Brandt Bruxvoort Collection
Budget Committee
Building Committee for the New Seminary Building
Building Dedication/Activities Committee
Building Needs/Facility Planning Committee
Building Safety - Hiemenga/Library
Building Safety Committee
Buildings and Campus (Dormitory)
Buildings and Campus (Main Buildings and Dorm on Franklin Campus)
Conrad Bult Collection
Fredrica De Jong Bult Collection
Harry Bultema Collection
Glenn Bulthuis Collection
Bunker Interpretive Center
Business (Separated from C9.7 Economics, 2007 Fall, Reports to C3.3)
Business Administration Program Development
Bruce Martin Buursma Collection
William D. Buursma Collection
Annette Buurstra Collection
Gary Byker Collection
John Byleveld Collection
Grace Bytwerk Photo Album
California South
The Calvary CRC Ottowa (East); Calvin CRC, Ottowa (West); and Community CRC, Kanata Churches
Calvary Rehabilitation Center Collection
Calvin Accelerated Program (CAP) [Continued from C12.67 Ad Hoc Committee on Degree Completion Programs]
Calvin Alumni Players
Calvin Alumni Theatre Company
Calvin and Calvinism Study Center
Calvin Anniversary
Calvin Anti-Racism Team (CART)
Calvin Association for Political Awareness (CAPA)
Calvin Business Forum
Calvin Calvinism Collection
Calvin Campaign Committee
Calvin Centennial
Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship
Calvin Center for Faith and Writing
Calvin Center for Innovation in Business
Calvin College Alumni Association Board, invitation lists
Calvin College and Seminary Lecture Series
Calvin College Chimes
Calvin College Commuter Committee
Calvin College Computer Camps
Calvin College Dance Guild
Calvin College Dialogue
Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Press
Calvin College Prism
Calvin College Student Senate
Calvin College Women’s Guild
Calvin Department of Nursing
Calvin Film Arts Committee
Calvin Forum
Calvin Foundation
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Calvin Lectures Committee
Calvin Media Productions
Calvin Mission Society [Mission Club, Mission Study Club]
Calvin Multicultural Year
Calvin Oratorio Society
Calvin Prison Initiative (Umbrella which administers the ministry program minor)
Calvin Revival Basketball
Calvin Student Alumni Association
Calvin Women’s Association
Calvin-Hope Athletics scrapbook
Calvin’s Crossing [Pedestrian Bridge] Dedication
Calvinist Cadet Corps
Calvinistic Philosophy Club
Calvinistic Propaganda Club
Camp Rogers Collection
Campus Accessible Advisory (Formerly Campus Accessibility Advisory)
Campus Development Campaign Committee
Campus Ministries
Campus Planning
Canada Office
Canadian Board
Canadian Director of Ministries
The Canadian Federation of Christian Reformed Women
Canadian Ministries Board
Capital Funds Campaign
Capital Funds Campaign
Card Access
Carpet and Tile Supervisor
Cataloging Librarian
Cayvan Manager
Llewellyn L. Cayvan Collection
Centennial Celebration Committee
Centennial Missions Scholarship Committee
Centennial Missions Scholarship Committee
Center for Public Justice [US] and Committee for Justice and Liberty Foundation [Canada] Collection
Center for Social Research
Central California
Central Plains
John N. Cevaal Postage Stamp Collection
Chair of Missions in Calvin Seminary
Chapel Committee
Chapel Planning Advisory
Chapel Study Advisory
Chapel Study Committee
Chaplain Committee
Chaplaincy Ministries
Charismatic Fellowship Letter
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Chicago Calvinist
Chicago Cinder and Truck Owners Association Collection
Chicago North
Chicago South
Christian Association for Psychological Studies Collection
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Christian Farmers Federation Collection
Christian Health Care Center, Wyckoff, NJ
Christian Labor Association of the USA
Christian Labour Association of Canada
Christian Perspectives on Learning
Christian Reformed Bible Conference
Christian Reformed Campus Ministry Association
Christian Reformed Church Cooperative Medical and Hospital Society
Christian Reformed Church Loan Fund, Inc. U.S.
Christian Reformed Churches of Greater Edmonton
Christian Reformed Conference Grounds
Christian Reformed Laymen's League
Christian Reformed Ministers Institute
Christian Reformed Scrapbook Collection
Christian Renewal
Christian School Papers Collection
Christian Scientific Symposium Advisory Committee
Church And Film Arts Committee
Church Extension And Neighborhood Evangelism
Church Loan Fund
Church Order Revision Committee
Church Order Revision Committee
City Mission Board
City of Refuge Collection
Civil War Collection
Class Visits
Classical Languages (Reports to C3.2)
Classroom Visitation
Clean Water Institute of Calvin College
Clerk of The Synod
Clerk of the Synod
Co-Directors of Service Learning Center (Formerly: KIDS and Student Volunteer Service)
Coach Homes in the Woods
Hendrik de Cock Collection
Coffee Break Ministries
College Advancement Division
College Architect
College Chapel Building
College President
College Relations
College Store
College Store Committee (Formerly Bookstore Committee)
College-Business Interaction Seminars
Commencement Committee
Committee (Hired) To Implement Reorganization Plan (CHIRP)
Committee #1, #2
Committee #1, #2
Committee #3
Committee #3
Committee #4
Committee #4
Committee Concerning Housing Regulations
Committee Educational Assistance To Churches Abroad [CEACA]
Committee For 125TH Anniversary
Committee For Birth Control Testimony
Committee For Netherlands Relief
Committee For Organization of Church Order
Committee For Sermons For Reading Services
Committee For Structure For Ministry In Canada
Committee For Theological Education In Quebec
The Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church Collection
Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church in North America
Committee Investigating the Grievance Letter of the "Sacred Seven"
Committee of Concerned Members of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
Committee of Mixed Marriage
Committee of Ten
Committee on Admissions
Committee On Bible Translation
Committee on Building Funds
Committee On Church Membership of Baptized Members
Committee on Committees
Committee on Core Courses
Committee On Education
Committee on Educational Assessment
Committee on Faculty Appointments
Committee on Governance (Faculty Goverance Committee, Formerly Committee on Committees)
Committee on Governance
Committee On Immigration
Committee On Lapsed Membership
Committee On Liturgical Form Revision
Committee On Marriage
Committee On Methods of Procedure
Committee On Neo-Pentecostalism
Committee On New Translation of Heidelberg Catechism
