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M. Howard Rienstra Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

Reels in Audio Visual Collection

Personal Materials

Correspondence and History Teaching Material

History Teaching Material

History Department

History Materials

Philosophy of History Academic Affairs

Student Papers

Card Indexes, Microfilm of G. Della Porta's De Distillations Liber 13, Datebooks



Meeter Center

Sabbatical in Italy

Correspondence as City Commissioner

Grand Rapids City Commission Materials

Housing in Grand Rapids

Kent Community Action Program (CAP)

Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Michigan Advisory Committee (MHR secretary) on Civil Rights (MHR)

Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

CRC Race Commission

Miscellaneous Items

Selected Books

Miscellaneous Material

Addenda and Varia

Calvinism and Racism International Conference

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M. Howard Rienstra Collection, 1949-1987 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: M. Howard Rienstra Collection, 1949-1987

ID: COLL/203

Primary Creator: M. Howard Rienstra (1931-1986)

Extent: 39.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Professor of history at Calvin College; director of the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies; city commissioner for Grand Rapids, Michigan; chairman of the Michigan Advisory Committee; and service commissioner. The collection includes lecture notes and outlines; papers on medieval history, the Renaissance, Western Civilization, Russian history and philosophy of history; speeches; addresses; commencement addresses; chapel talks; essays; articles; correspondence; book reviews; student papers; Michigan Consortium of Medieval and Early Modern Studies records, 1976-1977; reprints of articles regarding John Calvin; Calvinism and Racism Conference paper and  materials; Grand Rapids City Commission records, 1970-1983; Community Action Program materials; Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights records, 1975-1984; Christian Reformed Race Commission records, 1961-1971; and scrapbooks on the Urban League and city commissioner activities. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Biographical Note

M. Howard Rienstra (1931-1986) was born in Warren Point, New Jersey, orphaned at age five and adopted at age ten.  Rienstra was educated in the Christian schools of Paterson, New Jersey, Calvin College, and the University of Michigan.  His area of specialization was the Italian Renaissance, which drew him on several scholarly ventures to Italy.  However, his intellectual travels as reflected in his papers were universal indeed.  Thus, his papers contain valuable insights into the activities of Calvin College during his tenure in the history department from 1957 to 1986.  A large portion of the collection reveals his intense involvement in civic affairs during his thirteen-year stint as Commissioner in the city of Grand Rapids.  Moreover, because of his keen interest in civil rights, the Rienstra papers bring together not only his contributions to the Michigan Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights but also many significant articles and papers on this subject.  His own articles and speeches cover topics as varied as the “Christian Philosophy of History” to “Racism in Grand Rapids.”  As the first director of the H. H. Meeter Calvinism Research Center (1983-1986), Rienstra brought together his linguistic talent, his love for John Calvin, his historical sensitivity, his administrative ability, and his dream of building a Calvin collection par excellence.

In sum, the Rienstra collection mirrors the sobriquet “A Renaissance Man” often given him on the Calvin College campus.  The papers reveal admirably the life and work of a man dedicated to God and the service of man.

M. Howard Rienstra passed away due to cancer. He died on June 16, 1986. His wife, Mary, and their seven children survived him.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Reels in Audio Visual Collection, 1985],
[Series 2: Personal Materials, 1949-1983],
[Series 3: Correspondence and History Teaching Material, 1960-1986],
[Series 4: History Teaching Material, 1957-1983],
[Series 5: History Department, 1954-1986],
[Series 6: History Materials, 1955-1981],
[Series 7: Philosophy of History Academic Affairs, 1963-1984],
[Series 8: Student Papers, 1964-1984],
[Series 9: Card Indexes, Microfilm of G. Della Porta's De Distillations Liber 13, Datebooks, 1970-1986],
[Series 10: Writings, 1953-1986],
[Series 11: Speeches, 1959-1984],
[Series 12: Meeter Center, 1971-1987],
[Series 13: Sabbatical in Italy, 1969],
[Series 14: Correspondence as City Commissioner, 1970-1983],
[Series 15: Grand Rapids City Commission Materials, 1961-1986],
[Series 16: Housing in Grand Rapids, 1963-1968],
[Series 17: Kent Community Action Program (CAP), 1972-1985],
[Series 18: Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1975],
[Series 19: Michigan Advisory Committee (MHR secretary) on Civil Rights (MHR), 1970-1984],
[Series 20: Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1977-1984],
[Series 21: CRC Race Commission, 1950-1972],
[Series 22: Miscellaneous Items, 1962-1969],
[Series 23: Selected Books, 1950-1983],
[Series 24: Miscellaneous Material, 1968-1986],
[Series 25: Addenda and Varia, 1975-1987],
[Series 26: Calvinism and Racism International Conference, January 28-30, 1985, 1978-1985],

