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William Spoelhof, 1951-76


Detailed Description

Box 121

Box 790

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Box 152

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Box 858

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Box 651

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Box 828

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William Spoelhof, 1951-76 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: William Spoelhof, 1951-76

ID: CU/C2/C2.1/C2.1.7

Extent: 0.0

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 121],
[Box 790],
[Box 122],
[Box 123],
[Box 124],
[Box 152],
[Box 151],
[Box 153],
[Box 154],
[Box 125],
[Box 126],
[Box 127],
[Box 128],
[Box 858],
[Box 129],
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[Box 131],
[Box 797],
[Box 132],
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[Box 155],
[Box 156],
[Box 651],
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[Box 828],

Box 121
Folder 1: Personal: press clippings --- undated
Folder 2: Personal: letters from H. Spoelhof and wife --- 1959, 1965
Folder 3: Personal: writings; research --- undated
Folder 4
Item 1: Personal: a) pamphlet: Erasmus --- undated
Item 2: Personal: b) NUCS program --- undated
Item 3: Personal: c) Washington D.C. church --- undated
Item 4: Personal: d) Anthology of U.S. presidents --- undated
Folder 5: Student rules at Calvin and other colleges --- 1933
Folder 6: Guild houses --- 1941-1953
Folder 7: Dormitory --- 1941-1957
Folder 8: Report on number of graduates --- 1941-1964
Folder 9: Flight-training course --- 1946
Folder 10: Radio: chapel broadcast; club; station --- 1947-1953
Folder 11: Protest vs. movies at Calvin --- 1950
Folder 12: Scroll for President Schultze --- 1951
Folder 13: Summer extension courses --- 1951-1956
Folder 14
Item 1: Petitions vs. Calvin College --- 1952
Item 2: Related Matters --- 1952
Folder 15: Queen Juliana’s visit --- 1952
Folder 16: Pre-sem recommendations --- 1952-1964
Folder 17: Faculty-Board Conferences --- 1952-1973
Folder 18: College and Seminary academic relations --- 1953-1955
Box 790
Folder 1: Personal items --- undated
Folder 2: Personal items --- undated
Folder 3: Personal items --- undated
Box 122
Folder 1: Nymeyer case --- 1953-1957
College Academic Affairs
Folder 2: Attack on Sociology Department --- 1954-1955
College Academic Affairs
Folder 3: Procedure for committee reports --- 1954
College Academic Affairs
Folder 4: Committee and Departmental Reports, A-D --- 1954-1956
College Academic Affairs
Folder 5: Committee and Department Reports, E-T --- 1954-1956
College Academic Affairs
Folder 6: Field services at Calvin College --- 1954-1956
College Academic Affairs
Folder 7: Student protests --- 1955
College Academic Affairs
Folder 8: Church membership of students --- 1955
College Academic Affairs
Folder 9: Sponsorship of foreign students --- 1955
College Academic Affairs
Folder 10: Science seminar --- 1955
College Academic Affairs
Folder 11: Teaching fellowships --- 1956
College Academic Affairs
Folder 12: Friends of the Library --- 1957
College Academic Affairs
Folder 13: Department of Philosophy recommendation --- 1957
College Academic Affairs
Folder 14: Research project --- 1957
College Academic Affairs
Folder 15: Calvinism 301X course --- 1957-1959
College Academic Affairs
Folder 16: Class visiting --- 1958
College Academic Affairs
Box 123
Folder 1: Modern Language Institute --- 1958
College Academic Affairs
Folder 2: College teaching loads --- 1958-1961
College Academic Affairs
Folder 3: Prism --- 1958-1966
College Academic Affairs
Folder 4: Administrator’s reorganization --- 1958, 1960-1963
College Academic Affairs
Folder 5: F. F. Bruce visit --- 1958
College Academic Affairs
Folder 6: G. F. Groenewald visit --- 1958-1959
College Academic Affairs
Folder 7: MSU study of Calvin faculty --- 1959
College Academic Affairs
Folder 8: H. N. Ridderbos visit --- 1959
College Academic Affairs
Folder 9: H. Bavinck visit --- 1959
College Academic Affairs
Folder 10: Administrators’ Workshop --- 1960
College Academic Affairs
Folder 11: Queen Juliana’s birthday --- 1960 April 29
College Academic Affairs
Folder 12: R. Schipper’s visit --- 1960
College Academic Affairs
Folder 13: H. R. Rookmaker’s visit --- 1960-1961
College Academic Affairs
Folder 14: Glory Day --- 1961 April 01
College Academic Affairs
Folder 15: "The College Blue Book" listing of Calvin College --- 1962
College Academic Affairs
Folder 16: Comprehensive exams --- 1962-1965
College Academic Affairs
Folder 17: Alumni visits --- 1962-1966
College Academic Affairs
Folder 18: Psychological Institute --- 1964-1969
College Academic Affairs
Folder 19: Fraternities --- 1964
College Academic Affairs
Folder 20: Peace Corps --- 1964
College Academic Affairs
Folder 21: Prince Bernhard’s visit --- 1965
College Academic Affairs
Folder 22: Organization seals --- 1966
College Academic Affairs
Folder 23: Oratorio Society --- 1967
College Academic Affairs
Folder 24: Dick Gregory --- 1967
College Academic Affairs
Folder 25: Moses incident --- 1968
College Academic Affairs
Folder 26: Moratorium Day (nam) --- 1969 October
College Academic Affairs
Folder 27: Adam Clayton Powell --- 1969
College Academic Affairs
Folder 28: Selective Service --- 1969
College Academic Affairs
Folder 29: J. Groppi visit --- 1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 30: Price freeze --- 1971
