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Seminars at Calvin


Detailed Description

Box 1543

Box 1328

Box 1409

Box 1329

Box 1420

Box 1330

Box 1331

Box 1332

Box 1333

Box 1334

Box 1335

Box 1410

Box 1336

Box 1337

Box 1411

Box 1338

Box 1412

Box 1339

Box 1340

Box 1341

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Box 1343

Box 1344

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Box 1413

Box 1347

Box 1348

Box 1408

Box 1350

Box 1351

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Box 1481

Box 1482

Box 1483

Box 1484

Box 1635

Box 1636

Box 1637

Box 1638

Box 1639

Box 1640

Box 1785


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Seminars at Calvin | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Seminars at Calvin

ID: CU/C13/C13.66

Extent: 0.0

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 1543],
[Box 1328],
[Box 1409],
[Box 1329],
[Box 1420],
[Box 1330],
[Box 1331],
[Box 1332],
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[Box 1785],
[Box 1886: Seminars@calvin, 2003-2012],

Box 1543
Folder 1: Governing board minutes --- 2006-2014
Folder 2
Item 1: Mandate --- 2003
Item 2: Draft: Proposed Constitution and Bylaws --- circa 1995
Item 3: Faculty Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship Advisory Board Minutes --- 1997 July
Item 4: Fact Sheets about Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- undated
Item 5: Summary of Events --- 1996-2003
Item 6: Letters of Support --- 2003
Folder 3: Director of the Seminars in Christian Scholarship - Correspondence --- 2003
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 4: Summer Seminar Schedule and Budget --- 2004
Folder 5: Report to Governing Board --- 2006-2007
Folder 6: Annual Report to Faculty Senate --- 2010
Folder 7: Ad Evaluation Report by Christianity Today --- 2008
Folder 8: Seminar Evaluations --- 2009-2010
Folder 9: Team Minutes --- 2010, 2012
Folder 10: Publicity Including Brochures and Posters --- 1996-2002
Folder 11: Publicity Including Brochures and Posters --- 2003-2011
Folder 12: Publicity --- 2006-2011
Folder 13: Publications and Presentations Resulting from Calvin College Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- undated
Folder 14
Item 1: Seminars in Christian Scholarship Handbook --- 2006
Item 2: Seminars at Calvin Procedure Manual --- 2011
Item 3: Seminars at Calvin Student Handbook --- 2016
Box 1328
Folder 1
Item 1: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Westphal, Apczynski, Benson, Bouma-Prediger, Connell, Craig, Dell’Olio, Green, Hardy
Folder 2
Item 1: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Ingraffia, Padgett, Percesepe, Van Houten, Wirzba, Wood
Item 2: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Publications --- 1996-1997
Folder 3: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Seminar Readings --- 1996-1997
Folder 4: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Seminar Readings --- 1996-1997
Folder 5: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Seminar Readings --- 1996-1997
Folder 6
Item 1: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Publicity --- 1996-1997
Item 2: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Evaluations --- 1996-1997
Item 3: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Details --- 1996-1997
Folder 7: Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Marshall, Cullen, Felch, Landrum, Later, Lillegard, Mckinney, McVeigh
Box 1409
Folder 1: Tradition and Literary Study, (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Miller, Polman, Schnell, Slaymaker, Stuart, Vander Weele
Folder 2: Tradition and Literary Study, Seminar Details and Evaluations, Publicity --- 1996-1997
Marshall Seminar correspondence, Marshall post-seminar publications, social activities, housing, seminar details, evaluations (Marshall, Westphal), publicity
Folder 3: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Globilization and Inequality, Summer 1997, Spring 1998 --- 1997-1998
General information - 22 subfolders
Folder 4
Item 1: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Hosts: Knoppers: "Puritanism and its Discontents" --- 1997-1998
Seminar details and speaker
Item 2: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Richardson: "Globilization and Inequality" --- 1997-1998
Seminar details and speaker
Folder 5: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Participants --- 1997-1998
Participants: Brautigam, Ehrhard, Hall, Harper, Hovey, Kugler, Netland, Olive, Pointer, Sanders, Woolsey
Folder 6: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Correspondence, publicity, etc. --- 1997-1998
10 subfolders
Folder 7: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Seminar Readings --- 1997-1998
Knoppers Readings
Box 1329
Folder 1: Globalization and Inequality, (Summer 1997, Spring 1998), Participants --- 1997-1998
Participants: Richardson, Anderson, Anderton, Charalambakis, Havens
Folder 2: Globalization and Inequality, Participants --- 1997-1998
Participants: Koopman, Manaloor, Miller, Richey, Smith, Vanderheide, Wassenbar, Wedding
Folder 3: Globalization and Inequality, Papers and Evaluation --- 1997-1998
Richardson papers and evaluations
Folder 4: Globalization and Inequality, Seminar readings --- 1997-1998
Richardson readings
Folder 5: 1998 Summer Sessions, General Information --- 1998
Publicity, General, Advertisements, Media Coverage, General Details/Corresponence
Folder 6: 1998 Summer Sessions, General Information --- 1998
Welcome Folder, Housing and Furniture, NewsBytes, Children's Activities, Social Events
Box 1420
Folder 1: Globalization and Inequality (Summer 1997, Spring 1998), Seminar Papers --- 1997-1998
Richardson (with Khripounova), Anderson, Anderton, Charalambakis, Hiebert, Havens, Manaloor, Miller, Ritchey, Smith, Van Der Heide, Wassenaar, Wedding, van Butselaar
Folder 2: Globalization and Inequality, Seminar Papers --- 1997-1998
Havens, Manaloor, Miller, Ritchey, Van Der Heide Wassenaar, Wedding, van Butselaar
Folder 3: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Seminar Papers --- 2001
Seminar Papers: Brueck, Case, Harkins-Pierre, McCutcheon
Folder 4: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Seminar Papers --- 2001
Seminar Papers: McNally, Mwase, Paffenroth, Pelphrey, Plantinga, Van Gorder, Vanden Berg, Taber
Box 1330
Folder 1: Theology and the New Physics (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Polkinghorne, Carlson, Collins, Kieffaber
Folder 2: Theology and the New Physics, Participants --- 1998
Participants: Koperski, Marsch, Morris, Pestana, Sennett, Sikkema, Simmons
Folder 3: Theology and the New Physics, Participants --- 1998
Participants: Vogel, Walhout, Wharton, Wykstra
Folder 4: Polkinghorne Papers --- 1998
Folder 5: Anselm: Faith Seeking Understanding (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Brower, Toland, Chignell, Colvert, Feenstra, Felch, Floyd, Goggans, Reitsma, Van Arragon, Van Dyke, Wingard, Wood; Host: Eleonore Stump
Box 1331
Folder 1: Political Theory after Liberalism (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Participants: Wolterstorff, Aroney, Brandsen, Brewbaker, Cuneo, Eberle, Goi, Hall, Hoekema
Folder 2: Political Theory after Liberalism (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Knippenberg, Langerak, Murphy, Puolimatka, Spellman, Stronks, Woodiwiss
Folder 3: Summer Sessions, Public Lectures --- 1998
Public Lecturers: Nick Wolterstorff, John Polkinghorne; Miscellaneous Materials on Summer Sessions Including Evaluations
Folder 4: Seminar Proposals --- 1998
Folder 5: Summer Readings --- 1998
Firth, Polkinghorne, Wolterstorff
Folder 6: Summer Readings --- 1998
"The Desire of the Nations" by Oliver O'Donovan
Folder 7: Theology and the New Physics, Political Theory after Liberalism (Spring), General Information --- 1999
Folder 8: Theology and the New Physics, Political Theory after Liberalism (Spring), General Information --- 1999