Series 1: Reels in Audio Visual Collection --- 1985
Item 1: Kuiper, Dirk, "Calvinism and Racism in America," --- 1/29/1985
Item 2: Hart, Hendrik, "The Just Shall Live: Reformational Reflections..." --- 1/30/1985
Item 3: Hill, Herbert, "Calvinist Influence on Racial Thoughts..." --- 1/25/1985
Item 4: Williams, Preston, "Calvinism and Racism in America" --- 1/25/1985
Series 2: Personal Materials --- 1949-1983
Box 1
Folder 1: Vita material including family; In Memoriam items
Folder 2: Information re: his illness and death
Folder 3: Personal materials and honors given him at his retirement from the Grand Rapids City Commission --- 1970-1983
Folder 4: Appointments from Calvin including a scholarship he received as freshman in 1949 --- 1955-1986
Folder 5: University of Michigan Scholarships, including Mary Rienstra's R.N. Certificate --- 1953-1963
Folder 6: Fulbright Grant --- 1956
Item 1: Bound Copy: Ph.D. dissertation from the U of M --- 1963
Box 2
Folder 1: Application for a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, also for a leave of absence --- 1967-1968, 1978-1980
Folder 2: Offer of presidency of Dordt College --- 1981
Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1963-1965
Folder 4-13: Correspondence --- 1966-1975
Folder 14: Correspondence --- 1976-1977
Series 3: Correspondence and History Teaching Material --- 1960-1986
Box 3
Folder 1-4: Personal Correspondence --- 1978-1981
Folder 5: Personal Correspondence --- 1982-1984, 1986
Folder 6: Academic Correspondence --- 1960-1966
Item 1: Loose-Leaf Binders: Syllabus for History 101, 301, 302, 303
Series 4: History Teaching Material --- 1957-1983
Box 4
Folder 1: History 101 Honors --- undated
Folder 2: History 102 Honors. Intro to study of History --- undated
Folder 3: History 301 reprint of source materials
Folder 4
Item 1: History 307 - Reading lists, guide to independent study, exam --- undated
Item 2: History 308 - Lectures on Medieval and Renaissance periods --- undated
Item 3: History 309 - Final exam copies --- 1957-1958
Folder 5: History interim course on Dante's Divine Comedy --- 1983
Folder 6-7: History 321, The City in History --- 1982
Folder 8: History 321, The City in History.  More reprints of source materials --- 1982
Folder 9: Carnegie Institute of Technology Seminar re: The teaching of history at the secondary level --- 1966
Folder 10: Seminars in teaching history at secondary level on Calvin's Campus --- 1967
Folder 11: History 303
Series 5: History Department --- 1954-1986
Box 5
Folder 1: Administrative papers --- 1958-1986
Folder 2: Colloquies --- 1962-
Folder 3: Papers on medieval history, written by members of other educational institutions, undated
Folder 4: Conference on Faith and History Papers: St. Paul, MN.  Comment by MHR on paper by E. Wierenga, U of Rochester --- 1974, 1980
Folder 5: History: Civil life in the Renaissance.  Notes and Bibliography --- 1954
Folder 6: Humanism, the dignity of man.  Academic papers, excerpts from many sources --- 1950s and 1960s
Folder 7: Christian Humanism Conference at Valparaiso University.  Papers and materials --- 1967
Folder 8: History notes and bibliography on Renaissance period.  Professor Throop, University of Michigan --- 1954-1955
Folder 9: Interim course on Galileo --- 1977
Folder 10: Interim course on Florence and Geneva --- 1984
Folder 11: World congress and other materials at 600th anniversary of Petrarch's death --- 1974
Folder 12: Noteworthy papers on Petrarch, Europe's first modern man!
Series 6: History Materials --- 1955-1981
Box 6
Folder 1: Reprint: Italian Quarterly, Vol. 21 #21 and Italian writings of Cesi, Gabrieli, and Machiavelli --- 1980
Folder 2: Biographical material of Della Porta, "A Contemplative Scientist"of the Renaissance, written by MHR for the Dictionary of Scientific Biography --- 1970
Folder 3: An Italian Renaissance Coloring book depicting Italian costumes --- undated
Folder 4: Minutes and materials of the Michigan Consortuim of Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Michigan --- 1976-1977
Folder 5: Materials on the medieval novel, including brief student papers on the subject --- 1971
Folder 6: Materials on Renaissance poetry, including an Italian poem by MHR --- 1962
Folder 7: Historical abstracts.  Written by MHR on Medieval and Renaissance publications for publication --- 1964-1965
Folder 8: "A Christian approach to Nationalism." History teachers' conference.  Introduction by MHR at Calvin College --- 1979