College Academic Affairs
Folder 31: Reformulation of Regulations Governing Appointments and Promotions --- 1967
College Academic Affairs
Folder 32: Matters pertaining to the Offices of the Dean and the Dean-Elect --- 1963
College Academic Affairs
Box 124
Folder 1: Faculty applications for summer study --- 1951-1974
College Academic Affairs
Folder 2: Faculty Agendas --- 1954-1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 3: Concession st and in Commons --- 1955
College Academic Affairs
Folder 4: Battjes Scholarship --- 1956-1966
College Academic Affairs
Folder 5: National Council of Accreditation of Teachers’ Education --- 1958-1969
College Academic Affairs
Folder 6: Church control of Calvin College --- 1899, 1971
College Academic Affairs
Folder 7: Administrative salary proposal to the Board of Trustees --- 1974
College Academic Affairs
Box 152
Folder 1: Synodical Committee on Quotas forall CRC Colleges --- 1961-1962
Folder 2: American Association of University Women --- 1956-1975
College Academic Affairs
Folder 3: Buckley Amendment on Employee Privacy --- 1974-1975
College Academic Affairs
Folder 4: Campus Nurse --- 1962-1963
College Academic Affairs
Folder 5: Microfilm Collection List
College Academic Affairs
Folder 6: Centennial Celebration --- 1971-1976
College Academic Affairs
Folder 7: Centennial Greetings --- 1975
College Academic Affairs
Folder 8: Dutch Ambassador’s Visit --- 1975
College Academic Affairs
Folder 9: College Bookstore Policy --- 1951-1952
College Academic Affairs
Folder 10: Colloquium: "Christian Approach to the Curriculum" --- 1969-1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 11: Commencement Speakers --- 1931-1975
College Academic Affairs
Folder 12: Curriculum Center --- 1969-1975
College Academic Affairs
Folder 13: Data Processing --- 1972-1973
College Academic Affairs
Folder 14: Director of the Library --- 1950-1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 15: Faculty Awards from Industry --- 1957-1969
College Academic Affairs
Folder 16: Faculty Evaluations --- 1949-1975
College Academic Affairs
Folder 17: Faculty Meeting Agendae --- 1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 18: Faculty Problems with Church and Constituency Correspondence --- 1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 19: Reports to Constituency --- 1957-1974
College Academic Affairs
Box 151
Folder 8: Materials: Request for approval in offering a secondary teaching major and minor in the history and literature of religion to the State of MI Department of Education --- 1970
Folder 1: Correspondence, W --- 1971-1978
Folder 2: Correspondence, W --- 1971-1978
Folder 3: Correspondence, W --- 1971-1978
Folder 4: Waterink --- 1951-1954
Folder 5: Correspondence, Y --- 1951-1974
Folder 6: Correspondence, Z --- 1951-1975
Folder 7: Correspondence, Z --- 1951-1975
Box 153
Folder 1: Heritage Hall --- 1961-1966
College Academic Affairs
Folder 2: Music Department: Curriculum, Policies, Regulations, etc. --- 1945-1955
College Academic Affairs
Folder 3: Instrumental Music Organizations --- 1954-1966
College Academic Affairs
Folder 4: Organ --- 1947-1963
College Academic Affairs
Folder 5: Space Needs --- 1950-1951
College Academic Affairs
Folder 6: Summer Camps --- 1973
College Academic Affairs
Folder 7: Tours --- 1942-1974
College Academic Affairs
Folder 8: Part-time Instruction Policy --- 1959
College Academic Affairs
Folder 9: Professional Rank --- 1942-1968
College Academic Affairs
Folder 10: Religion and Theology Department, Bible Major, Religious Education Minor --- 1942-1966, 1970-1977
College Academic Affairs
Folder 11: Timothy Christian School of Chicago Lawndale Faculty Involvement --- 1969-1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 12: Student Affairs: Bananer Protest Letters --- 1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 13: Student Affairs: Bananer Protest Letters --- 1970
College Academic Affairs
Folder 14: Bananer Letters, A-Z --- undated
College Academic Affairs
Folder 15: Bananer Letters, A-Z --- undated
College Academic Affairs
Folder 16: Bananer Letters, A-Z --- undated
College Academic Affairs
Box 154
Folder 1: Student Affairs: Bananer Protest Letters --- 1970
Folder 2: Student Affairs: Bananer Protest Letters --- 1970
Folder 3: Student Affairs: Bananer Protest Letters --- 1970
Folder 4: Student Affairs: Bananer Protest Letters --- 1970
Folder 5: Student Affairs: Bananer Protest Letters --- 1970
Folder 6: Faculty Action to Bananer --- 1970
Folder 7: Correspondence Regarding Complaint Against Pastor, Cascade CRC --- 1970
Wednesday September 9th, 7:30
Folder 8: Chimes, Proposals on what to do about Chimes --- 1966-1969
Folder 9: Chimes --- 1966-1969
Folder 10: Comprehensive Exams --- 1962
Folder 11: Coordination of Graduate School Scholarships --- 1959-1967
Folder 12: Discipline Study --- 1965-1969
Folder 13: Discipline Study with Students --- 1968-1971
Folder 14: Student Council, Discipline Committee --- 1969
Folder 15: Student Affairs - Organizations --- undated
Folder 16: Social Research Center --- 1976
Box 125
Folder 1: North Central Association materials --- 1929-1945
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Folder 2: North Central Association materials --- 1931-1949
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Folder 3: Report sent in 1937 to North Central Association --- 1937