Details, Speakers
Box 1332
Folder 1: Realism and AntiRealism (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Alston, Clark, Colvert, Cortens, Hiskes, Howard-Syder
Folder 2: Realism and AntiRealism (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Murray, McLeod, Miller, Rolnick, Smit, Spradley, Tollefsen, Van Woudenberg
Folder 3: Realism and AntiRealism, Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 4: Realism and AntiRealism, Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 5: Realism and AntiRealism, Readings for Panel Discussion --- 1999
Folder 6: Postmodernism and the Humanities (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Airhart, Allen, Andrews, Burchill, Duffy, Fetzer, Gordon, Haley, Marsh, Olbright, Schmalz, Sweeney (two folders)
Folder 7: Postmodernism and the Humanities (Summer), General Information --- 1999
Box 1333
Folder 1: Postmodernism and the Humanities, Seminar Readings (Summer) --- 1999
Folder 2: Postmodernism and the Humanities, Seminar Readings (Summer) --- 1999
Folder 3: Postmodernism and the Humanities, Seminar Readings (Summer) --- 1999
Folder 4: American Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: An Historical Overview (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Marsden, Beck, Caton, Chrisman, Dobscheutz, Hall, Hofrenning, Holtrop, Honeyford, Jelks, Mroz, Patterson, Roberts (two folders)
Folder 5: American Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: An Historical Overview (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 6: God and Evil (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Van Inwagen, Echeverria, Ekstrom, Griffith, Kierman-Lewis, McClelland
Folder 7: God and Evil (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Omolade, Schneider, Stanley, Williams, Winkelmann, Woodruff, Wyma
Box 1334
Folder 1: God and Evil (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 2: Summer Sessions, General Information --- 1999
Folder 3: Summer Sessions, General Informatioin --- 1999
Folder 4: God and Evil (Summer), Realism and Anti-Realism (Spring), General Information --- 2000
Folder 5: God and Evil (Summer), Realism and Anti-Realism (Spring), General Information --- 2000
Box 1335
Folder 1: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Dembski, Apczynski, Barham, Beach, Gollmer, Gordon
Folder 2: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Kwon, Manson, Pun, Stearley, Steenwyk, Stephan, Waltzer, Zylstra
Folder 3: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 4: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 5: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 6: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer) --- 2000
Participants: Evans, Adams, Baker, Crump, Frazier, Goi
Box 1410
Folder 1: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Groenhout, Hensley, Martin, Morris, Nichols, Rasmussen, Woolsey; Seminar Readings (two folders)
Folder 2: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 3: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer), Readings for Summer --- 2000
Folder 4: Christianity as a World Religion Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Volf, Billings, Boersma, Buller, Burchill-Limb, Coulter, Daniels
Folder 5: Christianity as a World Religion Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Doede, Hughes, Johnson, Katerberg, Peirce, Smith, Thompson
Box 1336
Folder 1: Christianity as a World Religion Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 2: Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 3: Seminars, General Information --- 2000
Folder 4: Seminars, General Information --- 2000
Folder 5: Seminars, General Information --- 2000
Box 1337
Folder 1: Modernity, Post-Modernity and Integration of Creation (Spring), Dembski Conference --- 2001
Details, Handouts, Speakers, Schedule, Evaluations
Folder 2: Future of Hope (Spring), Volf Conference --- 2001
Details, Speakers, Schedule, Evaluations
Folder 3: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Smith, Campbell, Cuneo, Eberle, Emerson, Gallagher, Gunnoe, Jindra, Miller, Regnerus, Roth, Sikkink
Box 1411
Folder 1: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 2: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 3: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 4: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 5
Item 1: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), General Information --- 2001
Item 2: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), Syllabus --- 2001
Item 3: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Folder 6: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Box 1338
Folder 1: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Ake, Boyd, Brannan, Chapman, Cruz, Haarsma, Hare, Heim
Folder 2: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Oord, Peterson, Plantinga, Rolnick, Vakoch, Van Woudenberg, Weikart
Folder 3: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 4: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 5: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 6: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 7: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Evaluation --- 2001
Folder 8: Seminar Evaluations --- 2001
Box 1412
Folder 1: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), General Information --- 2001
Folder 2: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), General Information --- 2001
Correspondence, Guest Lecturers, Seminar Materials
Folder 3: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Participants --- 2001
Participants: Haury, Lipscomb, C. Miller, T. Miller, Northrup, Reminga, Schwander, Smith, Holloman
Folder 4: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Participants --- 2001
Participants: Bess, Aldridge, Bradford, Bulkowski, DeGraaf, DeStigter, Frey, Gobel
Folder 5: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, General Information --- 2001
Bess Seminar and Mini-Conference; Seminar Readings.
Folder 6: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Seminar Readings --- 2001
Box 1339
Folder 1: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 2: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 3: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 4: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 5: 2003 Seminars: Documents --- 2001
Afro-Christian Workshop, 2004; Generating Capital, 2008; Kuyper's Conference, 2011; Chance and Providence Workshop, 2011
Box 1340
Folder 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Folder 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Folder 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Folder 4: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Plenary Speakers --- 2001
Folder 5: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Preparation General Information --- 2000
Original Proposal, Budget, Call for Papers
Folder 6: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Plenary Address by Marilynne Robinson --- 2001
Box 1341
Folder 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Conference Papers: Adams,Adams, Beaty & Lyon, Billings, Bowen, Bradley, Bush, Cairns, Caroselli, Davis, De Vries, Downing, Emmerich, Evans, Flietstra
Folder 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Frey, Gordon, Haarsma, Hardy, Hockenbery, Hodges, Holland, Holwerda, Hos, Howard, Jongeneel, Keys, King, Koopman, Leegwater, Leffel, Lester, Lodahl, Lunden, Mahan, Marcum, McCarthy, McCarthy
Folder 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Mullen, O’Mathuna, Omolade, O’Regan, Ratzsch, Ringer, Sanders, Scholte, Schuurman, Seat, Shannon, Showalter, Sider, Smith, Soden, Stapleford, Sweetman, Tiemstra
Folder 4: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Van Leeuwen, Van Poolen, Vander Kam, Vander Leest, Vander Linden, Vander Stoep, Wagstrom, Walker, Weaver, Wells, Wright, Wright, Wyma, Yarhouse, Yerxa, Zuidervaart
