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Clarence Bouma Collection



Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Biographical material

Biographical material

The Advisor:  Associations, Conferences, Organizations; A - E

The Advisor:  Associations, Conferences, Organizations; A - E

The Advisor.  Associations, Conferences, Organization

The Bibliographer

The Churchman, Contact with churches

The Churchman, Church and State Issues

The Churchman, Mission Matters

The Correspondent

The Critic.  Critical issues A to C

The Critic.  Critical issues,  C to H

The Critic.  Critical Issues 2

The Editor.  De Calvinist

The Editor.  The Calvin Forum thesis

The Educator.  Calvin College

The Educator.  Calvin Theological Seminary

The Speaker.  Addresses 1

The Speaker.  Addresses 2

The Professor.  Christian Ethics 1

The Professor.  Christian Ethics 2

The Professor.  Christian Theism

The Professor.  Comparative Religion

The Professor.  Philosophy

The Professor.  Polemics

The Professor.  Psychology of Religion

The Professor.  Theological Encyclopedia

The Professor.  Theological Encyclopedia Apologetics

The Professor.  Theology

The Professor.  Theology 2

The Writer.  Articles

The Lecturer. Bound copies

Bound Volumes

Addenda.  The Student.  Class notes

Addenda.  The Student.  Additional Material Arranged Alphabetically

Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically

Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically

Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically

Addenda II.  General Material

Addenda II.  Initial Notes of Proposed Book

Addenda III.

Contact us about this collection

Clarence Bouma Collection, 1891-1965 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Clarence Bouma Collection, 1891-1965

Predominant Dates:1925-1950

ID: COLL/018

Primary Creator: Bouma, Clarence (1891-1962)

Extent: 44.0 Boxes. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description

Date Acquired: 00/00/1993

Subjects: Calvin College - Study and teaching (Higher), Calvinism, Christian education, Church and state, Ethics - Study and teaching (Higher), Polemics, Psychology, Religions, Theism, Theology

Forms of Material: Sermons

Languages: English, Dutch;Flemish


Minister of the Christian Reformed Church and professor of ethics at Calvin Theological Seminary. This extensive collection includes sermons, correspondence, class lecture notes, writings, and various manuscripts. It details ethics, polemics, Christian theism, philosophy, theology, comparative religion, psychology, Christian education, college conferences, organizations, church and state relationships.

Collection Historical Note


            In a letter written in 1924 to a minister, Dr. Clarence Bouma explained his position with regard to the Janssen Case.  After enumerating points of appreciation as well as criticism and even condemnation, he concluded his letter with a prayer:  “May it please the Father of all wisdom to give our church many wise and consecrated builders, men of unqualified scholarship and no less of that sterling piety which trembles at the Word of God . . .”  In the course of the succeeding years of service in the Seminary, Clarence Bouma proved to be such a “wise and consecrated builder.”  He was a builder not only in the denomination he loved but also in the wider Reformed and evangelical church world.  He was defender as well as a propagator of the faith.  He did so as a teacher, a speaker, and a writer.  His keen mind and his ready pen were in evidence in his classroom in the Seminary and in the classrooms of the ecclesiastical world.

Going over the Bouma collection received from the family, we found it was necessary to arrange the material so that Bouma could be readily seen functioning in a variety of positions.  In every capacity he served, we find a man of rich gifts, serving diligently, readily, energetically, wisely, and in love.  He could speak sharply but doing so one could smell the rose of loving intent.  He could forgive and be forgiven in an atmosphere of seeking the truth in love.  As students we found him readily accessible, generous with encouragement, and deeply desirous that we would do our best for Christ’s sake.

Clarence Bouma was born in Harlingen, the Netherlands, 30 November 1891.  The family moved to the United Sates when Clarence was thirteen.  After graduating from Calvin Theological Seminary he continued studies at Princeton, the University of Princeton, Harvard, and Berlin scholarship.  After serving the Summer Street Christian Reformed Church he received the appointment to the Chair of Dogmatic Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary; later he taught ethics and apologetics.

      Clarence Bouma passed away in 1962 after suffering with an incapacitating illness for ten years. He left behind his wife, Tessie; and two daughters Mrs. Dick L. (Thea) Van Halsema and Mrs. John J. (June) Bangma; 8 grandchildren.

Biographical Note

In a letter written in 1924 to a minister, Dr. Clarence Bouma explained his position with regard to the Janssen Case.  After enumerating points of appreciation as well as criticism and even condemnation, he concluded his letter with a prayer:  “May it please the Father of all wisdom to give our church many wise and consecrated builders, men of unqualified scholarship and no less of that sterling piety which trembles at the Word of God . . .”  In the course of the succeeding years of service in the Seminary, Clarence Bouma proved to be such a “wise and consecrated builder.”  He was a builder not only in the denomination he loved but also in the wider Reformed and evangelical church world.  He was defender as well as a propagator of the faith.  He did so as a teacher, a speaker, and a writer.  His keen mind and his ready pen were in evidence in his classroom in the Seminary and in the classrooms of the ecclesiastical world.