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Folder 4: North Central Assoc. Materials --- 1950-1968
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Folder 5: Spiral publication: 1958 NCA guide --- 1958
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Folder 6: 1958 Study --- 1958
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Folder 7: 1958-1961, North Central Association materials --- 1958-1961
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Folder 8: Project of faculty members --- 1961
College Academic Affairs: North Central Association materials
Box 126
Folder 1: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) Correspondence and documents --- 1936-1973
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 2: MIAA Constitution; bylaws --- 1953-1971
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 3: MIAA minutes --- 1953-1973
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 4: MIAA Correspondence --- 1959-1968
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 5: Commission on Higher Education --- 1953-1964
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 6: Free University, Amsterdam --- 1954-1955
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 7: Guild of Calvinist Scholars --- undated
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 8: Philosophy of education --- 1957-1958
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 9: State Journal - articles on colleges --- 1958
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Box 127
Folder 1: Community (GR) Cooperative Council --- 1951-1952
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 2: Community (GR) Ambassador Project --- 1955-1958
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 3: Citizens of GR Scholarship Fund --- 1964
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 4: Constitutional Convention (MI) bulletins --- 1961-1962
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 5: State of Michigan Legislative Proposals on Education --- 1956-1966
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Folder 6: Ford Foundation Aid to Education --- 1955-1970
College Academic Relations with Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, etc
Box 128
Folder 1: Minutes --- 1949-1963
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 2: Minutes --- 1963-1967
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 3: Executive committee minutes --- 1955-1961
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 4: Presidents meeting minutes --- 1955-1963
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 5: Back up documents --- undated
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 6: Comparative figures --- undated
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 7: Conference proceedings of the Michigan Assoc. of Church Related Colleges --- 1943
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 8: Constitutions and back up documents --- undated
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 9: Joint projects with RC Association --- undated
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 10: Prospective meetings --- 1950-1966
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 11: Correspondence --- 1947-1963
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Box 858
Folder 4: Association of College Presidents minutes --- 1969-1975
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 5: Association of College Presidents back up documents --- 1970-1975
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 6: Association of College Presidents correspondence --- 1973-1975
Relations with the Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges
Folder 1: Long Range Plan for Calvin College and Seminary, brochure --- circa 1955
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 2: News clippings on Knollcrest purchase --- 1956
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 3: Dedication of Fine Arts Center --- 1966
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Box 129
Folder 1: Michigan Governor’s Ethical and Moral Committee --- 1962-1965
Calvin College and Political Contacts
Folder 2: Governor Romney’s farewell message --- 1969
Calvin College and Political Contacts
Folder 3: Students’ Presidential preference poll --- 1960
Calvin College and Political Contacts; Also including section on Controversy re. Lester De Koster’s Speech in Illiana area
Folder 4: Eisenhouwer Committee --- 1952
Calvin College and Political Contacts
Folder 5: Traffic Safety for Michigan --- 1966-1968
Calvin College and Political Contacts
Box 130
Folder 1: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 2: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 3: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 4: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 5: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 6: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 7: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 8: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 9: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 10: 1959-1969 materials --- 1959-1969
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Folder 11: Foreign Study Program --- 1961
Michigan Colleges Foundation
Box 131
Folder 1: Association of American Colleges, documents --- 1968
State and National Contacts
Folder 2: Association of Reformed Colleges --- 1974-1975
State and National Contacts