Folder 9: Ancient Roman history notes --- 1956, 1964
Folder 10: Ancient Greek history notes --- 1955, 1963
Folder 11: Medieval Latin notes --- undated
Folder 12: Western Civilization notes --- undated
Folder 13: Russian history lectures and materials --- 1955-1964
Folder 14: TV course on Russia --- undated
Box 7
Folder 1: "The Christian and Modern Science."Faculty seminar --- 1955, 1968
Folder 2: Reprints for the above seminar
Folder 3: Christian perspectives on a technological society; materials --- 1976-1977
Folder 4: Faculty development seminar --- 1979
Folder 5: Faculty development seminar including a paper by MHR: "Free Will Determinism and Explanation in the Human Sciences" --- 1979
Folder 6: Summer-fest activities.  MHR was a participant and producer of materials --- 1981
Folder 7: "The Religious Roots of Western Civilization"by MHR, used in summerfest --- 1981
Series 7: Philosophy of History Academic Affairs --- 1963-1984
Box 8
Folder 1: Conference on Reformational directions on higher learning, at Trinity College. Outlines and notes by MHR --- 1963
Folder 2: Reprints of articles on the philosophy of history
Folder 3-7: Materials for course by MHR at Bryan College in Dayton, TN on the Philosophy of History
Folder 8: Philosophy in History 306 course at Calvin College
Folder 9: Upward Bound.  Course taught by MHR on campus, summer --- 1969
Folder 10: Academic Affairs: Discussion draft of proposed reorganization of academic affairs at Calvin --- Dec-77
Folder 11: Role of BOT in the governance of the college.  MHR was secretary of this research project --- 1983-1984
Folder 12: Discipline Committee materials and Student Affairs --- 1983
Folder 13: Distinguished Alumni Award materials --- 1979
Folder 14: Discussion: Neutrality and Religion, undated
Folder 15: Calvin and Aquinas dialogue --- 1964-1965
Series 8: Student Papers --- 1964-1984
Box 9
Folder 1
Item 1: Ockham's Analysis of the Whole Problem in the Ecclesia - Arvin Vos --- May-64
Item 2: Calvinism and the Crisis in the Cities - Unidentified, Religion 301 --- 4/13/1972
Item 3: Cairo, a Center of Islamic Civilization - W.J. Cummings, --- 1/27/1982
Item 4: Stoicism and its Effect on the Writings of Marcus Aurelius - D.A. Van Winkle --- 3/23/1981
Item 5: The Writings of St. Augustine and their Historical Content - L. Meyer --- 5/19/1981
Item 6: War, the Political Game - G. Fennema --- 5/76/1981
Folder 2
Item 1: An Analysis of Peggie Bracciolini's On Avarice - M. Brouwer --- Jan-81
Item 2: Machiavelli's Republic - V. Dokter --- undated
Item 3: Cicero: The Man and the Politician- M. Ossentaek --- Dec-81
Item 4: Frederick II and his Crusade - R. Lagerwey --- Dec-78
Item 5: On the Relationship of Rashi to later Christian Exegetes - R. Lankheet --- Dec-79
Folder 3
Item 1: The Conversion of Cloris - S. Krosschell --- Nov-76
Item 2: The Greek Way of E. Hamilton - D. Walstrom --- Dec-80
Item 3: Pericles - J. Arkema --- May-83
Item 4: Metamorphoses: A Work of Art - C. Huenink, --- May-83
Item 5: Ancient Egyptian Religion - J. Lootsma --- Dec-82
Item 6: Bellum Civile - S. Harkema --- undated
Folder 4
Item 1: Aggression and Non-resistance in the thought of Erasmus and
Item 2: Machiavelli - S. Deur --- Dec-82
Item 3: Visual Perception and Leonardo da Vinci - K. Kelder --- 5/1982
Item 4: The Reformation - D. Smith --- undated
Item 5: Politics of the Reformation - R. Gritter --- undated
Item 6: Political-Religious Reforms in Germany during the Reformation - L. Holwerda --- Jan-84
Item 7: John Calvin, 1564 - T. Newhof --- Dec-83
Item 8: Cicero, the Man and the Politician - J. Tegner --- Dec-81
Folder 5
Item 1: Constantine the Great - M. Knevelbaard, --- undated
Item 2: Machiavelli and Machiavellism - W. De Boer --- Dec-80
Item 3: St. Ambrose, Foundation Worker for the Church - B.C. Miller --- Dec-84
Item 4: Historical Objectivity? - R. Feenstra, --- May-76
Item 5: Augustine's Confessions: a Literary Biography - R. De Boer --- Dec-84
Folder 6
Item 1: Dante: His Personal Purgatory - M. De Bruine --- undated
Item 2: Martin Bucer, Neglected Reformer - C. Terpstra --- 5/1982
Item 3: The Defeat of Michaelangelo - S. Murphy --- May-82
Item 4: Gregorian Chant and the Roman Liturgy - L. Van Houten --- undated
Item 5: The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Canto 5 - H. Ehlers --- Jan-83
Item 6: The Influence of Scholasticism on French Gothic Sculpture of the 13th Century - B. Roodvoets --- May-67
