Title: Charles Greenfield Collection, 1931-1991
ID: COLL/093
Creator: Charles Greenfield (1908-1991)
Extent: 2.0 Boxes. More info below.
Arrangement: Folder level description
Charles Greenfield was born in Paterson, New Jersey on January 11, 1908. He graduated from the Calvin Theological Seminary in 1935, after attending Modesto Junior College, Modesto, California; North Western Junior College, Orange City, Iowa; and Calvin College. Greenfield married Dena Punt and together they had six children.
He served Christian Reformed Churches in Terra Ceia, North Carolina; Ackley, Iowa; Leighton, Iowa; Oak Glen, Lansing, Illinois; Second Kalamazoo, Michigan; Lee Street, Wyoming, Michigan; Prairie Edge, Portage, Michigan.
Members of the classes recognized his abilities and he was appointed to serve on the Calvin College Board of Trustees representing three classes. He also was active on the boards of Christian schools, Bible conferences, consistorial societies, and evangelical unions. Greenfield was also appointed as departmental news editor for The Banner in 1961.
Greenfield revealed his love for the Lord in compassionate and diligent ministry. In his retirement years, he continued to serve in churches and at the Archives in Heritage Hall in the Hekman Library. Also as a retiree, he was able to serve on several assignments for the Board of Home Missions. At the age of 83, Greenfield passed away on November 2, 1991.