Folder 3: Citizens Committee on Higher Education - Study Committee Reports --- 1963-1965
State and National Contacts
Folder 4: Michigan Association of Colleges and Universities - Minutes, Correspondence, Constituion, Documents --- 1964-1968
State and National Contacts
Box 797
Folder 1: Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan (AICUM) minutes --- 1966-1968
State and National Contacts
Folder 2: AICUM minutes --- 1968-1973
State and National Contacts
Folder 3: AICUM back up documents --- 1967
State and National Contacts
Folder 4: AICUM constitution and bylaws --- undated
State and National Contacts
Folder 5: AICUM correspondence --- undated
State and National Contacts
Box 132
Folder 1: Association of American Universities, Application for placement approval --- 1948-1949
National Affairs
Folder 2: National Science Foundation correspondence Applications for grants --- 1959-1970
National Affairs
Folder 3: National Science Foundation correspondence Applications for grants --- 1959-1970
National Affairs
Folder 4: Association of Christian Reformed Laymen (ACRL) --- 1965-1972
National Affairs
Folder 5: Carl McIntire --- 1965
National Affairs
Folder 6: Carl McIntire --- 1965
National Affairs
Folder 7
Item 1: The Scranton Report (text of findings of the President’s Commission On Campus Unrest) --- 1949-1963, 1970
National Affairs
Box 133
Folder 1: Master Plan Exposition --- 1959
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 2: Architects’ correspondence and reports --- 1956-1970
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 3: Classroom needs at Knollcrest --- 1959
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 4: Principles for developing Knollcrest campus --- 1959
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 5: Conference memoranda --- 1957-1967
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 6: Articles on financial aid --- 1956-1961
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 7: Correspondence to donors --- 1956-1966
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 8: Boyer letter on a 4-year college in Grand Rapids --- 1958
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 9: Publicity --- 1957
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 10: Transportation --- 1956
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 11: Washington correspondence --- 1957, 1970
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 12: Knollcrest Campus Capital Campaign, Presentation of Campus Plan and Funding --- 1960
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Box 134
Folder 1: Ground-breaking ceremonies for library-classroom building --- 1961
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 2: Dedication of residence halls --- 1962
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus; Beets-Veenstra, Noordewier-Vanderwerp
Folder 3: Dedication of library-classroom building --- 1962
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 4: Faculty-Office Committee --- 1963
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 5: Bids --- 1964-1969
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 6: Dedication of physical education building --- 1965 May 25
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 7: Knollcrest in Degrees of Preparedness --- 1966
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 8: Dedication of Residence Halls --- 1966
Rooks-Vandellen; Schultze-Eldersveld; Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 9: Dedication of Conn Organ --- 1967
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 10: Dedication of Zondervan Fine Arts Center Organ --- 1967
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 11: Dedication of Student Commons --- 1967
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 12: Dedication of Residence Halls --- 1968
Boer-Bennink; Heyns-Bolt; Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 13: Dedication of Science Building --- 1968
(duplicate); Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 14: Letter to the Trustees of the Grand Rapids Foundation --- 1969
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 15: Move to Knollcrest- written by W. Spoelhof --- 1969
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 16: Office Arrangements for 1969-1970 --- 1969-1970
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 17: Education Department Planning --- 1969
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 18: Library Building Knollcrest Addition --- 1970
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 19: Gezon Auditorium Dedication --- 1971
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 20: Transfer of Franklin Campus to the Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music --- 1972
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 21: Purchase of Calvin’s First Computer --- 1974
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 22: Energy Crisis --- 1973-1974
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Folder 23: Hugh Meeter re: Calvinism Research Center --- 1974 September 10
Long-Range Planning Development of Knollcrest Campus
Box 135
Folder 1: Correspondence, A --- 1952-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, A --- 1952-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, A --- 1952-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, A --- 1952-1975
Folder 5: Correspondence, B --- 1951-1968
