Title: Sierd Woudstra Collection, 1969-1986
ID: COLL/338
Creator: Woudstra, Sierd (1928-)
Extent: 1.0 Cubic Feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Folder level description
Sierd Woudstra was born in Doniaburen, Friesland, Netherlands in 1928. In 1952 he immigrated to the United States, where he enrolled at Calvin College. He graduated in 1955 with a B.A., and then earned his B.D. from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1958. His first charge was in Ottawa, Ontario in 1961. During this time, he also earned his Th.D. at Westminster Theological Seminary.
By 1965 he accepted a faculty position at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. At Dordt College, Woudstra served as Assistant Professor of Bible until 1967. Woudstra went on to accept the position of Theological Librarian at Calvin Seminary, and later on would lecture on the Old Testament at the Seminary as well. In 1972 Woudstra got the opportunity to teach the Old Testament and Systematic Theology at the Reformed Theological College in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. After a brief stint in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Woudstra returned to Calvin College to teach Religion and Theology. In 1984 Woudstra became the editor of De Wachter for a year. From 1986 to 1991 served in Kelloggsville, MI and Princeton, Grand Rapids, MI in 1992. By 1993 Woudstra retired from active ministry and education. His wife, Allerdina, passed away in 2013.