Folder 7
Item 1: A Study of 20th Century Historiography in 6 Representative Areas of Byzantine History - W.S. Heeringa --- Apr-67
Item 2: John of Salisbury - J. La Grand --- May-65
Item 3: The Home-front and the Struggle against Frank D. McKay - M. Ouwinga --- Apr-65
Item 4: The Royal Society of London: 1665-1775 - H.G. Hekman --- May-64
Folder 8
Item 1: An Analysis of French Military Tactics: 1346-1356 - G. Palmer --- May-76
Item 2: The Battle Over the Ordination of Gordon H. Clark - M.S. Hakkenberg --- May-80
Item 3: Alberti's Della Pitura, a Renaissance Theory of Painting - J. Hoekema --- May-70
Item 4: The CRC, the Sudan United Mission, and Nigeria - V. Bulthuis --- Dec-68
Folder 9
Item 1: Gerald Groote's New Devotion - J. Walinga --- Dec-67
Item 2: The Termination of the Russo-American Treaty of 1832 - G. Rietema --- Nov-68
Item 3: Historical Analysis of KIDS/SVS, Organized Student Volunteerism at Calvin College - H.C. Guetter, November 1982
Folder 10
Item 1: History 307 student class notes: "Medieval History,"by Carol Veldman --- 1966
Item 2: Correspondence re: class notes and MHR by Carol Veldman Rudie --- 2011
Series 9: Card Indexes, Microfilm of G. Della Porta's De Distillations Liber 13, Datebooks --- 1970-1986
Box 10
Folder 1: Card Topics:
Item 1: Hellenistic Academics
Item 2: Medieval Sciences
Item 3: Philosophy of History
Item 4: Manuscripts
Item 5: Academics
Item 6: Varied subjects, as Asceticism, Humanism, etc.
Item 7: Historic personages as Dante, St. Augustine, etc.
Box 11
Item 1: Archival Manuscripts, Microfilms (12)
Series 10: Writings --- 1953-1986
Box 12
Folder 1: "Origins"essay manuscript on the Supremacy of God --- undated
Folder 2: "Beginnings"review by George Marsden of a chapter of a proposed book by MHR.  Other related writings on same topic --- 1977
Folder 3: Critique of H. Dooyeweerd's philosophy for De Wachter --- Nov-58
Folder 4: Critique for a history text for the NUCS Social Studies Committee --- 1959
Folder 5: Series of six articles for the Federation Messenger on Communism; "A Christian Approach to History" for the Christian Educator's Journal --- 1961, 1962
Folder 6: "La Dolce Vita"a poem by MHR in Italian; Description of history faculty in poetic style --- 1962, 1984
Folder 7: "The Academics,"an article on the academics as institutions of learning in Italy --- undated
Folder 8
Item 1: "Giovanni Battista della Porta and Renaissance Science,"a dissertation abstract of MHR --- 1963
Item 2: "Giovanni Ecchio Linceo,"an essay publication in Italy for the Accademia Nazionale dei Lencei --- 1968
Folder 9: "Christians and Science, some Historical Recommendations,"for a symposium on campus --- 1969
Folder 10
Item 1: "The Problem of a Christian Philosophy of History,"a bibliography for Fides et Historia --- 1969
Item 2: "Book review on "Events and their After-life"by A.C. Charity for Calvin Theological Journal --- 1968
Folder 11: Parts 1 and 2 of "Lynceographic"writings of the Lynceographum, an Italian Academy of Science
Folder 12: Two Notebooks, translations of Part 1 of the foregoing --- undated
Folder 13: "Giambattista Della"biography written for the Dictionary of Scientific Biography --- 1971
Folder 14: "Gaetano Marini and the Historiography of the Accademia dei Lincei, Published in Rome --- 1971
Folder 15: "Christianity and History,"a bibliographical essay --- 1973
Folder 16: "Ancient Greece in Christian Perspective," for NUCS --- 1975
[HERH DF79 .R5]
Folder 17: "History, Objectivity, and the Christian Scholar" for Fides et Historia. Volume 10, No. 1 --- 1977
Folder 18: "Civil Religion and the Christian,"for Fides et Historia --- undated
Folder 19
Item 1: Book Review: Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learning: Paul O. Kristeller --- 1974
Item 2: Book Review: Events and their After-life. A.C. Charity --- 1968
Folder 20
Item 1: Book Review: Paradigms and Revolutions: Application and Appraisals by Thomas Kuhn's Philosophy of Science --- 1983
Item 2: Book Review: Piety, Politics and Ethics - Carter Lindberg --- 1984
Folder 21
Item 1: "William Spoelhof, a tribute"for Prism --- 1975
Item 2: "Reflections on Grand Rapids" for Dialogue --- 1976
Item 3: "Medieval and Renaissance Education" for Chimes --- Feb 1981
Box 13
Folder 1: "War is Obscene,""Sunday Legislation,""Pride or Avarice,""Common Grace,"for Federation Messenger --- 1971
Folder 2
Item 1: "Police-Provocation-Responsibility," for Root, a Grand Rapids publication --- 1971