Folder 6: Correspondence, B --- 1951-1968
Folder 7: Correspondence, B --- 1951-1968
Box 136
Folder 1: Correspondence, B --- 1968-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, B --- 1968-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, B --- 1968-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, B --- 1968-1975
Folder 5: Correspondence, C --- 1951-1972
Folder 6: Correspondence, C --- 1951-1972
Folder 7: Correspondence, C --- 1951-1972
Folder 8: Correspondence, C --- 1951-1972
Folder 9: Correspondence, C --- 1951-1972
Box 137
Folder 1: Correspondence, C --- 1972-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, D --- 1951-1964
Folder 3: Correspondence, D --- 1951-1964
Folder 4: Correspondence, D --- 1951-1964
Folder 5: Correspondence, D --- 1951-1964
Folder 6: Correspondence, D --- 1951-1964
Folder 7: Correspondence, D --- 1951-1964
Box 139
Folder 1: Correspondence, E --- 1951-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, E --- 1951-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, E --- 1951-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, F --- 1949-1968
Folder 5: Correspondence, F --- 1949-1968
Folder 6: Correspondence, F --- 1949-1968
Folder 7: Correspondence, F --- 1949-1968
Box 140
Folder 1: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Folder 5: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Folder 6: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Folder 7: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Folder 8: Correspondence, G --- 1951-1975
Box 141
Folder 1: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Folder 2: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Folder 3: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Folder 4: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Folder 5: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Folder 6: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Folder 7: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Folder 8: Correspondence, H --- 1951-1969
Box 142
Folder 1: Correspondence, H --- 1967-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, H --- 1967-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, I --- 1952-1974
Folder 4: Correspondence, I --- 1952-1974
Folder 5: Correspondence, K --- 1951-1963
Folder 6: Correspondence, K --- 1951-1963
Folder 7: Correspondence, K --- 1951-1963
Folder 8: Correspondence, K --- 1951-1963
Box 143
Folder 1: Correspondence, K --- 1964-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, K --- 1964-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, K --- 1964-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, K --- 1964-1975
Folder 5: Correspondence, L --- 1951-1975
Folder 6: Correspondence, L --- 1951-1975
Folder 7: Correspondence, L --- 1951-1975
Folder 8: Correspondence, L --- 1951-1975
Folder 9: Correspondence, L --- 1951-1975
Box 144
Folder 1: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 5: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 6: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 7: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 8: Correspondence, M --- 1951-1975
Folder 9: Michigan Colleges Foundation --- 1970-1976
Folder 10: Michigan Private Colleges --- 1966-1967
Box 145
Folder 1: Correspondence, N --- 1951-1974
Folder 2: Correspondence, N --- 1951-1974
Folder 3: Correspondence, N --- 1951-1974
Folder 4: Correspondence, N --- 1951-1974
Folder 5: Correspondence, O --- 1951-1969
Folder 6: Correspondence, O --- 1951-1969
Folder 7: Correspondence, P --- 1951-1969
Folder 8: Correspondence, P --- 1951-1969
Folder 9: Correspondence, P --- 1956-1969
Folder 10: Correspondence, P --- 1956-1969
Folder 11: Correspondence, P --- 1956-1969
Folder 12: Correspondence, P --- 1956-1969
Box 146
Folder 1: Correspondence, P --- 1970-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, P --- 1970-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, P --- 1970-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, Q --- 1959
Folder 5: Correspondence, R --- 1951-1975
Folder 6: Correspondence, R --- 1951-1975
Folder 7: Correspondence, R --- 1951-1975
Folder 8: Correspondence, R --- 1951-1975
Folder 9: Correspondence, R --- 1951-1975
Folder 10: Correspondence, S --- 1951-1957
Folder 11: Correspondence, S --- 1951-1957
Box 148
Folder 1: Correspondence, T --- 1951-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, T --- 1951-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, T --- 1951-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, T --- 1951-1975
Folder 5: Correspondence, U --- 1962-1972
Folder 6: Correspondence, U --- 1962-1972
Folder 7: Correspondence, V --- 1951-1955
Folder 8: Correspondence, V --- 1951-1955
Folder 9: Correspondence, V --- 1951-1955
Folder 10: Educational T.V. at Calvin --- 1952-1961
Box 150
Folder 1: Correspondence, V --- 1971-1975
Folder 2: Correspondence, V --- 1971-1975
Folder 3: Correspondence, V --- 1971-1975
Folder 4: Correspondence, V --- 1971-1975
Folder 5: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Folder 6: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Folder 7: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Folder 8: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Folder 9: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Folder 10: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Folder 11: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Folder 12: Correspondence, W --- 1951-1970