Going over the Bouma collection received from the family, we found it was necessary to arrange the material so that Bouma could be readily seen functioning in a variety of positions.  In every capacity he served, we find a man of rich gifts, serving diligently, readily, energetically, wisely, and in love.  He could speak sharply but doing so one could smell the rose of loving intent.  He could forgive and be forgiven in an atmosphere of seeking the truth in love.  As students we found him readily accessible, generous with encouragement, and deeply desirous that we would do our best for Christ’s sake.

Clarence Bouma was born in Harlingen, the Netherlands, 30 November 1891.  The family moved to the United Sates when Clarence was thirteen.  After graduating from Calvin Theological Seminary he continued studies at Princeton, the University of Princeton, Harvard, and Berlin scholarship.  After serving the Summer Street Christian Reformed Church he received the appointment to the Chair of Dogmatic Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary; later he taught ethics and apologetics.

Clarence Bouma passed away in 1962 after suffering with an incapacitating illness for ten years. He left behind his wife, Tessie; and two daughters Mrs. Dick L. (Thea) Van Halsema and Mrs. John J. (June) Bangma; 8 grandchildren.

Subject/Index Terms

Calvin College - Study and teaching (Higher)
Christian education
Church and state
Ethics - Study and teaching (Higher)

Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Alternate Extent Statement: 22.25 cubic ft.

Acquisition Source: Gift of C. Bouma family. Gift of T. Van Halsema 1993, 2009

Processing Information: This collection came through Tessie Mae Luidens Bouma, his wife, before 1984; the family in 1993; and his daughter, Thea Van Halsema, in 2009. (Boxes 41-43 were received and processed January 1993; Box 44 was received and processed July 2009). The addenda included initial notes for a book on Theocentric Ethics.  C. Bouma’s terminal illness prevented further work on the book. The initial papers received were duly processed and categorically arranged; the latter papers were alphabetically arranged. The reference books in the latter addition were referred to the Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary Library.

Other Note: See also the Campus Titles Database.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical material, 1891-1951],
[Series 2: Biographical material, 1913-1965],
[Series 3: The Advisor:  Associations, Conferences, Organizations; A - E, 1933-1949],
[Series 4: The Advisor:  Associations, Conferences, Organizations; A - E, 1926-1950],
[Series 5: The Advisor.  Associations, Conferences, Organization, 1937-1950],
[Series 6: The Bibliographer, 1925-1947],
[Series 7: The Churchman, Contact with churches, 1929-1949],
[Series 8: The Churchman, Church and State Issues, 1920s-1930s],
[Series 9: The Churchman, Mission Matters, 1920-1950],
[Series 10: The Correspondent, 1914-1950],
[Series 11: The Critic.  Critical issues A to C, 1920s-1948],
[Series 12: The Critic.  Critical issues,  C to H, 1908-1950],
[Series 13: The Critic.  Critical Issues 2, 1920s-1940s],
[Series 14: The Editor.  De Calvinist, 1913-1914],
[Series 15: The Editor.  The Calvin Forum thesis, 1921-1949],
[Series 16: The Educator.  Calvin College, 1907-1949],
[Series 17: The Educator.  Calvin Theological Seminary, 1930s-1950],
[Series 18: The Speaker.  Addresses 1, 1916-1946],
[Series 19: The Speaker.  Addresses 2, 1914-1947],
[Series 20: The Professor.  Christian Ethics 1, 1925-1950],
[Series 21: The Professor.  Christian Ethics 2, 1912-1941],
[Series 22: The Professor.  Christian Theism, 1926-1950],
[Series 23: The Professor.  Comparative Religion, 1920-1949],
[Series 24: The Professor.  Philosophy, 1919-1950],
[Series 25: The Professor.  Polemics, 1930's-1940's],
[Series 26: The Professor.  Psychology of Religion, 1929-1941],
[Series 27: The Professor.  Theological Encyclopedia, 1931-1947],
[Series 28: The Professor.  Theological Encyclopedia Apologetics, 1928-1951],
[Series 29: The Professor.  Theology, 1920's-1940's],
[Series 30: The Professor.  Theology 2, 1920s-1940s],
[Series 31: The Writer.  Articles, 1912-1949],
[Series 32: The Lecturer. Bound copies, 1924-1933],
[Series 33: Bound Volumes, 1924-1925],
[Series 34: Addenda.  The Student.  Class notes],
[Series 35: Addenda.  The Student.  Additional Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1915-1951],
[Series 36: Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1924-1950's],
[Series 37: Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1920-1951],
[Series 38: Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1924-1956],
[Series 39: Addenda II.  General Material, 1925-1951],
[Series 40: Addenda II.  Initial Notes of Proposed Book, 1930-1955],
[Series 41: Addenda III.],