Committee On Physical, Emotional, And Sexual Abuse
Committee On Proof Texts For Heidelberg Catechism
Committee On Public Worship
Committee on Scholarships and Financial Aid
Committee On Structure Review
Committee On Synodical Decisions And Confessions
Committee On The Supervision of The Indian And Mexican Mission Fields
Committee On The Use of Women's Gifts In Church
Committee On Translation of Belgic Confession
Committee On Translation of Church Order And Confessions
Committee On Unionism And Unions
Committee On Unions And Unionism
Committee On Worldly Amusements
Committee re Diamond Jubilee
Committee re: Introduction of Astronomy and Geology into Curriculum
Committee To Deal With Sioux Center, IA
Committee To Investigate Marital Status of E. Bos
Committee To Investigate Seminary Situation
Committee To Provide Guidelines For Alternate Routes To Ministry
Committee To Review Appointing Ethics Advisors To Synod
Committee To Review CRC Position On Women In Office
Committee To Review Decision Re: Women In Office
Committee To Study Children At The Lord's Supper
Committee To Study Christian Day School Education
Committee To Study Church Education
Committee To Study Church Order Article 13a
Committee To Study Church Order Section Iv
Committee To Study Headship
Committee To Study Infallibility And Inspiration
Committee To Study Jewish Evangelism
Committee To Study Junior Colleges
Committee to Study Junior Colleges
Committee To Study Methods For Examining Candidates
Committee To Study Missions Principles
Committee To Study Physical, Emotional, And Sexual Abuse
Committee To Study Restorative Justice
Committee To Study Structure of The CRC
Committee To Study The Appeal Process
Committee To Study The Authority And Function of Deacons
Committee To Study War & Peace
Committee to study Writings of Van Till, Young, and Menninga
Common Grace Committee
Communal Covenantal Commitment (CCC) Task Force
Communicable Disease Prevention
Communication Arts and Sciences (Reports to C3.2)
Presidential Search Committee Ad Hoc Committee (Boer)
Communications Board (See also formerly C11.33 Student Publications Committee)
Computer and Technology Facilities
Computer Science (Reports to C3.4)
Computer Services Committee
Concerned Christian Citizens
Confer with the Board of the Western Christian High School
Conference on Reformed Evangelism
Conferring of the Th.D. Degree at Calvin Seminary
Congregational & Ministry Studies (Reports to C3.3)
Connections: A Baroque Festival Year
Conrad and Dee Bult Postcard Collection
Constitutional Study Committee
Contact Committee With Protestant Reformed Church
Contemporary Testimony Committee
Convocation Committee
Henrietta Hospers Cook Collection
Cooperation between Calvin College and NUCS
Coordinated Services Committee
Coordinator of Academic Advising
Coordinator of Admission Assistants and Interns
Coordinator of Fridays at Calvin
Copy Center Supervisor
Core Curriculum
Carlos M. Cortina Collection
Council of Christian Reformed Churches In Canada
Council of Christian Reformed Churches of Greater Toronto
Council of Reformed Charities Collection
Counseling and Guidance
Course of Study
Bernice Couzynse Collection
COVID Response Team
CRCNA Foundation
Criminal Justice Chaplaincy Collection
Cross-cultural Engagement Committee
Crossing Latin Borders
Cultural Affairs
Cultural Affairs Coordinating Council
Curator of Archives
Curator of Archives Search Committee
Curriculum Center
Curriculum Revision Committee
Curriculum Revision Committee
Curriculum Study
Janel Curry-Roper Collection
John T. Daling Collection
Dance Committee
Dancing at Calvin
Ralph John Danhof Collection
Dirk De Beer Collection
John Lester De Beer Collection
Jesse De Boer Collection
Peter (1908-1979) De Boer Collection
Peter Pousma De Boer Collection
Willis De Boer Papers
Helenius De Cock Collection
Renze De Groot Collection
David Howard De Heer Collection
David Cornel De Jong Collection
Frank De Jong Collection
Gabriel D. De Jong Collection
Gerald Francis De Jong Collection
John Doedes De Jong Collection
Meindert De Jong Collection
Peter Yemen De Jong Collection
Walter A. De Jong Collection
James John De Jonge Collection
Peter De Klerk Collection
Paul De Koekkoek Collection
John Cornelius De Korne Collection
Lester De Koster Collection
Cornelius De Leeuw Collection
Richard De Ridder Collection
Jacobus De Rooy Collection
Peter A. De Vos Collection
Andrew De Vries Collection
Edward De Vries Collection
John De Vries Collection
Peter De Vries Collection
Henry De Wit Collection
Dean for Academic Administration
Dean for Contextual Disciplines and Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Dean for Institutional Effectiveness
Dean for Instruction/Acting Associate Dean for Instruction
Dean for Multicultural Affairs
Dean for Research and Scholarship
Dean for Social Science and Languages, Literature and Arts
Dean for Teacher Education
Dean of Residence Life
Dean of Student Development
Dean of the Chapel
Dean of the Chapel (Position terminated Spring, 2008)
Dedication (Science Building) Program
Dedication of the H. Henry Meeter Calvin and Calvinism Study Center
Degage Ministries Collection
Degree Completion Programs
Harold Dekker Collection
Harry G. Dekker Collection
Ralph Dekker Collection
Simon Dekker Collection
Cornelius T. Demarest Collection
Lawrence Den Besten Collection
Paulus Den Bleyker Collection
James Den Boer Collection
Henry Denkema Collection
Denominational Funding
Denominational Ministries Plan (DMP) Collaboration Team
Denominational Seal Committee
Denver Area Christian Reformed Churches
Der Reformierte Bote
Anna Derks Collection
Leon J. Deur Collection
Development Coordinating Council
Diamond Jubilee Committee
William W. Dieleman Collection
Roelof Diephuis Collection
Director and Counselor in the Broene Center (formerly: Calvin Psychological Institute, 1965-71)
Director of Academic Multicultural Affairs
Director of Academic Technology Services
Director of Academic Writing Program
Director of Admissions
Director of Annual Giving
Director of Art Exhibitions
Director of Art Exhibitions
Director of Assessment and Institutional Research
Director of Business Operations
Director of Calvin Accelerated Program (CAP)
Director of Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship
Director of Campus Safety
Director of Campus Safety
Director of Career Development (FormerlyDirector of Career Services, formerly Placement)
Director of College Relations
Director of Communications
Director of Communications and Marketing
Director of Community Engagement
Director of Conferences and Campus Events
Director of Continuing Education
Director of Continuing Education.