Folder 5
Item 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference brochure --- 2001
Item 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Common Worship program --- 2001
Item 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference postcard --- 2001
Item 4: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference evaluation form --- 2001
Item 5: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference letter of invitation [proposal] --- 2001
Folder 6: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference Financial Supporters --- 2001
Folder 7
Item 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Letters of Invitation (to presenters) --- 2001
Item 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Letters after acceptance (of presenters) --- 2000
Folder 8: 125th Anniversary Conference: Chrisitan Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Agendas, Correspondence, and miscellaneous
Folder 9: 125th Anniversary Conference: Chrisitan Scholarship…For What?, Abstracts from Potential Conference presenters --- 2001
Box 1342
Folder 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Concurrent Sessions --- 2001
Folder 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Concurrent Sessions --- 2001
Folder 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Concurrent Sessions --- 2001
Folder 4: Consultation of African-American Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Abernethy, Allen, Miller, Cunningham, Booker, Gooden, Jennings, Jelks, King, Loyd-Paige, Mouw, Mwase, Omolade, Pannel, Sanders
Folder 5: Consultation of African-American Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Box 1343
Folder 1: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Sannech, Brueck, Case, Harkins-Pierre, McCutcheon, McNally, Mwase, Paffenroth
Folder 2: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Pelphrey, Plantinga, Van Gorder, Vanden Berg, Moore
Folder 3: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Coats, Hodges, Holley, Jankowski, Lantinga, Lowery
Folder 4: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Norman, Norwine, Stratton, Sweeney, Weaver, Wright
Folder 5: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Thomas, Welch, Yamane,Vitz, Bechtold, Burns
Folder 6: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Summer Readings --- 2001
Box 1344
Folder 1: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Spring), General Information --- 2002
Publicity, Speakers, Evaluation
Folder 2: From Tertullian to Tutu: Africa’s Place in Two Millennia of Christian History (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Walls, Boer, Butler, Dzaka, Fackler, Hanciles, Harper
Folder 3: From Tertullian to Tutu: Africa’s Place in Two Millennia of Christian History (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Larbi, Lettinga, Maclean, Middleton, Miller, Semple, Shea, Vanden Berg, Wagstrom
Folder 4: From Tertullian to Tutu: Africa’s Place in Two Millennia of Christian History (Summer), Semindar Readings --- 2002
Folder 5: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Particpants --- 2002
Participants: Echeverria, Faber, Fetzer, Lillegard, McCrea, Schultz, Smith, Tazelaar, Vander Weele
Folder 6: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Particpants --- 2002
Participants: Van Hoozer, Beard, Benson, Bieber, Brogan, Coats
Folder 7: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), General Information --- 2002
Box 1345
Folder 1: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Seminar Readings
Folder 2: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Seminar Readings
Folder 3: Natural Science in the Calvinist Tradition (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Baker, Hoogewerf, Jelsma, Kok, Leegwater, Luehr, Matheson, Molnar, Morris, Muyskens, Petcher, Pierson, Stearley, Van Dijk, Zwaart, Zylstra
Folder 4: Natural Science in the Calvinist Tradition (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 5: Natural Science in the Calvinist Tradition (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 6: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Wolterstorff, Blaettler, Coccamo, DeBoer, Eads, Fee, Hartley, Kremers, Kroeker, Logan, McLeod
Box 1346
Folder 1: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Paul, Polman, Reinsma, Sauerwein, Scofield, Boeve, Cook, Ferguson, Robinson
Folder 2: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 3: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 4: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 5: American Literature and Question of Belief (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Brown, Brownlee, Eads, Frye, Ingraffia, James Morel, Mullins, Nisly, Owens, Potter, Ryan, Szabo, Woolsey; Seminar Readings (two folders)
Folder 6: American Literature and Question of Belief (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Box 1413
Folder 1: Consultation of African American Scholars in Higher Education, General Information --- 2002
Folder 2: Consultation of African American Scholars in Higher Education, Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 3: 2002 Seminars: General Information --- 2002
Folder 4: 2002 Seminars: General Information --- 2002
Stats, Publicity, Handbook
Folder 5: Wealthy-Jefferson Neighborhood Planning Charrette, General Information --- 2002 January
Folder 6
Item 1: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Participants --- 2002 March
Item 2: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Speakers --- 2002 March
Item 3: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Evaluations --- 2002 March
Item 4: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Publicity --- 2002 March
Item 5: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Conference Packet --- 2002 March
Folder 7
Item 1: Testimony of Place: Building Churches and Neighborhoods, General Information --- 2002 September
Publicity, Speakers, Evaluation
Folder 8
Item 1: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Fall), General Information --- 2002
Item 2: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Fall), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Rolston, Lewis, Boehm, Arnhart, Richardson. Speakers Schloss and Clayton
Box 1347
Folder 1: Seminar Proposals --- 1995
Folder 2: Seminar Proposals --- 1995
Folder 3: Seminar Proposals --- 1995
Folder 4: Seminar Directors Solicitations and Related Material --- 1995
Folder 5: Faculty Summer Seminars, Pew Grant Proposals/Budgets --- 1995-1997
Folder 6: Pew Grant Applications --- 1994
Folder 7: Proposals for the Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1989-1993
Box 1348
Folder 1: Reports to Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1995-1999
Folder 2: Advisory Board Material --- 1995-2000
Folder 3: Replies to Director Applications --- 1995
Folder 4: Facts Sheets on Seminars --- 1996-2001
Folder 5: 1998 Advisory Board Meeting: Instructions and Reports to Board --- 1998
Folder 6: 1998 Proposals for the Faculty Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship for 1999, 2000 and 2001 --- 1998
by Alston, Christians, Cunningham, Dallmayr, George
Folder 7: 1998 Proposals for the Faculty Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship for 1999, 2000 and 2001 --- 1998
by Helm, Jeeves, Lyon, Sanneh, Van Inwagen, Volf, Walsh, Zagzebski
Folder 8: Seminar Proposals 1998 Denial Letters --- 1998
Folder 9: Seminar Newsletters --- 1997-2001
Box 1408
Folder 1: Pew Charitable Trusts Grant Agreement to Fund Seminars in Christian Scholarship for 1999-2003 --- 1999-2003
Folder 2: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 3: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 4: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 5: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 6: Correspondence with The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1996-2003