Item 2: "Grand Rapids - Random Reflections from a political outsider" --- undated
Item 3: "An Officer has been shot," from Grand Rapids Press --- January 1975
Item 4: "Victimless Crimes" --- March 1975
Folder 3
Item 1: "How a Commissioner handles his commitment to Christ and his political role,"for Grand Rapids Independent Voice --- 1976
Item 2: "Christian Love in our Neighborhoods" for Banner --- March 1977
Item 3: "Christianity and Politics" for New River Free Press --- March 1976
Folder 4: Articles for the Organizer a Grand Rapids News Publication --- 1979-1980
Folder 5
Item 1: "Franklin and Fuller" --- undated
Item 2: "Racism in Grand Rapids," for Dialogue --- January 1983
Item 3: "Fire" --- July 1982
Folder 6: "What constitutes a civil right? Reconsidered,"submitted to the New York Times magazine, included reactions and responses to the article --- July 1984
Folder 7: "Civil Rights: Price and Principles"and "Civil Rights reconsidered" for Banner, but never published --- April 1986
Folder 8
Item 1: Account of an emergency arrest (while City Commissioner) --- April 1980
Item 2: Letters to the editor of the Grand Rapids Press --- 1978, 1984
Folder 9: Incomplete random writings on urban subjects
Folder 10: Communication between Stan Wiersma and MHR during Baroque celebration --- 1982
Folder 11: Books and Bread Article: The Christian Academy and the Christian Life-Style
Folder 12: Manuscript: Jesuits in China, University of Minnesota Press --- 1986
Box 14
Folder 1
Item 1: Outline of Introductory Survey --- 1953
Item 2: The Method of Historical investigation --- 1953
Item 3: Realization of reason in history --- 1953
Item 4: A Law of History --- 1953
Item 5: Burchhardt, Valid Critic of Christianity --- 1953
Folder 2: Origin's Contra Celsum, A Study in Christian Asceticism --- 1954
Folder 3: The History of an Idea --- 1954
Folder 4: Bishop Otto of Freising, a 12th Century historian --- 1954
Folder 5: Orosius, a study in historiography --- 1954
Folder 6: Latin Paleography --- 1955
Folder 7: Pythagorean Science and Politics --- 1955
Folder 8
Item 1: Mathematics and culture --- 1956
Item 2: The Quadratic in Arabian algebra: Al Khuwarizmi --- 1956
Folder 9: Historical Activity in New Jersey --- 1956
Series 11: Speeches --- 1959-1984
Box 15
Folder 1
Item 1: "A Christian Pattern for History"given for Protestant Reformed Teachers' Institute --- October 1963
Item 2: "Theory of history and teaching of history"given at Carnegie-Mellon University --- December 1967
Item 3: "World Views and scientific history - an historical perspective"Given for the West Michigan
Item 4: Chapter of the American Scientific Affiliation --- 5/1964
Item 5: "Restructuring Society to Eliminate Racism"Given at a meeting of Classis G.R. West --- 5/1972
Folder 2
Item 1: "Books and Bread"for the Calvin College Centennial Conference, William Spoelhof - some celebrative Considerations." --- October 1975
Item 2: "Calvinism and Higher Education" Outline only --- undated
Folder 3
Item 1: "Fools and Scholars"Calvin College Honors Convocation --- 5/1979
Item 2: Comments on "Civil Religions"at some unidentified conference --- October 1974
Item 3: Chapel speech on Matthew 7:21-23 --- February 1959
Item 4: "The Point of it"Honors Convocation speech --- April 1982
Folder 4
Item 1: "Varieties of ignorance"Calvin Commencement speech --- 5/1983
Item 2: Report on a keynote speech of MHR given at Trinity Christian College, Reformation day Rally --- November 1977
Item 3: "Idealism vs. Realism"at Faculty Board conference --- September 1984
Item 4: "Grand Rapids, Present"A political perspective --- April 1980
Item 5: Outline of a lecture for Grand Rapids Junior College series: "The Prostitute and the City," --- 1980
Folder 5: "Local Politics and Public Justice."Given at the 2nd International Political Conference at Dordt College --- 1978
Folder 6: "Christian City Management" --- undated
Folder 7
Item 1: "Capital Punishment in Historical Perspective"- Park Congregational Church --- 5/1977
Item 2: "Crime and Punishment: Medieval and Modern" --- undated
Item 3: "City-Suburban Relation, a Grand Rapids Perspective" --- January 1983
Item 4: Lenten Lecture series at Central Reformed Church --- 1964
Folder 8
Item 1: "The Lynceograhum - Constitution of the World's first Scientific Society"- Duquense --- November 1972
Item 2: Talk and materials on Christian Education in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada --- November 1963