Director of Denominational Ministries
Director of Foundations Relations
Director of Graduate Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Director of Grants Administration
Director of H.H. Meeter Center
Director of Honors Program
Director of Hospitality
Director of Human Resources
Director of Information Systems
Director of Institutional and Enrollment Research
Director of Instructional Resources
Director of Lifelong Education
Director of Lifelong Learning
Director of Major Giving
Director of Media Relations
Director of Multicultural Student Development
Director of Network and Communication Services
Director of Off Campus Programs
Director of Off-Campus Programs
Director of Physical Plant
Director of Placement (See also C8.10 Career Development)
Director of Planned and Major Gifts
Director of Pre-College Programs
Director of Research and Advanced Technology Services
Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid
Director of Social Research Center
Director of Sports Information
Director of Student Academic Services
Director of Student Activities
Director of Summer Developmental Programs
Director of the Hekman Library Committees
Director of the January Series
Director of the January Series (moved to C7.12)
Director of the Lilly Vocation Project
Director of the Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity
Thedford P. Dirkse Collection
Disabilities Team
Disability Concerns
Disability Concerns
Distance Learning Lab
District of Ladies Aids
Division of Contextual Disciplines
Division of Natural Science Planning Commitee
Doctrine of Discovery Taskforce
Documents Librarian
Edward R. Doezema Autograph Collection
Frank Doezema Collection
John Dolfin Collection
Doopleden-Kwestie En Doopwettigheid
Dormitory and Housing
John A. Douglas Collection
Dr. H. Boer Confessional Gravamen Study Committee
Drenthe Presbyterian Church Collection
Daniel Driscoll Collection
Frederick J. Drost Collection
Richard Drost Collection
Douwe R. Drukker Collection
Dutch Immigrant Papers Collection
Dutch International Society Collection
Dutch Reformed Translation Society Collection
Dutch-American Historical Commission Collection
John M. Dykstra Collection
Linda Dykstra Collection
Dynamic Youth Ministries
Earth Day 20 Observance
Eastern Canada
Eastern Historical Committee
Eastern Home Mission Board
Eastern Ontario
Economics, Formerly Economics and Business; for Business Dept. (See C9.26, as of Fall 2007, Reports to C3.3)
Ecosystem Preserve
Ecosystem Preserve Governing Board [Filed under: Ecosystem Preserve C13.6]
Ecumenical Relations Committee
Ecumenical Relations Committee
Education (Reports to C3.2)
Education Committee
Education/Publication Consolidation Study Committee
Educational Development
Educational Development
Educational Policy (see also: C12.21 Core Curriculum-Ad Hoc) http://www.calvin.edu/admin/comm/epc/minutes.htm)
Educational Policy Ad Hoc Committee on Core Curriculum for Conversion to Semester Hours
Educational Policy Ad Hoc Committee on Core Revision (See also: C11.15, C12.21)
Educational Policy Ad Hoc Committee on Writing Program
William B. Eerdmans Collection
William B. Eerdmans, Sr. Collection
Elizabeth Eggebeen Collection
Vernon J. Ehlers Collection
Bernard H. Einink Collection
Peter Ekster Collection
Peter Eldersveld Collection
Diet Eman Collection
Emeritation of Professors
Energy and Environmental Sustainability Committee (Name changed from Environmental Stewardship Committee)
Energy Management Supervisor
Engineering (Reports to C3.4)
English (Reports to C3.2)
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as a Second Language (ESL) Ad Hoc Committee
Enrollment Management
Enrollment Management
Enrollment Management Committee
Julia Ensink Collection
Environmental Health and Safety
Environmental Health and Safety Officer
Environmental Science major (reports to C3.4)
Samuel J. Escobar Collection
Events Advisory Committee
Examination Fees
Executive Associate to the President
Executive Board
Executive Committee
Executive Committee of Division of Contextual Disciplines
Executive Director (General Secretary, Stated Clerk)
Executive Director of Alumni and Public Relations
Executive Director of Ministries
Henry Exoo Collection
Expanded Mission Statement
External Relations and Development
External Relations and Development
Facilitation Team
Facilities Task Force (FTF) [AKA Master Plan Committee]
Faculty Academic Enrichment Fund (Formerly Faculty Summer Study Aid Committee)
Faculty Appointment
Faculty Development
Faculty Development Seminars
Faculty Organization Study (FOSCO)
Faculty Research
Faculty Seminar
Faculty Social and Special Activities
Faculty Teaching
Faith Alive
Faith Formation Committee
Feasibility of reopening Negotiations with Calvin Congregation on Sale of Land
Federal Loan Officer
Federation of Christian Reformed Men's Societies
Film Advisory (Formerly Film Arts)
Film Study Committee
Finance And Administration
Finance Committee
Finance Committee
Finance, Board of Finance
Finance, Board of Finance
Fine Arts Association
Fine Arts Fellowship
Fine Arts Guild
First Orthodox Protestant Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI Collection
Dirk Flietstra Collection
Lambert J. Flokstra Collection
Folk Rock
Food Service
Form For Erasure of Members Committee
Form of Subscription
Karl Wilhelm Fortuin Collection
Franklin Campus Sale Committee
Frederik Meijer Chair in Dutch Language and Culture
French (Reports to C3.2)
Fridsma Antique Prints Collection
Bernard J. Fridsma Collection
Jacob Fridsma Collection
William Fridsma Collection
Friends of American Business
Friends of the University of Mkar Collection
Friendship Series
Frisian Information Bureau Collection
From Every Nation
Herman Fryling Collection
Fund for Smaller Churches
Fund For Smaller Churches Committee
Future Teachers Club [Phi Tau Kappa]
Gabriel Dooitze DeJong Chapel
Gainey Institute for Faith and Communication Governing Board
Annemieke Galema Collection
Gamma Beta Theta
Herman Ganzevoort Collection
Gaylen Byker Inauguration Steering Committee
Gaylen J Byker, 1995-2012
M.D. Glenn W. Geelhoed Collection
Harold Paul Geerdes Collection
Gender Concerns Task Force
Gender Equity
Gender Studies minor (reports to C3.18)
Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies (Reports to C3.2)
German Immigrant Papers Collection
Germanic and Asian Languages and Literature (Reports to C3.2)
Girls Christian Fellowship Club