Folder 7
Item 1: Reports to The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 2000 February-2003 February
Item 2: Final Report --- 2003 November
Folder 8: Proposal and Acceptance for the Templeton Faculty Summer Seminars on Science and Religion --- 1999
Folder 9: Templeton Faculty Summer Seminars in Science and Religion, Correspondence --- 1998-2002
Folder 10: Templeton Faculty Summer Seminars in Science and Religion, Progress Reports --- 2000-2003
Folder 11: Reformed Christian Thought and Liberal Arts Teaching: A Proposal to Expand and Extend the Kuiper Seminars
Includes "Old Books" Topical Seminar and Calvin Fellows Program, [2003]
Box 1350
Folder 1: Personal Release Forms --- 2001
Folder 2: Personal Release Forms --- 2001
Folder 3: Annual Report --- 2003-2004
Folder 4: Annual Report --- 2003-2004
Folder 5: Annual Report --- 2003-2004
Folder 6: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law-Phase II (Spring), General Information --- 2004
Brochure, Conference Schedule, Advertising, List of Attendees, Seminar Evaluations
Folder 7: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law-Phase II (Spring), Conference Presenters, Conference Abstracts --- 2004
Conference Abstracts by Arnoy, Bess, Crane, Grabill, Hoekema, Kaczor
Folder 8: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law-Phase II (Spring), Conference Abstracts --- 2004
Conference Abstracts by Lai-Ling Lam, Moreno-Riano, Murphy, Pearson, Roberts, Smith, Stevenson, Zuniga
Folder 9: Advertising for Summer Events and Seminar Handbook (Summer) --- 2004
Folder 10
Item 1: SCS Daily News --- undated
Item 2: Grant Writing Lunch Meeting Materials --- undated
Item 3: Morning and Vesper Prayers Bulletins --- undated
Item 4: Event: Sacred Harp Singing --- undated
Box 1351
Folder 1: Publicity Material --- 1996-2007
Some Oversized
Box 1414
Folder 1: Seminar Participants: Complete List --- 1996-2001
Folder 2: Annual Report 2001-2002 --- 2001-2002
Folder 3: Annual Report 2001-2002 --- 2001-2002
Folder 4: Annual Report 2002-2003 --- 2002-2003
Folder 5: Annual Report 2002-2003 --- 2002-2003
Folder 6
Item 1: Summer Schedule --- 2003
Item 2: Complete Participant List --- 2003
Item 3: Daily Announcements --- 2003
Item 4: Fall and Spring Schedules --- 2003
Item 5: Upcoming Seminars List --- 2004
Folder 7
Item 1: The Power of Religion in Social Life, Seminar Papers --- 2003 January
Folder 8
Item 1: Bach: the Preacher, Brochures --- 2003 April
Item 2: Bach: the Preacher, Program --- 2003 April
Item 3: Bach: the Preacher, Speakers --- 2003 April
Speakers: Plantinga, Armstrong, Crist, Diephouse, Hanson, Leaver, Marissen, Nichols, Rus, Slowick, Urrey, Van Baak, Van Wyck
Folder 9: Conference and Event Brochures --- 2004 May-2006
Folder 10: Annual Report of Seminars, by James K.A. Smith, Director --- 2004-2005
Folder 11: Annual Report --- 2005-2006
Box 1415
Folder 1: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Roberts (Director), Beversluis, Bult, Byker, Carpenter, Ermer, Fennema, Fondse, Groenhout, Ward, Bierema, Fields, Hakkenberg, Sinnema;
Folder 2
Item 1: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Syllabus --- 2003
Folder 3: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 4: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Participants: Budziszewski (Director), Aroney, Bess, Crane, Goggans, Grabill, Hoekema, Kaczor, Lam, Moreno-Riano
Folder 5: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Participants: Murphy, Pearson, Roberts, Smith, Stevenson, Thirumatai, Zuniga; Speakers: Galston, Graglia, Levinson, Scalia
Folder 6
Item 1: Seminar Readings, Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Seminar Readings, Syllabus --- 2003
Box 1416
Folder 1: CCCU Christian Perspectives on Foreign Language Education (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Carvill, Barlar, Beatson, Bierling, de Vries, Docter, Koch, Koene, Koene, Leder, Miller, Park, Payne, Skinner, Slaater, Sullivan, Takalo, Zandstra
Folder 2
Item 1: CCCU Christian Perspectives on Foreign Language Education (Summer), Seminar Syllabus --- 2003
Item 2: CCCU Christian Perspectives on Foreign Language Education (Summer), Readings --- 2003
Folder 3
Item 1: CCCU and General Information --- 2003
Item 2: Questionnaires and Results --- 2003
Folder 4: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 5: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 6: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Participants, Director --- 2003
Participants: Borger, Herl, Just Jr., Kakoma, Kesar, Kubicki, Lehninger, Porter; Director: Bryan Spinks
Folder 7: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Participants, Speakers --- 2003
Participants: Sibley Jr., Thianto, Torgerson, Wells; Speakers: Johnson, Wade Webber
Folder 8
Item 1: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Luce Follow-Up Colloquium --- 2004 January
Item 2: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Schedule and Individual Projects --- 2004 January
Folder 9
Item 1: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer),  Seminar Directors --- 2003
Seminar Directors: Bjelland, Bouman-Prediger, Bratton, Curry, Wood
Item 2: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Clements, Divita, Elisara, Glave, Groendyk, Heintzman, Koetje
Folder 10: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Lewis, Leys, Norwine, Stephenson, van Walsum, Warners, Zylstra
Box 1417
Folder 1: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 2: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 3: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 4: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Participants: Allen, Brown, Cunningham, James, Jelks, King, Lloyd-Paige, Miller, Mwase, Pannell, Pierce
Folder 5: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 6: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 7: Health and Transformation in Afro-Christian Worship (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Participants: Acolatse, Bacote, Brown, Jackson, Onwochei, Thomas, Williams; Seminar Readings
Folder 8: Health and Transformation in Afro-Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 9: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching; Seminar Readings, Participants --- 2003
Participants: Adams, Arbogast, Blackman, Brasser, Bratt, Brown, Cok, Garrison, Gerber
Folder 10: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching; Seminar Readings, Participants --- 2003
Participants: Gloer, Guard, Hillis, Hoezee, Johnson, Mast, Nelesen, D. Roeda, J Roeda, Sajdak, Vander Zee
Box 1418
Folder 1
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Syllabus --- 2003
Folder 2: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Participants: Kelderman, Schultze, Bakker, Bowden, Callery, De Vries,  Dik, Eads, Fuller, Heilman, Koeman, Mathers, Paik, Redman, Thompson, Van Dijk, Wassink, Wolling, Zachman
Folder 3
Item 1: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Schedule --- 2003
Item 3: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Discussion Guide --- 2003
Folder 4: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Participants --- 2003 September
Seminar Participants: Boersma, Chaplin, Chaplin, Davis, Holcomb, Horton, Milbank, Olthuis, Smit, Sweetman, Vander Velde, Ward, Webber, Zimmerman, Zuidervaart (two folders)
Folder 5
Item 1: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Seminar Schedule --- 2003 September
Item 2: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Handouts --- 2003 September
Item 3: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Publicity --- 2003 September
Item 4: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Evaluation --- 2003 September
Folder 6: Exploring Your Vocation in Christian Academic Institutions (at Yarrow), Lilly Undergraduate Honors Conference: General Information --- 2003 September