Series 12: Meeter Center --- 1971-1987
Box 16
Folder 1
Item 1: MHR's letter of application for the position of Director of the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin studies --- June 1982
Item 2: Program for the Inauguration of MHR as its Director --- September 1983
Item 3: Announcement of a 10 year agreement with the WB Eerdmans Publishing Company for the publication of 3 series of volumes under the title: Bibliotheca Calviniana
Item 4: Sketch history of the Center, John Bratt --- 1987
Item 5: Letter of inquiry o the Alta Antiquarian Booksellers (Netherlands) with a list of other sources
Item 6: "The Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, an Introduction"By: MHR --- October 1983
Item 7: "Reformed Thought and Scholasticism"- J. Platt Leiden --- 1982
Folder 2
Item 1: Reprints of articles re: John Calvin and Calvinism
Item 2: Curriculum vitae of Quirinus Breen which includes citations on Calvin
Folder 3
Item 1: Notes on Printings and Translations of Calvin's Supplex Exhortatio
Item 2: "Humanism and Religion: the case of John Calvin"- Student paper by Cindi Veldheer
Item 3: "Calvinism in Scotland and England"from "The Rise and Development of Calvinism"editor, J.H. Bratt.  Erdmans --- 1971
Item 4: "Calvinism and Racism"- a preliminary statement for a Conference on Calvin's campus --- January 28-30, 1985
Folder 4: Press Clippings
Series 13: Sabbatical in Italy --- 1969
Box 17
Folder 1: Press Clippings prior to leaving Grand Rapids --- 1969
Folder 2: Notes on Linceo Mss
Folder 3: Notes on the academics, including histories, minutes, biographies
Folder 4: Notes on the academics, correspondence, bibliographies
Folder 5-6: Notes on the Ecchio Linceo Mss
Folder 7: Notes on the Stelluti-Mss
Folder 8: Notes on the Carlo Dati and G. Lumbroso Mss
Folder 9: Notes on the Storiografia
Folder 10: Notes on the Alba Lincei
Folder 11: Notes on the Carteggio Mss
Folder 12: Notes regarding Contemplation
Folder 13: Notes on Lincei Library and Mss
Box 18
Folder 1: Photostats of Mss notes and bibliographies; reprints of old Italian works
Folder 2: Albani family notes
Folder 3: Albani Mss
Folder 4: Vatican notes of Albani
Folder 5: Napoli notes of Albani
Folder 6: Unidentified copies in Italian on Stoic Philosophy
Folder 7-8: Notes on Marini
Folder 9: Articles by MHR on: "Heretics and Others in Italy Today""On Being Young and Protestant in Italy"- Banner --- January 1969
Folder 10
Item 1: Copy of: "The Italian Philatelist" --- February 1962-August 1963
(see also box 34)
Item 2: Copy of: "Cronache d'Altri tempi"Containing an article by G. Heckiys Linceo --- 1870
Series 14: Correspondence as City Commissioner --- 1970-1983
Box 19
Folder 1: Correspondence --- June 5, 1970 - August 28, 1970
Folder 2: Correspondence --- September 1, 1970 - December 7, 1970
Folder 3: Correspondence --- January 5, 1971 - May 28, 1971
Folder 4: Correspondence --- June 2, 1971 - July 27, 1971
Folder 5: Correspondence --- August 4, 1971 - December 15, 1971
Folder 6: Correspondence --- January 2, 1972 - May 31, 1972
Folder 7: Correspondence --- June 6, 1972 - December 18, 1972
Folder 8: Correspondence --- January 24, 1973 - May 23, 1973
Folder 9: Correspondence --- June 1, 1973 - December 12, 1973
Folder 10: Correspondence --- January 22, 1974 - March 15, 1974
Folder 11: Correspondence --- March 18, 1974 - December 26, 1974
Folder 12: Correspondence --- January 13, 1975 - June 28, 1975
Box 20
Folder 1: Correspondence --- July 1, 1975 - December 10, 1975
Folder 2: Correspondence --- January 13, 1976 - April 21, 1976
Folder 3: Correspondence --- May 5, 1976 - December 9, 1976
Folder 4: Correspondence --- January 5, 1977 - June 22, 1977
Folder 5: Correspondence --- July 1, 1977 - September 30, 1977
Folder 6: Correspondence --- October 3, 1977 - December 21, 1977
Folder 7: Correspondence --- January 2, 1978 - June 30, 1978
Folder 8: Correspondence --- July 14, 1978 - December 14, 1978
Folder 9: Correspondence --- January 9, 1979 - June 21, 1979
Folder 10: Correspondence --- July 6, 1979 - December 19, 1979
Folder 11: Correspondence --- January 15, 1980 - April 25, 1980
Folder 12: Correspondence --- May 6, 1980 - December 12, 1980
Box 21
Folder 1: Correspondence --- January 7, 1981 - March 27, 1981
Folder 2: Correspondence --- April 2, 1981 - July 11, 1981
Folder 3: Correspondence --- August 4, 1981 - December 30, 1981