Glenn Oakes East
Global Studies minor
Herman Goodyke Collection
Marinus Goote Collection
George Goris Collection
Graduate Program Development and Assessment (GPDA) [Formerly: Graduate Studies]
Graduate Studies Committee
Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids Area Center for Ecumenism (GRACE) Collection
Grand Rapids Area Ministries (GRAM)
Grand Rapids Calvinist Cadet Council
Grand Rapids East
Grand Rapids Gospel Workers Conference
Grand Rapids Missionary Alliance
Grand Rapids North
Grand Rapids South
Grand Rapids West
Grants Writer
Greater Los Angeles
Charles Greenfield Collection
Roger Greenway Collection
Greg Elzinga, Interim President
Sidney Greidanus Papers
Samuel E. Greydanus Collection
Sytze Elo Greydanus Collection
Donald J. Griffioen Collection
John Gritter Collection
Groen van Prinsterer Society
Edward Groenboom Collection
Roelof and Geertje Groenink Collection
Lini R. Grol Collection
Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Johannes H. Gruessing Collection
Guest List Subcommittee
John Guichelaar Collection
Guild of Calvinist Scholars
Gysbert Japiks: Christian Frisian Society Collection
H. Henry Meeter Center
Gijsbert Haan Collection
John Hanenburg Collection
Haven Family Collection
William Haverkamp Collection
John P. Hazenberg Collection
Health Science Program Committee
Health Services Nurse Director
John Heath-Stubbs Collection
Hekman Library
Hekman Library Automation (Ad Hoc)
Hekman Library Committees
Help Desk
Gerrit Klaas Hemkes Collection
William Hendricks Collection
William Hendriksen Collection
Henry Schultze, 1940-1951
Henry Schultze, 1940-1951
Paul B. Henry Papers
Valentine Hepp Collection
Titus Heyboer Collection
Ralph Heynen Collection
Garrett Heyns Collection
Roger William Heyns Collection
William Heyns Collection
William L. Hiemstra Collection
Jacob Van Hinte Collection
Historical Committee
Historical Committee
Historical Resources
History (Reports to C3.3)
Anthony Andrew Hoekema Collection
Ruth Brink Hoekema Collection
Klaas Hoeksema Collection
Johannes B. Hoekstra Collection
Peter A. Hoekstra Collection
Peter Hoekstra Collection
Tymen E. Hofman Collection
Holland Christian Home
Holland Christian Homes (Brampton, ON)
Holland Home
Holland Mutual Burying Fund
Holland-Zeeland Deacons Conference
Holland, MI Inter NOS
Luurt Holstein Collection
Henry Holtvluwer Collection
John J. Holwerda Collection
John T. Holwerda Collection
Home Missions
Home Missions Publications
Homecoming Committee
Homosexuality and Community Life Working Group (HCL)
Honors Program
Case Hoogendoorn Collection
Jacob Tunis Hoogstra Collection
Arthur William Hoogstrate Collection
Gilbert Hopman Collection
Hospitality Committee
Housekeeping/Supplies Supervisor
John Adrian Houseward Collection
Melvin Dale Hugen Collection
Marie Huibregtse Collection
Albert Huisjen Collection
Bartel N. Huizenga Collection
James Huizenga Collection
John R. Huizenga Collections
Lee S. Huizenga Collection
Martin Huizenga Collection
Tena Alta Huizenga Collection
Elmer Huizinga Collection
Henry Hulst Collection
Dr. John B. Hulst Collection
John B. Hulst Collection
John Hulst Collection
Lammert Jan Hulst Collection
Hunger Awareness Committee
Albert Hyma Collection
IDIS Individually designed interdisciplinary majors (reports to C3.4)
Immigration Committee For Canada
Inaugural Ceremonies Subcommittee
Inaugural Gala Subcommittee
Independent Christian Reformed Church of Cutlerville Collection
Individual Papers Collection
Individual Presidents' Records
Individual Presidents
Information Services (Formerly: Computer Services)
Information Services (continuation of C11.14)
Inner Compass
Institutional BioSafety Review Board
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Instructional Resource Center Committee
Insurance Coverage at Calvin College and Seminary
Inter Agency Advisory Council
Interagency Task Force On Constitution
Interim Term (Formerly: Interim Program)
International Development Studies (IDS) major (reports to C3.3)
International Management Team
International Programs Endowment Subcommittee
International Relations
Peter Ipema Collection
Henry P. Ippel Collection
IRM Matters
Harm J. Israël Collection
Cornelius Jaarsma Collection
Henry G. Jager Collection
Clarence Jalving Collection
Janssen Investigation Committee
Ralph Janssen Collection
Dirk William Jellema Collection
Roderick H. Jellema Collection
William Harry Jellema Collection
Robin Jensen Collection
Johannes Broene, 1925-1930 (first term)
Johannes Broene, 1925-1930 (first term)
Johannes Broene, 1939-1940 (second term)
Johannes Broene, 1939-1940 (second term)
John J Hiemenga, 1919-1925
John J Hiemenga, 1919-1925
John L. Ubels
John Lagerwey Collection
Joint Commission To Study Theology And Evangelism
Joint Committee on Seminary Program (JCSP)
Joint Faculty Evaluation
Joint Faculty Meetings
Joint Ministries Management Committee
Remmelbert August Jongbloed Collection
Peter Jonker Jr. Collection
Bartel J. Jonkman Collection
Judicial Code Committee
Junior College in the Midwest
Kalamazoo Christian Reformed Mission Board
Kalamazoo Diaconal Conference
Wilhemina Kalsbeek Collection
George Kamp Collection
Corrine E. Kass Collection
Henry Keegstra Collection
Andrew Keizer Collection
Garrett Kempers Collection
Jan Kerssies Collection
Kindred Spirits of Conblo
Kinesiology Department
Fred Klooster Collection
Knickerbocker Club
George Knol and Family Collection
Knollcrest Worship
Edward J. Knott Collection
Bernard Kok Collection
Irene Konyndyk Collection
J. Peter E. Kooi Collection
Elbert Kooistra Collection
Remkes Kooistra Collection
Korean In America (Ko-Am)
Hans Krabbendam Collection
Kramer Family Collection
Carl G. Kromminga Collection
Diedrich H. Kromminga Collection
Johanna A. Kromminga Collection
Barend Klass Kuiper Collection
Henry J. Kuiper Collection
Herman Kuiper Collection
Klaas Kuiper Collection
Roelof Times Kuiper Collection
Cornelius Kuipers Collection
Jack B. Kuipers Collection
John W. Kuipers Collection
William Kuipers Collection
Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning
Martin La Marie Collection
Walter Lagerwey Collection
Lake Erie
Lake Superior
Jacob Justin Lamberts Collection
Laymen's Information Agency Committee
League of Reformed Men's Societies
Lecture Committee (Formerly Lectureship Council)
Library Building
Linguistics Committee
Liturgical Committee
Liturgical Committee
Liturgical Form Revision Committee
Loan Fund, INC.