Box 155
Folder 1
Item 1: Films at Calvin, Cabaret, Correspondence --- 1973-1974
Student Matters
Item 2: Film Policy --- 1973-1974
Student Matters
Folder 2: Fine Arts Festival --- 1960-1971
Student Matters
Folder 3: Language Laboratory --- 1960
Student Matters
Folder 4: Listening Center, including the Cayvan gift --- 1966-1973
Student Matters
Folder 5: Physical Education Building Manager --- 1973
Student Matters
Folder 6: Pre-Med Program Investigation --- 1969-1974
Student Matters
Folder 7: Recruitment --- 1954, 1970-1975
Student Matters; See also C11.67 and C12.56
Folder 8: SAGA Food Service --- 1958, 1970-1972
Student Matters
Folder 9: Security items --- undated
Student Matters
Folder 10: Speaker Policy --- 1964-1968
Student Matters
Folder 11: Spiritual Care of Students --- 1951-1971
Student Matters
Box 156
Folder 1: Survey of Calvin College Students from Non-CRC Backgrounds --- undated
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 2: Student Rights and Responsibilities --- 1951-1971
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 3: Technical Assistants --- 1969
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 4: Today’s Student, B. Pekelder --- 1968
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 5: Women Students’ Hours --- 1970-1971
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 6: Centennial Crusade --- 1972-1976
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 7: College Center --- 1969-1973
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 8: Deferred Giving Program --- 1970-1976
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 9: Detling Estate Art Gifts --- 1953 March 17
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 10: Development Program --- 1970-1975
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 11: Grand Rapids Foundation Education Committee --- 1966-1967
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 12: Grand Rapids Foundation --- 1968-1973
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 13: Hoekstra Fund --- 1966
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 14: Housing: Holiday Garden --- 1974-1975
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 15: Rev. G. J. Hoytema, Canadian Rep for Campaigns Correspondence --- 1969-1976
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 16: Long-Range Planning Committee Reports --- 1972-1975
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 17: Natatorium --- 1972-1974
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Folder 18: Planetarium --- 1972
Student Matters, Centennial Crusade, Long-Range Planning
Box 651
Folder 1: Evaluation --- 1961
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 2: Evaluation --- 1969
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 3: Evaluation --- 1971
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 4: Evaluation --- 1971
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 5: Correspondence --- 1960-1961
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 6: Report --- 1971
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 7: Report --- 1974
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 8: Report --- 1975
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Folder 9: M.A. in Education Reports --- 1976
Non-Campus Associations, North Central Association
Box 157
Folder 1: Association of American Colleges, "What is A Christian College?" --- 1952
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 2: Council of Protestant Colleges --- 1959-1969
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 3: Lansing, MI Rep for Church Related Colleges --- 1965-1966
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 4: Calvin College "Teach In" --- 1970
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 5: Center for Environmental Studies --- 1969
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 6: Community Christian School --- 1969-1970
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 7: Discrimination Guidelines --- 1972-1975
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 8: Grand Valley State College’s Founding --- 1955-1968
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 9: Grand Valley State College’s Special Education Project with Calvin --- 1973-1976
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 10: Lay Training Course (Classis Holland) --- 1960-1963
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 11: NBC News Panel in the FAC with WOTV --- 1975
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 12: Peace Symbols and World Order Studies --- 1974
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 13: Reformed Bible College and Calvin Conference --- 1972
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 14: Degree Reimbursement from the State of Michigan --- 1974-1976
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 15: Historical Marker --- 1961-1965
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 16: Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters --- 1969-1976
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 17: Michigan Association for Higher Education --- 1968
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 18: Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority --- 1962-1965
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 19: Michigan Colleges Association --- 1936-1961