General Information, Speakers, Student Participants, Evaluations, Schedule, Readings
Folder 7: Exploring Your Vocation in Christian Academic Institutions (at Yarrow), Lilly Undergraduate Honors Conference: Schedule, Readings --- 2003 September
Folder 8: Christianity, Cultures and Worship Worldwide, Participants --- 2003 October
Participants: Ault, Escobar, Farhadian, Hawn, Joo, Kane, Palomino, Priest, Robert, Sanneh, Spinks, Walls, Wickeri, Witvliet
Folder 9: Christianity, Cultures and Worship Worldwide, General Information --- 2003 October
Seminar Schedule, Readings, Publicity
Box 1349
Folder 1
Item 1: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Director Stephen Post Materials --- 2004
Item 2: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), List of Participants and Applicants --- 2004
Item 3: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Evaluations --- 2004
Item 4: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Directors Evaluation --- 2004
Folder 2: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Ai, Ardelt, Boyd, Corcoran, Flietstra, Groenhout, Montgomery-Clifford
Folder 3
Item 1: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Oord, Paffenroth, Tjeltveit, Vakoch, Ventimiglia, Wright
Item 2: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Evans, Schloss, Underwood
Folder 4: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 5: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 6: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 7
Item 1: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Directors --- 2004
Directors: Plantinga, Schloss (three folders)
Item 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Cronkite, Ekstrom, Gordon, Hurd, La Porte
Folder 8: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Morris, Mullen, Murray, Ratzsch, Stearley, Struthers, Van Der Meer
Folder 9
Item 1: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Van Arragon, Vander Laan, Waltzer
Item 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Bekoff, Ruse, Ward, Wilson
Box 1470
Folder 1
Item 1: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Description --- 2004
Item 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Item 3: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Director’s report --- 2004
Item 4: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Director’s evaluation --- 2004
Item 5: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Evaluation --- 2004
Folder 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 3: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 4: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 5: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 6: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological  Function, and Religious Purpose (Fall), Follow-up Fall Conference --- 2005
Advertising, Presenter’s Abstracts, Handouts, Evaluations
Folder 7
Item 1: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), Director --- 2004
Director: Mark Noll
Item 2: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Berends, Bergland, Bieler, Cazden, Coffman, Long, Quinn, Shaw, Wamagatta, Ward, Welty
Item 3: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Bays, Carpenter
Folder 8: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), General Information --- 2004
Seminar Syllabus, Schedule, Readings, Evaluations, Director’s report, Director’s evaluation
Folder 9
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2004
Item 2: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 3: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Director --- 2004
Director: Hawn
Item 4: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Acolatse, Adam, Brady, Bridgeman-Davis, Buis, Jansen
Folder 10
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Koops, Lim, Phelan, Scheer, Scheer, Strouf
Item 2: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Director’s report --- 2004
Item 3: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Director’s Evaluation --- 2004
Item 4: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar evaluation --- 2004
Box 1474
Folder 1
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Toering
Folder 2
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Gonzalez, Foley, Ward
Item 2: Follow-up Colloquiam During Worship Symposium --- 2005 January
Folder 3: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 4: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 5: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Continution of Previous Folder
Folder 6
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Director --- 2004
Seminar Director: Plantinga
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Calore, Daniels, DeHaan, Engle, Feenstra, Francis, Hanna, Heerspink, Huisman
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Directors Report --- 2004
Folder 7
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Jefchak, Jonker, Livingstone, Mason, McGregor Simons, Medenblick, Moser, TeBeest, Vander Well, Wolff, Workman, Zuidema
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Gloer, Lindvall, Schmidt, Van Dyk
Folder 8: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Box 1475
Folder 1
Item 1: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Director --- 2004
Director: Barnes
Item 2: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Adams, Barton, Blackmon, Bogert, Crane, DeJong, Deters, Havlik, Hoekema, Koornneef, Krogh, Kromminga, Rapp, Schonberg, Shepherd
Item 3: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 4: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Director’s report --- 2004
Folder 2
Item 1: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Seminar Directors --- 2004
Seminar Directors: Loyd-Paige, Omolade
Item 2: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 3: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Anderson, Daley, Kelley, Muir, Mutale, Overby, Parham, Richards
Item 4: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 3
Item 1: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2004
Item 2: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Seminar Director --- 2004
Seminar Director: Freeberg
Item 3: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Sectional Leaders --- 2004
Sectional Leaders: Arnett, Stauffer, Ter Haar; Evaluations
Item 4: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Participants: Adams, Boyd, Burnett, Campbell, duToit, Fiebig, Friesen, Graber, Hunter, Leugs, Lewis, Major, McHenry, McKensie, Murray, Parham, Paul, Robins, Ryder, Burke & Michael, Hallen & Petersons, Klassen & Louter, McCoy & Reese
Item 5: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Adams, Boyd, Burnett, Campbell, duToit, Fiebig
Folder 4: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Friesen, Graber, Hunter, Leugs, Lewis, Major, McHenry, McKensie, Murray, Parham
Folder 5: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Paul, Robins, Ryder, Burke & Michael, Hallen & Petersons, Klassen & Louter, McCoy & Reese
Box 1476
Folder 1
Item 1: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Workshop Description --- 2005
(Funded by Kuyers Institute)
Item 2: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Item 3: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Director --- 2005
Director: David Smith
Item 4: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Adams, Bently, Bonzo
Item 5: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Directors Report --- 2005
Folder 2: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Bouman, Bradley, Buursma, Dieleman, Hoffrenning, Kim, LaCelle-Peterson, K Lee, M Lee, Martinez, Moroney, Trapp
Folder 3
Item 1: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2005
Item 3: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Item 4: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Directors’ Report --- 2005