John Christian Lobbes Collection
Logan Street Covenant House
Long-Range Computer-use
Long-Range Planning Committee
Long-Range Planning Committee
Luke Society Collection
MA In Christian Studies (MACS)
Mail Service Supervisor
Manager of Retiree and Volunteer Services
Frederick Feikema Manfred Collection
George M. Marsden Collection
John Henry Martens Collection
Edward Johann Masselink Collection
John Masselink Collection
William Masselink Collection
Master of Arts in Teaching Advisory Committee (MAT)
Master Plan Advisory
Master Plan Advisory
Mathematics and Statistics (Reports to C3.4)
Herman Mayer Collection
MCC Ministry Team
Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor
Julius Medenblik Collection
John Medendorp Collection
Harm Henry Meeter Collection
John E. Meeter Collection
Hendrik G. Meijer Collection
Mel Trotter Ministries Records
Mellema Program in Western American Studies
Men’s Glee Club
Men’s Literary Club
Clarence Menninga Collection
Mentoring Program Coordinator (Formerly Coordinator for Christian Formation Through Mentoring)
John Meppelink Collection
Armand Merizon Collection
Marguerite Beth Merizon Collection
Method of Appointment and Tenure of Office of Seminary Professors
Grace Meyers Collection
Kathlyn Meyers Collection
Michael K. Le Roy, 2012-2022
Micheal Le Roy, 1995-2022
Midwest Sunday School Association
William Mierop Collection
Charles J. Miller Collection
Ministerial Conference of Classis Eastern Ontario
Ministers Pension Fund
Ministers' Pension and Insurance
Ministries Administrative Council (MAC)
Ministries Advancement Team
Ministries Coordinating Council
Ministries Policy Council
Ministries Policy Council
Ministry Plan Advisory Group (Followed Revision Team)
Ministry Plan Team (MPT)
Minnesota North
Minnesota South
Minority Concerns Ad Hoc Committee
Minority Concerns Monitoring Ad Hoc Committee
Minority Concerns Task Force
Minority Student Conference
Mission Course
Home Missions: Mission Fields
Edwin Ype Monsma Collection
John Clover Monsma Collection
Martin Monsma Collection
Timothy M. Monsma Collection
Richard J. Mouw Collection
Mrs. Kromminga, et al.
William Muller Collection
Multicultural Affairs Committee
Multicultural Lectureship Committee
Music (Reports to C3.2)
Nagel Family Collection
Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity
Naming College Buildings
Naming College Buildings
Nature and Scripture Club
Netherland-American Mutual Burial Fund
Netherlands Information Service Collection
Netherlands-American Bicentennial Commission Collection
The Network
Network/Server Operations Center
New Calvin Literary Magazine
New Confessions Committee
Dirk Nieland Collection
Nomination for the Seminary Presidency
Nominations of Professors
Nominations of Professors
Helen J. Noordewier Collection
Jacob Noordewier Collection
North Central Association’s Report of Calvin College Review Visit
Northcentral Iowa
Northern Illinois
Northern Michigan
Frederick Nymeyer Collection
Johanna Damkot Obrink Collection
Off Campus Programs
Office of Christian Formation
Office of President in Relation to Professorship in the College and Presidential Housing
Office of Social Justice, Also Known As:  Office of Social Justice And Hunger Action
Ohio Consistorial Conference
Hattie Oldenburg Collection
John Harry Olthoff Collection
Online Academic Quality Committee
Ontario Southwest
Wybren Hotze Oord Collection
Gordon Oosterman Collection
George Oppenhuizen Collection
Donald Oppewal Collection
Orange City
Orientation Committee
Clifton J. Orlebeke Collection
J. Orlebeke Collection
Ottowa Region of Christian Reformed Ladies Societies
Our Christian Youth
Chris Stoffel Overvoorde Collection
Douglas Seymour Paauw Collection
Pacific Hanmi
Pacific Hanmi Monitoring Committee
Pacific Northwest
Paint and Wallpaper Supervisor
Panel on Harassment
Parent Relations Office
Particular Synods
Pastoor Brothers Collection
Pastor-Church Relations
Pastor-Church Relations
Pastor-Church Relations Committee
Pastoral Ministries
Pastoral Ministries
Pathways International
Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics
Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics, Governing Board
Payroll Coordinator
Bernard Pekelder Collection
Pen Queens Collection
World Missions: Personnel Files
Leo Peters Collection
Barney Peterson Collection
Philosophy (Reports to C3.3)
Physical Science and Teacher Education
Physics and Astronomy (Reports to C3.4)
Pierion Club
Albertus Pieters Collection
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services Collection
Frederick Walker Pitkin Collection
Planning and Priorities (Formerly: Priorities Committee)
Planning and Priorities (See: C11.11)
Planning Committee for Jubilee: A Centennial Convocation
Planning Committee for Provost Gordon Van Harn Farewell and Symposium
Alvin C. Plantinga Collection
Plato Club
Peter Plug Collection
Abel Poel Collection
Policy Concerning the Granting of Leaves of Absence
Political Activities of College Professors
Political Science (Reports to C3.3)
Bertus Frederick Polman Collection
Lee R. Pool Collection
Mary Pos Collection
E. R. Post Collection
Eunice Post Collection
John Post Collection
Richard Postma Collection
Pre-Architecture Advisory Committee
Pre-Med-Dental Advisory Committee
Pre-Seminary Recommendations
President Byker’s Farewell
President Le Roy’s Inauguration
President’s Cabinet (Formerly Administrative Council; Changed name under President Byker, 1995)
Presidential Breakfast Subcommittee
Presidential Committee
Presidential Farewell Committee
Presidential Lectures Subcommittee
Presidential Search Committee
Presidential Search Committee Report
Presidents Council