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 20: Michigan Income Tax Credits --- 1968
Non-Campus Associations
Box 158
Folder 1: Revision of State Certification Code --- 1954-1957
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 2: University Consortium Center --- 1973-1974
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 3: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education --- 1969-1970
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 4: American Council on Education --- 1963-1976
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 5: Association of Governing Boards --- 1972
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 6: California Christian College Association --- 1965-1970
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 7: Honor Societies, including Phi Beta Kappa --- 1957-1959
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 8: Martin Luther King Funeral Observance --- 1968 April 09
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 9: National Council for accreditation of Teacher Education (A) --- 1968
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 10: National Defense Education Act --- 1958-1960
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 11: National Higher Education Act, Title I --- 1965
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 12: United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare --- 1955-1975
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 13: U.S. Flag Regulations --- 1966-1974
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 14: University of Geneva --- 1959
State, National, and International Matters
Box 159
Folder 1: Spoelhof Personal Papers --- undated
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 2: Spoelhof Writings --- 1952-1979
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 3: 20 Years as President --- undated
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 4: Personal Papers --- undated
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 5: Personal Correspondence --- 1968-72
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 6: Personal Correspondence --- 1972-73
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 7: Personal Correspondence --- 1973-74
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 8: Personal Correspondence --- 1974-75
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 9: Western Michigan Commencements --- 1973 August 17
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 10: Henry Blacquiere- Letters to President Spoelhof --- undated
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 11: Retirement --- undated
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 12: Personal Correspondence --- undated
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 13: Naming the College Center --- 1978
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 14: Correspondence on Being Named President --- 1951
State, National, and International Matters
Folder 15: Board of Trustees Resolution at His Retirement --- 1978
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 16: Visit to Campus of Queen Juliana --- 1952
Non-Campus Associations
Box 160
Folder 1: Zwart-Wilson Matters (Controversies) --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 2: Tribute to President Spoelhof - Binder --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 3: Photos and Newclips - Scrapbook --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 4: Plaque from the Alumni Association --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 5: Congratulations from Board of Trustees, and the Presidents and Faculties of Other Institutions --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 6: Personal Items --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 7: Criticism - Musical number used by Meistersingers --- 1964
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 8: Protest of Dr. Wilson’s interpretation of passages in Genesis --- 1969
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 9: Criticism - Jesus Christ Superstar film --- 1971
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 10: Controversial Issues --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 11: Criticism - La Dolce Vita and other films --- 1962-1974, 1971
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 12: Criticism - Bananas --- 1974
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 13: Subject file: Calvin College, History and Objectives --- undated
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 14: Subject file: Protest Altar --- 1968
Non-Campus Associations
Box 828
Folder 1: Visitors Exchange Program --- 1956-1973
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 2: Veteran Education --- 1953
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 3: Calvin Graduate Studies Association --- 1970
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 4: Related groups—conference programs --- 1948-1984
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 5: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Distinguished Achievement Awards --- 1966, 1967
Non-Campus Associations
Folder 6: The Calvin Foundation; A Chronicle, Annotated --- 1950-1981
Non-Campus Associations

Browse by Box:

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[Box 797],
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[Box 160],
[Box 828],

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