Folder 4-5: Correspondence --- 1982-1983
Folder 6: Re: Fire Department --- April 1974 - June 1976
Folder 7: Investigation report --- 1975
Folder 8
Item 1: A Tragic Chronology --- 1982
Item 2: Journals: City Commission: Boards and Commissions --- 1972, 1974
Item 3: Kent CAP Governing  Board --- 1974-1976
Item 4: West Michigan Regional Planning Commission Annual Report --- 1976
Series 15: Grand Rapids City Commission Materials --- 1961-1986
Box 22
Folder 1: Proceedings of the commission, September-December --- 1975
Folder 2
Item 1: Notes on urban chronology --- post-War II to 1980
Item 2: 10-year budgetary comparison of 8 Michigan cities by MHR
Item 3: Copy of ordinance #1396 establishing a Human Rights Commission
Item 4: Budgets of 9 Michigan cities --- 1981
Folder 3
Item 1: Plans for a 6-month study of Fire and Police Service --- 1976-1979
Item 2: Copy of: Police Field Service and Crime, by George Kelling --- 1977
Folder 4: MHR's relations with the Grand Rapids Area Council for the Humanities --- 1978-1981
Folder 5: Ray Tardy Scholarship Committee --- 1986; Grand Rapids Urban League Materials
Folder 6: National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), Michigan State chapter.  Correspondence, materials including a position paper on poverty --- 1973
Folder 7: Study on disorderly conduct --- 1961-1977
Folder 8: Republic of New Africa --- 1968-1970
Folder 9: Latin American council --- 1978-1980
Folder 10: U.S. Army M.P. School, July --- 1970
Folder 11: Outdoor Advertising --- 1970
Folder 12: Outdoor Advertising --- 1970-1976
Folder 13-14: Association of Grand Rapids Area Governments (AGRAG) --- 1971-1973
Box 23
Folder 1: Affirmative Action --- 1970-1971
Folder 2: Affirmative Action --- 1980-1984
Folder 3: City Strike --- 1980
Folder 4: Pornography --- 1971
Folder 5: American Indian Affairs --- 1974-1980
Folder 6: City Garbage --- 1970-1971
Folder 7: Letter of concern to the President Reagan on Civil Rights --- 1982
Folder 8: General Paper clippings --- 1977-1983
Folder 9: Materials on Elections
Folder 10: City Commission policies on Communications --- 1982-1984
Series 16: Housing in Grand Rapids --- 1963-1968
Box 24
Folder 1: Housing in Grand Rapids: Patterns, Problems, Non-White Problems
Folder 2: Huff Good Neighbors United; Constitution --- 1966
Folder 3: Studies: School, Crime, etc. 1963-1966
Folder 4: Public Housing: an explanation --- 1965
Folder 5: Debate on Urban Renewal, Grand Rapids --- 1965
Folder 6: Urban League Minutes, March 1963-May 1967
Folder 7: Housing Committee and the Board of Directors --- 1967-1968
Folder 8: "Housing Unlimited"CAP --- 1966
Folder 9: Urban League National Conference --- 1966
Folder 10: Housing League, correspondence, materials --- 1966
Folder 11: Model Neighborhoods organization --- 1966
Series 17: Kent Community Action Program (CAP) --- 1972-1985
Box 25
Folder 1: By-laws --- 1982-1983
Folder 2: Governing Board Minutes --- February 1983-November 1983
Folder 3: Executive Committee of the Board --- 1983
Folder 4: Trustee MH Rienstra --- 1984
Folder 5: Finance Committee --- 1983
Folder 6: General accounts and payrolls --- 1984
Folder 7: General accounts and Cash Shortages
Folder 8: Financial reporting --- 1983-1984
Folder 9: Building sale --- 1982-1983
Folder 10: Log of activities of MHR --- 1984
Folder 11: Staff responses --- 1984
Folder 12: Management organization proposals --- 1983
Box 26
Folder 1: The Complexes --- 1983-1984
Folder 2: Miscellaneous programs --- 1982-1984
Folder 3: Headstart --- 1984
Folder 4: U.S. Bankruptcy Court --- 1984
Folder 5: Final Report: Bankruptcy Court --- 1984
Folder 6: Weatherization records --- 1983
Folder 7: Affirmative action projects --- 1981
Folder 8: Affirmative actions, American Indians --- 1980
Folder 9: Affirmative actions, 10 cities --- 1973-1980
Folder 10: Affirmative action, Minority employment --- 1972-1985
Folder 11: CAP-GAP relations --- 1983
Box 27
Folder 1
Item 1: Summaries of Affirmative Action Performance of 10 Michigan cities and the State of Michigan, 1973-1980.  Compiled by MHR --- Summer of 1981
Item 2: Reports of Affirmative Action --- 1983
Folder 2: Correspondence and materials --- 1972-1984
Folder 3: National Conference on Government in Baltimore --- 1983
Series 18: Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights --- 1975
Box 28
Folder 1: Report - An Assembly for Action on Revenue Sharing --- June 15-1, 1973
Folder 2-3: Proceedings at Public Meeting --- November 12, 1975