Principles of Christian Education Committee
Printing Services
Prism Study
Prison Program Committee
Pro Rege Publishing Company
Pro-Life Association
Probation and Retention Standards
Problems Arising from Articles on Inspiration and Infallibility
Procedure in Appointment of Administrative Officers
Produce a Working Document on the Intercollegiate Sports Program
Producing Necessary Rules/Regulations for the President of the Seminary
Professional Programs Study
Professional Status Committee
Promotions Committee
Providing Pastoral Care Guidance Re Same-Sex Marriage Committee
Provost [Joel A. Carpenter] Inauguration Planning Committee
Psalter Hymnal Revision Committee
Psalter Hymnal Study Committee
Psychology (Reports to C3.4)
Public Health
Public Relations [Named College Relations prior to 1995]
Public Relations Committee
Publication Relations Coordinator
Publications and Publicity Subcommittee
Publishing Services
Quota Equalization Committee
Race Relations
Race Relations
Radio Broadcasting Feasibility
Radio Reevaluation
W. T. Radius Collection
Ralph Stob, 1933-1939
Ralph Stob, 1933-1939
Allan Ramerman Collection
Re-evaluate Interviews for Candidacy
Robert R. Recker Collection
Recommendation Committee
Recommendations in Regard to the Report of the President
Rector’s Report on Students Studying at Other Institutions
Red Mesa
Red Mesa Foundation
Red Mesa Foundation Collection
Reformed Believers United
Reformed Ecumenical Council Collection
Reformed Herald
Reformed Identity and Mission (RIM) Task Force
Reformed University Study Group
Registrar and Director of Academic Services
Registrar Search
William K. Reinsma Collection
Relationship of BOT Executive Committee and Board of Finance
Religion (Formerly Religion and Theology, Reports to C3.3)
Religion and Culture
Religious Coordinating Council
Reorganization of the BOT
Report on the Castle Park Conference
Republicans Club
Research and Grants Committee
Research and Information Technology Core Committee (RIT/RIRT)
Resettlement Service Committee
Resident Services
Rest Haven Illiana Christian Convalescent Home (South Holland, IL)
Retention and Site
Retention and Site
Retention of Students at Calvin College
Review Interview Procedure of Entrance to Seminary and Licensure to Exhort
Review the 4-1-4 Calendar
Revision of Form of Subscription Committee
Revision Team (For The Denominational Plan)
Rhetoric Across the Curriculum (RAC)
Jan Riemersma Collection
Rienk B. Kuiper, 1930-1933
Rienk B. Kuiper, 1930-1933
M. Howard Rienstra Collection
John R. Riess Collection
Gerben Ringnalda Collection
Jacoba N. Robbert Collection
Jan Robbert Collection
Frank C. Roberts Collection
Rocky Mountain
Garritt E. Roelofs Collection
William Romanowski Collection
Nicholas Roorda Collection
Roseland Mutual Aid Society Collection
Myron Roys Collection
Rozendal Family Collection
Jean Rozendal Collection
Rules Adopted in 1954 Relative to the Admittance of Students to the Seminary Who Have Completed Their Theological Education Elsewhere
Rules and Regulations of Procedures for Board Action
Rules Committee
Howard Evan Runner Collection
Aletta Rus Collection
Frederick Lodewyk Rutgers Collection
William H. Rutgers Collection
Henry J. Ryskamp Collection
Sabbatical Leave for Seminary Professors
Safe Church Ministry
Pierre Augustin Robert de Saint-Vincent Collection
Salary Advisory
John H. Schaal Collection
James C. Schaap Collection
Martin M. Schans Collection
John L. Schaver Collection
Kryn B. Scheurwater Collection
Steve M. Schlissel Collection
Gary D. Schmidt Collection
Scholarship and Service Committee
Scholarship Committee
Scholarships and Financial Aid (Formerly: Scholarship and Financial Aid)
Cornelius M. Schoolland Collection
John B. Schoolland Collection
Klaas Schoolland Collection
Marian Schoolland Collection
Paul Schrader Collection
Yda Saueressig Schreuder Collection
Herman J. Schripsema Collection
Paul G. Schrotenboer Collection
Quentin J. Schultze Collection
John F. Schuurmann Collection
Science Division
Science Division Executive Committee
Science Education (reports to C3.4)
Screening Correspondence
Secretary of the Board of Trustees
Selective Conscientious Objectors
Albert H. Selles Collection
Seminars at Calvin
Seminary Admissions Policy
Seminary Committee
Seminary Committee
Seminary Furnishings
Seminary-College Interrelations
Senior Leadership Team
Sermons for Reading Service
Service Coordinator of Physical Plant
Service Learning
Sesquicentennial Committee [150TH Anniversary Committee]
Brant S. Sevensma Collection
Shop and Safety Committee
Signage Committee
Carl Sinke Collection
Suzanne M. Sinke Collection
Sioux Center
Howard Slenk Collection
Lewis B. Smedes Collection
Corwin Smidt Collection
Edgar H. Smith Collection
Smith, Margaret Joyce, class of 1959
Cornelius Smits Collection
Wessel Smitter Collection
Social Committee
Social Work Program (Curriculum) Committee
Sociology 320 Projects
Sociology and Social Work (Reports to C3.3, Was called Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice from 1996 November through 2002 May)
Testing Import
Sources of Income
Southeast US
Southwest Minnesota Consistorial Conference
Spanish (Reports to C3.2)
Spanish Literature Management Team
Special Committee, Formed after the Board’s Statement On Homosexuality for the Purpose of Establishing Process and Trust
Special Projects
Speech Pathology and Audiology (SPAUD) Program (Speech Pathology and Audiology (SPAUD) Program)
Spiritual Relief To Korea Committee
Charles Spoelhof Collection
Radia Spoelhof Collection
William Spoelhof Collection
Sponsorship of Foreign Students
Sponsorship of Foreign Students