Item 5: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Directors: Barrett, Reardon
Folder 4: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Abadeer, Barnett, Boughton, Dorosh, Gunderson, Hoksbergen, Miller
Folder 5
Item 1: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Ruben, Rundle, Stapleford, Williams, Wilson
Item 2: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Speaker --- 2005
Speaker: Adesina
Folder 6: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Week 1
Folder 7: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Week 1 (Continued)
Folder 8
Item 1: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Week 2
Item 2: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Additional Readings --- 2005
Box 1477
Folder 1
Item 1: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2005
Item 2: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Directors' Report --- 2005
Item 3: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Item 4: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Directors: Evans, Stump
Item 5: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), List of Participants --- 2005
Item 6: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Speaker/Mentors --- 2005
Speaker/Mentors: Clark, Bergmann
Folder 2: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 3: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 4
Item 1: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), General Information --- 2005
Seminar Description, Directors’ Report
Item 2: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Directors: Plantinga, Schmit
Item 3: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Averett, Espinosa, B Griffin, P Griffin, Kaemingk, Klompmaker, Metcalf, Onwochei, Peters, Scherer, Schultz, Steiner, Turner, Van Kooten
Folder 5
Item 1: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Seminar Evaluations --- 2005
Item 2: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Articles and Handouts --- 2005
Folder 6
Item 1: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Director’s Report --- 2005
Item 2: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Director: Tim Brown
Item 3: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Adams, Blackmon, De Vos, Faber, Gable, Gutierrez, Klink, Schutt, Stavros, Steele, Van Haitsma, Vroege, Wolf, Hendricks
Item 4: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Folder 7
Item 1: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Speakers --- 2005
Speakers: Jeff and Karen Barker, S Chase
Item 2: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Readings --- 2005
Folder 8
Item 1: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), General Information --- 2005
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 4: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Director --- 2005
Director: Witvliet
Item 5: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Barker, Berken Bosch, Cherry, Congdon, Curry, Hochhalter
Folder 9
Item 1: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Kirk, Meyer, O’Neel, Rienstra, Sharp, Steddom, Strouf, Van Marion, Wilson, Young
Item 2: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Speaker --- 2005
Speaker: Wood
Box 1478
Folder 1: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Handouts --- 2005
Morning Prayer Materials; Articles/Handouts
Folder 2: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 3
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), General Information --- 2005
Seminar Description, Director’s Report, Director’s Report, Evaluations
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Baerg, Boot, Groenboom, Jacobsen, Kok, McClain, Meyer
Folder 4
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Parsley, Persenaire, Poelman, Roman, Tiggelaar, Van Elderen, Van Wolde, Van Wyk
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2005
Speakers: Felch, Gloer, Schmidt
Folder 5
Item 1: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), General Information --- 2005
Conference Details, Evaluations, List of Attendees
Item 2: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), Plenary Session Speakers --- 2005
Plenary Session Speakers: Gonzalez, Omolade, Wolterstorff
Item 3: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), Release Forms --- 2005
Folder 6: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), Concurrent Session Speakers --- 2005
Concurrent Session Speakers: Abadeer, Altena, Aspan, Audeoud, Banks, Bartel, Beatson, Bierling, Blomberg, Bowen, Caccamo, Call, Carroll, Corey, Eads, Elisara, Epp, Faber, Fountain, Gallien, Gormas, Grooms, Hadaway, Hasseler, Heath-Thornton, Joireman, Jackson, Joldersma, Kimbal, Kirk, Klassen, LaCelle-Peterson, Makhado, Mayer, Mullins, Ndandani, Powery, Ratzman, Sampson, Sanders, Schwer, Slagter, Smith, Steen, Thompson, Vander Veen, Van Gorder, Ver Beek, Wood, Yunez
Box 1479
Folder 1: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity?  Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), General Information --- 2005
Conference Materials, Evaluations
Folder 2: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Plenary Speakers --- 2005
Plenary Speakers: Berger, Wallace, Ward
Folder 3: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Benson, Billings, Bonzo, Bouma-Prediger, Charlton, Crockett, Curry, Early, Felch, Fox, Gay, Heltzel, Hijleh, Horton, Howard, Imo, Jankowski, Johnson, Kuipers, Lloyd, McCarraher, Oslington, Rees, Richardson, Robbins, Schultze, Thomas, Vander Lei, Waalkes, Walsh, Wirzba, Woodiwiss, Zimmerman, Zuidervaart; Advertising
Folder 4
Item 1: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Participants --- 2005
Item 2: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Advertising --- 2005
Folder 5
Item 1: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Polman
Item 3: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Berg, Couch, Farra, Gargone, Grimminger
Item 4: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Director's Report --- 2006
Folder 6
Item 1: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Hart, Herl, Josselyn-Cranson, Loman, Music, Silhavy, Steiner, Tice, Wallace, Widiasih
Item 2: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Seminar Materials: "Hymns, A Congregational Study" by  James Sydnor, Student Edition and Teacher’s Guide
Item 3: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Bosma, Music, Keeley
Folder 7: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 8
Item 1: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Abbington
Item 3: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Brady Buis, Guice, Grier, Taylor-Perry, Scheer, Turner, Weaver, Wolff
Item 4: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Jackson, Price
Box 1480
Folder 1
Item 1: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 2
Item 1: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Witvliet
Item 3: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Bains, Brady, Brothers, Bush, Granum, Gutierrez, Hartley, Joiner, Jongewaard, Joo, Kirk, Luty, Marti, Parr Pritchard
Item 4: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Speaker --- 2006
Speaker: Duba
Item 5: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Director’s Report --- 2006
Folder 3
Item 1: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Dyrness
Item 3: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Anderson, Baab, Bjelland, Brewster, Cole-Meyer, Espinosa, Gibson, Goehring, Hutterer, Kidder, Siedell, Steed, Thompson, Van Oosterhout
Item 4: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Jensen, Morgenthaler
Item 5: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Director's Report --- 2006
Folder 4: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer),  Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 5
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Director: Plantinga
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Director --- 2006