Series 31: The Writer.  Articles --- 1912-1949
Box 33
Folder 1: Book reviews and special articles in The Banner --- 1929-1937
Folder 2: Calvinism in American Theology Today, in Journal of Religion. Reactions --- 1947
Folder 3: De Calvinist.  Articles.  Also in Gemengd Niews and De Telescop --- 1913-1914
Folder 4: Christian citizenship.  Article in Federation Messenger --- Jun-42
Folder 5: Christian family and modern tendencies.  Convention book of NUCS --- 1923
Folder 6: Christian witness in the social struggle, in Calvin Forum --- 1949
Folder 7: "Christianity's finality and New Testament teaching," Princeton Theological Review, --- Jul-28
Folder 8: A conversation about god, series by a number of authors in Christian Century --- February 10, 1932 - July 13
Folder 9: Dispensationalism and premillenialism, in Calvin Forum --- 1944
Folder 10: Dogma and metaphysics in Religion and Culture --- May 1949
Folder 11: Editorials in Standard Bulletin --- 19 November 1937 - 10 June 1938
Folder 12: Finitistic and Pragmatistic theology, in Princeton Theological Review --- Jul-24
Folder 13
Item 1: German Idealistic Thought in its Religious-Theological Bearings, sketch, by Clarence Bouma --- 1933
Item 2: Hegelianism and Theism, reprint PTR --- 1927
Folder 14
Item 1: Is free enterprise anti-Christian?  In HIS --- 1948
Item 2: Calvin Forum --- 1949
Folder 15: Meditation for Daily Manna --- 11-17 March 1936
Folder 16: Our school and American life, mimeographed paper
Folder 17: Our stand in regard to modern industrial organizations --- 1912
Folder 18: The pulpit and social questions --- 1912
Folder 19: War, peace, and the Christian.  Editorial, testimony, Synod of CRC --- Jun-39
Folder 20: What is personality, in Religion and Culture --- 1920
Folder 21: Propagating Christian Education by: Clarence Bouma
Folder 22: Selected Readings for course in Reformed Ethics by: Clarence Bouma

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical material, 1891-1951],
[Series 2: Biographical material, 1913-1965],
[Series 3: The Advisor:  Associations, Conferences, Organizations; A - E, 1933-1949],
[Series 4: The Advisor:  Associations, Conferences, Organizations; A - E, 1926-1950],
[Series 5: The Advisor.  Associations, Conferences, Organization, 1937-1950],
[Series 6: The Bibliographer, 1925-1947],
[Series 7: The Churchman, Contact with churches, 1929-1949],
[Series 8: The Churchman, Church and State Issues, 1920s-1930s],
[Series 9: The Churchman, Mission Matters, 1920-1950],
[Series 10: The Correspondent, 1914-1950],
[Series 11: The Critic.  Critical issues A to C, 1920s-1948],
[Series 12: The Critic.  Critical issues,  C to H, 1908-1950],
[Series 13: The Critic.  Critical Issues 2, 1920s-1940s],
[Series 14: The Editor.  De Calvinist, 1913-1914],
[Series 15: The Editor.  The Calvin Forum thesis, 1921-1949],
[Series 16: The Educator.  Calvin College, 1907-1949],
[Series 17: The Educator.  Calvin Theological Seminary, 1930s-1950],
[Series 18: The Speaker.  Addresses 1, 1916-1946],
[Series 19: The Speaker.  Addresses 2, 1914-1947],
[Series 20: The Professor.  Christian Ethics 1, 1925-1950],
[Series 21: The Professor.  Christian Ethics 2, 1912-1941],
[Series 22: The Professor.  Christian Theism, 1926-1950],
[Series 23: The Professor.  Comparative Religion, 1920-1949],
[Series 24: The Professor.  Philosophy, 1919-1950],
[Series 25: The Professor.  Polemics, 1930's-1940's],
[Series 26: The Professor.  Psychology of Religion, 1929-1941],
[Series 27: The Professor.  Theological Encyclopedia, 1931-1947],
[Series 28: The Professor.  Theological Encyclopedia Apologetics, 1928-1951],
[Series 29: The Professor.  Theology, 1920's-1940's],
[Series 30: The Professor.  Theology 2, 1920s-1940s],
[Series 31: The Writer.  Articles, 1912-1949],
[Series 32: The Lecturer. Bound copies, 1924-1933],
[Series 33: Bound Volumes, 1924-1925],
[Series 34: Addenda.  The Student.  Class notes],
[Series 35: Addenda.  The Student.  Additional Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1915-1951],
[Series 36: Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1924-1950's],
[Series 37: Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1920-1951],
[Series 38: Addenda.  Material Arranged Alphabetically, 1924-1956],
[Series 39: Addenda II.  General Material, 1925-1951],
[Series 40: Addenda II.  Initial Notes of Proposed Book, 1930-1955],
[Series 41: Addenda III.],

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