Sponsorship of Foreign Students Committee
Gordon J. Spykman Collection
Yske C. Spyksma Collection
Staff Benefits Coordinator
Staff Development Ad Hoc Committee
Staff Development Committee
Milo J. Stapert Collection
Peter Junior Steen Collection
Peter Lambert Steen Collection
John Henry Stek Papers
George C. Steketee Collection
Johannes Stellingwerff Collection
Stepping East (East Campus) Dedication Committee
Joseph Charles Stevens Collection
George Stob Collection
Henry Stob Collection
Renzina Stob Collection
Pieter R. D. Stokvis Collection
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Ad-Hoc
Strategic Planning Committee
Strategic Planning Team
Structure Committee
Stuart Kingma Collection
Student Activities Office Review Committee
Student Development
Student Discipline
Student Financial Need
Student Guidance
Student Life
Student Life
Student Life
Student Monetary-Compensation Allocation Committee (SMAC)
Student Personnel Services Division
Student Publications Committee
Student Publications Committee (See also C11.70 Communications Board)
Student Recruitment
Student Religious and Social Activities (Formerly: Societies, Entertainments, Missions and Religious Culture)
Student Religious Council
Student Retention Subcommittee (Formerly Retention Subcommittee)
Student Rights Committee
Student Services Committee
Student Social Activities (Formerly: Student Religious and Social Activities Committe)
Student Volunteer Group
Student Worship on Campus
Study and Reply to Walnut Creek Consistory Proposal Re: Seminary Admissions
Study Committee on Dance
Study Religious Persecution And Liberty
Study Role of Secretary
Study Student Publications
Study Summer Courses in Southern California
Subcommittee on Preserve Constitution Revision
Summer Session
Supervisory Committee for the Knollcrest Worship Services
Supervisory Committee for the Knollcrest Worship Services
Supporters of Women’s Ordination Collection
Sustaining Congregational Excellence
Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE)
Leonard Sweetman Jr. Collection
Seymour Swets Collection
Robert P. Swierenga Collection
Synod 1857/1888
Synod 1858
Synod 1859
Synod 1860
Synod 1861
Synod 1862
Synod 1863
Synod 1864
Synod 1865
Synod 1866
Synod 1867
Synod 1868
Synod 1869
Synod 1870
Synod 1871
Synod 1872
Synod 1873
Synod 1874
Synod 1875
Synod 1876
Synod 1877
Synod 1878
Synod 1879
Synod 1880
Synod 1881
Synod 1882
Synod 1883
Synod 1884
Synod 1886
Synod 1888
Synod 1890
Synod 1892
Synod 1894
Synod 1896
Synod 1898
Synod 1900
Synod 1902
Synod 1904
Synod 1906
Synod 1908
Synod 1910
Synod 1912
Synod 1914
Synod 1916
Synod 1918
Synod 1920
Synod 1922
Synod 1924
Synod 1926
Synod 1928
Synod 1930
Synod 1932
Synod 1934
Synod 1936
Synod 1937
Synod 1938
Synod 1939
Synod 1940
Synod 1941
Synod 1942
Synod 1943
Synod 1944
Synod 1945
Synod 1946
Synod 1947
Synod 1948
Synod 1949
Synod 1950
Synod 1951
Synod 1952
Synod 1953
Synod 1954
Synod 1955
Synod 1956
Synod 1957
Synod 1958
Synod 1959
Synod 1960
Synod 1961
Synod 1962
Synod 1963
Synod 1964
Synod 1965
Synod 1966
Synod 1967
Synod 1968
Synod 1969
Synod 1970
Synod 1971
Synod 1972
Synod 1973
Synod 1974
Synod 1975
Synod 1976
Synod 1977
Synod 1978
Synod 1979
Synod 1980
Synod 1981
Synod 1982
Synod 1983
Synod 1984
Synod 1985
Synod 1986
Synod 1987
Synod 1988
Synod 1989
Synod 1990
Synod 1991
Synod 1992
Synod 1993
Synod 1994
Synod 1995
Synod 1996
Synod 1997
Synod 1998
Synod 1999
Synod 2000
Synod 2001
Synod 2002
Synod 2003
Synod 2004
Synod 2005
Synod 2006
Synod 2007
Synod 2008
Synod 2009
Synod 2010
Synod 2011
Synod 2012
Synod 2013
Synod 2014
Synod 2015
Synod 2016
Synodical Committee For The Improvement And Revision of The Psalter Hymnal
Synodical Interim Committee
Norman E. Tanis Collection
Task Force on Student Recruitment
Task Force On World Hunger
Teaching and Learning Support Service
Technical Services
Technology Integration Services
Antonia Teernstra Collection
Foppe Martin Ten Hoor Collection
Frederick ten Hoor Collection
Marten Ten Hoor Collection
Testing Ingest
Testing title
The Analyst
The Artist Series of Calvin College
The Brummel Chair in Organic Chemistry
the dirt
The Ecclesiastical Status of the Ministers of Calvin College and
The Jobshop
The Sioux Center Overture
The Spectacle Guild
The Van Lunen Center for Executive Management in Christian Schools
Thornapple Valley
Three Deans and a Provost (3DP)
John P. Tiemstra Collection
Johanna Timmer Collection
To Study the Structure of the Student Affairs Division
Franklin Henry Top Collection
Toronto Committee for Women in the CRC Collection
The Tract League
Transportation Supervisor
William M. Trap Collection
Travel Safety Committee
Uncategorized Academic Departments Files
Uncategorized Ad Hoc Committees Files
Uncategorized Board of Trustees Files
Uncategorized Faculty Senate Files
Uncategorized Files Office of the President
Uncategorized Presidential Files
Uncategorized Standing Committee Files
Uncategorized Vice President for Administration and Finance Files
Uncategorized Vice President for Advancement Files
Uncategorized Vice President for Enrollment Management Files
Uncategorized Vice President for People, Strategy, and Technology Files
Uncatogized Student Affairs Council (Now Student Life Division) Files
United Evangelism Association of the Greater Muskegon Christian Reformed Churches
United States Board
Uncategorized Provost Files
Upward Bound Programs
Urban Studies minor(reports to C3.3)
Adrian Van Aelst Collection
Henry J.G. Van Andel Collection
John A. Van Bruggen Collection
Willem Van de Wall and Blanca Crooswijk Van de Wall Collection
Idzerd Van Dellen Collection
Frank Van den Berg Collection
John Van den Broek Collection