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Barrett, Bendroth, Brown, Deters, De Wolfe, Fretheim, Holwerda, Palsrock, Robinson, Sanderson, Terpstra, Vander Hart, Winters, Wullschleger
Item 5: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Felch, Gloer
Item 6: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Directors Report --- 2006
Folder 6: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 7
Item 1: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Rienstra
Item 4: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Haan, Avery, Barker, Boonstra, Haley, Hsu, Japinga
Folder 8
Item 1: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Keck, Kramer-Hamstra, Overduin, Tennant, Trapp, Wright, Walker; Speakers: Crouch, Riess; Seminar Readings
Item 2: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Crouch, Riess
Item 3: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Box 1481
Folder 1: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 2
Item 1: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2005
Item 2: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 3: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 4
Item 1: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Schedule --- 2006
Item 2: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Director's Evaluation --- 2006
Director’s Evaluation: Loyd-Paige
Folder 5
Item 1: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
(sponsored by the Kuyers Institute)
Item 2: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Smith
Item 4: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Altena, Call, Domin, Eads, Foster, Gerstbauer
Item 5: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Director’s report --- 2006
Folder 6: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Green, Kim Kristjansson, Peterson, Rogers, Sanders, Scott, Stevens, Walton
Folder 7
Item 1: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Charry
Item 4: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Van Campbell, Echeverria, McCall, Milliron, Norwine, Sleasman, Unterscher
Item 5: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Gavrilyuk, Larson-Miller, Tucker
Item 6: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Summary Report --- 2006
Folder 8: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 9: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Box 1482
Folder 1
Item 1: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Cavanaugh
Item 4: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Stroik, Berends
Folder 2
Item 1: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Boersma, Charlton, Eppley, Gulker, Martin, Mc Dougal, Roth, Stanley, Vander Weele, Waalkes
Item 2: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Wannenwetsch, Wells
Folder 3: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 4: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 5: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 6: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 7
Item 1: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Program Description --- 2005, 2006
Item 2: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005, 2006
Item 3: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Moser, Reimer
Item 4: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Dougherty, Firestone, Schweiger
Folder 8
Item 1: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Director --- 2007
Director: Pollman
Item 3: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Wong, Bartlett, Brody, Engle, Graham, Green, Hsieh, Myers, Nelson, Phemister, Pluth, Richardson, Sauder, Tel
Item 4: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Speaker --- 2007
Speaker: Bosma
Folder 9: Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 10
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Director --- 2007
Director: Plantinga
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Ackerman, Barbanito, Broek, Brown, Copley, Gloer, Jasperse, Nellis, Overduin, Park, Pot, Schuurman, Van Dalen, Verhulst, Vink, Wilson
Item 5: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2007
Speakers: Felch, Hulitt
Item 6: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Readings --- 2007
Item 7: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Director’s report --- 2007
Box 1483
Folder 1
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Loyd-Paige, Sawyer, Omolade
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Abernethy, Biske, Darden, Eldridge, Holley, Kortenhoven, Lymore, Pierce, Shands Stoltzfus, Simmons, Smith, Taylor Perry, White
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speaker --- 2007
Speaker: Carpenter
Item 5: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Folder 2
Item 1: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Item 3: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Budde, Long
Item 4: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Anderson, Daniel, Davis, Gulker, Heltzel, Holsclaw
Item 5: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Director’s evaluation --- 2007
Folder 3
Item 1: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Martin, McDougal, Parker, Pecknold, Roth, Smith, Starkenburg, Waalkes
Item 2: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Speakers --- 2007
Speakers: Fowl, Pinches
Folder 4: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 5
Item 1: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Item 3: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Freeburg, Paul, Stauffer
Item 4: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Adams, Burnett, Edwards, Fiebig
Folder 6
Item 1: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Jameson, Kiener, Klassen, Kune, Leugs, Lewis, Mangin, McKenzie, Murray, Scharnik, Sebestyen, Shanebeck, Sierszyn, Ter Haar
Item 2: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Speaker --- 2007
Speaker: Carpenter
Folder 7: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer) --- 2007
Item 1: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Smith, Middleton
Item 4: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Brandsen, Brouwer, Collier, Jensen, Kugler, Peirce, Phinney, Scott, Smith, Trotter, Warner, Wright
Item 5: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Director’s report --- 2007
Box 1484
Folder 1: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 2: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 3
Item 1: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Rundle, Johnson
Item 4: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Burns, Cosden, Divita, Fapetu, Ivankovic, J Jamieson, P Jamieson, Lam, Mellema
Folder 4
Item 5: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Ngunjiri, Nichols, Russ, Steenwyk, Swicegood, Washington, Winegeart; Speakers: Miller Sudyk, Job, Warton
Item 6: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 5
Item 1: Communitas: A visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Program Description --- 2007
Item 2: Communitas: A visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Communitas: A visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Scholars --- 2007
Scholars: Fraser, Marti
Folder 6
Item 1: Teaching the Reformation in a Pluralistic Age (Summer), Workshop List of Participants --- 2007
Item 2: Teaching the Reformation in a Pluralistic Age (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Folder 7
Item 1: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Walls, K&G Bediako
Item 4: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Asamoah-Gyadu, Ayegboyin, Chang, Fossouo, Gatumu, Laryea, Liuanna, Tshehla, Maggay, Niumeitolv, Pachuau, Piwang-Jalobo, Shrestha, Vargas, Wandawa
Folder 8
Item 1: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2007
Item 2: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Omolade, Jennings
Item 4: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Director’s evaluation --- 2007
Folder 9: Reimaging Educational Excellence Conference (sponsored by Kuyers Institute) (Fall), General Information --- 2007
Conference Details, Schedule, Abstracts, Presenter Biographies
Folder 10: Reimaging Educational Excellence Conference (sponsored by Kuyers Institute) (Fall), Anttendee details --- 2007
Box 1635
Folder 1: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program --- 2008
Director: Chris Firestone
Folder 2: Science, Philosophy, Belief: A Seminar for Chinese Scholars --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch and Michael Murray
Folder 3: Science, Philosophy, Belief: A Seminar for Chinese Scholars --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch and Michael Murray
Folder 4
Item 1: Select Readings: Arguments for Religious Belief and other selections --- 2008
Item 2: Select Readings: Science and Religion --- 2008
Item 3: Select Readings: The Logical Underpinnings of Intelligent Design --- 2008
Item 4: Select Readings: Let There Be Light: Modern Cosmogony and Biblical Creation --- 2008
Item 5: Select Readings: Does Science Discredit Religion? --- 2008
Item 6: Select Readings: Why Science Undermines Religion --- 2008
Item 7: Select Readings: Science and Religion: Why does the debate continue? --- 2008
Item 8: Select Readings: Is God an Unnecessary Hypothesis? --- 2008
Item 9: Select Readings: Trade Liberalization and practice of evangelical women in Antebellum America --- 2008
Item 10: Select Readings: The World Economy --- 2008
Item 11: Select Readings: Complexity Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Radically Free Self Determination --- 2008
Folder 5
Item 1: Selected Readings Wolderstorff Seminar publication: "Music in Christian Worship at the Service of the Liturgy" --- 2005
Item 2: Selected Reading: Catharine Beecher: America’s First Female Philosopher and Theologian --- undated
Item 3: Selected Reading: Korean Christianity and the American Religions Experience --- undated
Item 4: Selected Reading: Personal Finance and Economics in the Writings of Larry Burkett: How Should Christian Economists Respond? --- undated
Item 5: Selected Reading: Why Care for Creation: From Prudence to Piety --- undated
Item 6: Selected Reading: What Do We Owe the Elderly: Thinking Christianly About Rationing Health Care Resources --- undated
Folder 6
Item 1: Selected Readings: The Needs of Thought and the Affirmation of Life: Friedrich Nietsche and Jesus Christ --- 1997
Item 2: Selected Reading: History and the Christian Historian
Item 3: Selected Reading: Postmodern philosophy and Christian thought
Item 4: Selected Reading: God, Chaos, and Quantum Dice
Item 5: Selected Reading: Community and coherence in the poetry of Kathleen Norris
Item 6: Selected Reading: Christianity and Postmodernity
Item 7: Selected Reading: The Hymns of Hildegard of Bingen
Item 8: Selected Reading: James Ceaser and the Restoration of Political Science
Item 9: Selected Reading: Review of Diversity and Distrust: civic education in a multicultural democracy
Item 10: Selected Reading: Puritan works salvation and the quest for community in The Scarlet Letter
Item 11: Selected Reading: Postmodernism as a Kind of Modernism: Nietzsche’s Critique of Knowledge
Item 12: Selected Reading: Structuring Provincial Imagination: The Rhetoric and Experience of Social Change in Eighteenth-Century New England
Box 1636
Folder 1: Course pack: "Science, Philosophy, Belief" (1) --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch, Michael Murray
Folder 2: Course pack: "Science, Philosophy, Belief" (2) --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch, Michael Murray
Folder 3: Course packet: "Christian Hymnody in Historical Perspective" --- 2008
Edith Blumhofer
Folder 4: Course readings: "Sing Them over again to me" --- 2006
ed. By Mark Noll and Edith Blumhofer
Folder 5: Course reading packet: Dale Coulter and Frans Van Liere (1) --- 2008
Folder 6: Course reading packet: Dale Coulter and Frans Van Liere (2) --- 2008
Folder 7: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 1 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Folder 8: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 1 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Box 1637
Folder 1: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 2 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Folder 2: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 2 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Folder 3: Course readings: "Faith and Globalization" --- 2010
Folder 4: Course readings: "Faith and Globalization" --- 2010
Folder 5: Course readings: "Seven deadly sins (Capital vices) in the Christian tradition" --- 2010
Folder 6: Course readings: "Seven deadly sins (Capital vices) in the Christian tradition" --- 2010
Folder 7: Course readings: "Religion, War, and Meaning of America" --- 2010
Folder 8: Course readings: "The Power of Race in American Religion" --- 2010
Folder 9: Course readings: "The Power of Race in American Religion" --- 2010
Box 1638
Folder 1: The Future of Home: Essays in Christian Tradition Amid Modernity and Post Modernity --- 2001
Folder 2: Teaching and Learning as a Spiritual Discipline - Participants, Evaluations --- 2008
Led by Dale Coulter and Frans Van Lieve
Folder 3: Philosophy and Liturgy: Ritual, practice, and embodied wisdom conference --- 2008
Folder 4: "From Text to Sermon" (Summer) --- 2008
Director: Dale Bruner and Scott Hoezee
Folder 5: "Christian Hymnody in Historical Perspective" (Summer) --- 2008
Director: Edith Blumhofer
Folder 6: "Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching" (Summer) --- 2008
Director: Neal Platinga
Box 1639
Folder 1: Course readings: "Case studies from the History of Worship - Prospects for Research and Pedagogy in a Variety of Theological Disciplines" --- 2010
Folder 2: Course readings: "Sons of the Fathers - The Civil religion of the American Revolution" --- 1976
Folder 3: Reading packet: "Being Muslim in the United States" --- 2008
Director: Lamin Sanneh
Folder 4: Reading packet: "Being Muslim in the United States" --- 2008
Director: Lamin Sanneh
Folder 5: Reading packet: "Being Muslim in the United States" --- 2008
Director: Lamin Sanneh
Folder 6
Item 1: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Resumes --- 2008
Item 2: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Evaluations --- 2008
Folder 7: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Participants --- 2008
Folder 8: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Participants --- 2008
Box 1640
Folder 1: Course Readings: "Changing Faiths: Lations and the Transformation of American Religion" --- 2007
Folder 2: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 3: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 4: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 5: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 6: Conference on Christianity, Culture, and Diversity in America, Educating for Shalom --- 2010 November
Folder 7: General information CD --- 1998-2008
Including Seminar Speakers, Conference and Seminar Information, Notes, Images
Box 1785
Folder 1: Kuiper Seminar, Planning for First Seminar --- 1993-1994
Folder 2: Kuiper Seminars --- 1995
Folder 3: Kuiper Seminars --- 1996
Folder 4: Kuiper Seminars --- 1997
Folder 5: Kuiper Seminars --- 1998
Folder 6: Kuiper Seminar, Expansion --- 1998
Folder 7: Kuiper Seminar --- 1999
Folder 8: Kuiper Seminar --- 2000
Folder 9: Kuiper Seminar --- 2001
Folder 10: Kuiper Seminar --- 2002
Folder 11: Kuiper Seminar --- 2003
Folder 12: Kuiper Seminar --- 2004
Folder 13: Kuiper Seminar --- 2005
Folder 14: Kuiper Seminar --- 2006
Folder 15: Kuiper Seminar --- 2007
Folder 16: Kuiper Seminar, correspondence --- undated
Box 1886: Seminars@calvin --- 2003-2012

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