John Van der Meer Collection
Steve John Van Der Weele Collection
Douwe Johannes Van der Werp Collection
Henry Van der Werp Collection
Marvin John Van der Werp Collection
Seymour Van Drunen Collection
Martin Van Dyke Collection
Anna Van Dyken Collection
Bastiaan Van Elderen Collection
Gerard Van Groningen Collection
John P. Van Haitsma Collection
Emo Folkert Johan Van Halsema Collection
Dorothy Van Hamersveld Collection
Dale K. Van Kley Collection
Edwin J. Van Kley Collection
W. H. Van Leeuwen Collection
Lawrence G. Van Loon Collection
Catherine Van Opynen Collection
Martin Van Ostenbridge Collection
Van Raalte Papers
Albertus C. Van Raalte Collection
Dirk B.K. Van Raalte Collection
William Van Regenmorter Collection
Donald Van Reken Collection
John G. Van Ryn Collection
Gerrit Van Schelven Collection
Tena Van Staalduinen Papers
Cornelius Van Til Collection
Henry Van Til Collection
Howard J. Van Till Collection
Marinus Van Vessem Collection
William P. Van Wyk Collection
Henry Van Zyl Collection
Joseph Vande Kieft Collection
Gerrit John Vande Riet Collection
John Vanden Berg Collection
Jacob G. Vanden Bosch Collection
Koene Vanden Bosch Collection
Marvin P. Vanden Bosch Collection
T. Cornell Vanden Bosch Collection
Arie J. Vanden Heuvel Collection
John B. Vanden Hoek Collection
Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg Collection
Tunis VandenBerg Collection
Amry Vandenbosch Collection
Bertha Prince Vander Ark Collection
Gertrude Vander Ark Collection
Nolan B. Vander Ark Collection
Tiede Vander Ark Collection
Jacob (Jack) A. Vander Heide Collection
Jan S. Vander Heide Collection
Meine Vander Heide Collection
Henry Vander Kam Collection
Hiram Vander Klay Collection
George Vander Kooi Collection
John Vander Mey Collection
Matt Vander Pol Collection
Margaret W. Vander Poorte Collection
Floris Vander Stoep Collection
John Vander Vate Collection
Christian Vander Veen Collection
Marie Vander Weide Collection
George Vander Weit Papers
Vanguard Publishing Foundation Collection
Johanna Veenstra Collection
Rolf L. Veenstra Collection
William Veenstra Collection
Charles Daniel Veldhuis Collection
Richard Veldman Collection
Nelson Lantinga Veltman Collection
William Venema Collection
Dave Venhuis Collection
Alice Venhuizen Collection
Cora Helen Roelofs Verbrugge Collection
Frank Verbrugge Collection
Leonard Verduin Collection
Teunis Vergeer Collection
Theodore P. Verhulst Collection
Peter Verwolf Collection
Veteran’s Choir
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College
Jan Vogel Collection
John Vogelzang Collection
Nicholas Vogelzang Collection
Geerhardus Vos Collection
Louis F. Voskuil Collection
Albert B. Voss Collection
Clarence Vredevoogd Collection
Henry Walkotten Collection
John Walkotten Collection
Dick H. Walters Collection
Harry J. Wassink Collection
Web Media
Weekend Programming
Effie Weidenaar Collection
Reynold H. Weidenaar Collection
John A. Westervelt Collection
Abel Jan Westra Collection
Dewey D. Westra Collection
Dorothy Westra Collection
Douwe and Jantje Westra Collection
Johan Gerard Westra Collection
Rena Westra Collection
Frederick H. Wezeman Collection
Wiebe Boer 2022-
Wiebe Boer Presidential Inaugural Committee
Marinus Wiegers Collection
Henry Wierenga Collection
Stanley Wiersma Collection
Ralph Wildschut Collection
William Spoelhof Planning Ahead Committee
William Spoelhof, 1951-76
William Spoelhof, 1951-76
Winter Faculty Board Conference
Winter Faculty Board Conference
Cornelius Witt Collection
Eisse Harke Woldring Collection
Nicholas Wolterstorff Collection
Enno Wolthuis Collection
Rein Wolthuis Collection
Women In Ecclesiastical Office Study Committee
Women's Missionary Union (WMU)
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Chicago Area, Illinois
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Classis Illiana
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Classis Zeeland
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Eastern [USA]
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Eastern Michigan and Ontario
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Grand Rapids South Rural
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Grand Rapids, Michigan
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Holland-Zeeland, Michigan
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Kalamazoo, Michigan
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Minconsin
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Muskegon, Michigan
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Northern Michigan
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Pella, Iowa
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Rocky Mountain
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Siouxland
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): South Dakota
Women's Missionary Union (WMU): Wisconsin
Workshop for Pastors
World Literature Ministries
World Missions
World Renew
World War I Collection
World War II Collection
John Worst Collection
Leendert Woudstra Collection
Marten Hendrik Woudstra Collection
Sierd Woudstra Collection
Writing Program
Richard Wunderink Collection
W.C. Wust Collection
John Wynberg Collection
James B. Wyngaarden Collection
Martin J. Wyngaarden Collection
Davis Young Papers
Sydney Youngsma Collection
Youth Ministries Committee
Youth Ministries Council
Youth Ministries Study Committee
Youth Ministry Committee
Youth Unlimited
Bartel Zandstra Collection
Gerald L. Zandstra Collection
Nicholas B. Zandstra Collection
Zwart Case
Effa Zwier Collection
Bernard Zylstra Collection
Henry Zylstra Collection
Paul C. Zylstra Collection