Folder 4-5: Proceedings at Public Meeting - Afternoon Session --- November 12, 1975
Folder 6-7: Proceedings at Public Meeting --- November 13, 1975
Folder 8-9: Proceedings at Public Meeting - Afternoon Session --- November 14, 1975
Series 19: Michigan Advisory Committee (MHR secretary) on Civil Rights (MHR) --- 1970-1984
Box 29
Folder 1
Item 1: Report to the U.S. Commission: "Civil Rights and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974"Vol. 1: Livonia --- June 1975
autographed by President R. Nixon
Item 2: Report to the U.S. Commission: "Civil Rights and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974"Vol. 2: A Comparison with Model Cities --- June 1976
Folder 2: Report: "The Chippewa People of Sault St. Marie, Michigan"Vol. 3, --- November 1976
Folder 3: Report: "Affirmative Action in Cities."MHR Chairman --- December 1982
Folder 4: Materials: Model Cities Commission --- 1970-1974
Folder 5: Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee (MHR secretary) --- April 1975-June 1976
Folder 6: Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee (MHR secretary) --- June 1976-June 1977
Folder 7: Materials: Civil Rights and Correspondence in Michigan --- 1982
Folder 8: Civil Rights in Michigan Materials and Correspondence in Michigan --- 1982
Folder 9: Civil Rights in Michigan Materials and Correspondence --- 1983-1984
Folder 10: Materials on Revenue Sharing re: Grand Rapids, including actions by the City Commission, CAP, Better Communities Act, HUD, etc.
Series 20: Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights --- 1977-1984
Box 30
Folder 1-3: Annual Conference in Washington D.C. --- 1982-1984
Folder 4: Materials of State Committee --- 1982-1984
Folder 5: Materials of State Committee --- 1983-1984
Item 1: Binder: Correspondence and materials of State Committee --- 1977-1981
Box 31
Item 1: MH Rienstra's Scrapbook on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights --- 1982-1983
Series 21: CRC Race Commission --- 1950-1972
Box 32
Folder 1
Item 1: Outline of Plans --- 1965-1971
Item 2: Material for 11th grade catechism classes
Item 3: Testimonies given at first meeting --- June 1969
Item 4: Plans for financial assistance to minorities --- 1971
Item 5: Proposal for Leader Training Institute --- 1971
Item 6: Report of visit to Lawndale and Garfield CRC in Illinois --- 1970
Item 7: Offer of assistance to Chicago churches
Item 8: Financial report --- July 1970
Item 9: Proceedings of meeting --- September 1970
Folder 2: CRC Race Commission correspondence, minutes, materials, reports, discussions, proposed budgets --- 1970-1972
Folder 3
Item 1: Scriptural bases for solving race problems --- 1950
Item 2: Credo on Race Relations --- 1957
Item 3: Covenant on Open occupancy --- 1961
Item 4: Inventory of races --- undated
Item 5: Congregation inventory on racial concerns --- undated
Item 6: American Indian problems --- 1970
Folder 4
Item 1: Correspondence, minutes, articles, resolutions including Timothy Christian School and Lawndale --- 1965-1971
Item 2: Reports of Classis Chicago, North
Series 22: Miscellaneous Items --- 1962-1969
Box 33
Folder 1: Christian School Financing Study Committee (MHR Chairman) --- 1968-69
Folder 2: Vietnam Forum --- May 5, 1967
Folder 3: Proposal for a book on Communism --- 1963
Folder 4: Seminar on U.S. Foreign Policy --- 1967
Folder 5: Christian Service Club --- 1966-1967
Folder 6: History of the CRC --- undated
Folder 7: CRC Resettlement Committee --- 1964
Folder 8: TELL Stamps --- 1964
Folder 9: Citizens for Educational Freedom --- 1962-1963
Folder 10: Laymen's Inter-Faith Conference --- 1964-1965
Series 23: Selected Books --- 1950-1983
Box 34
Item 1: The Waldensian Church, by Achille Deodato, Rome --- 1953
Item 2: The Waldensian Church, Edited by Claudiana Torento, Italy --- 1967
Item 3: Christian Perspectives, Edited by J. Guillaume for the Association for Reformed Scientific Studies --- 1960
Item 4: Christian Perspectives, Edited by Paul Schrotenboer for the ARSS --- 1962
Item 5: Constitution: Association for Reformed Scientific Studies --- 1961
Item 6: Symposium, Edited by Kenneth Kuiper, Professor of English, Calvin College.  Collection of writings from Plato until today --- 1969
Item 7: Rupert of Dentz, by John H. Van Engen.  University of California Press --- 1983
Item 8: Short Chronology of Intellectual history from Thales to Boethuris - by J.T. Huston --- 1950
Folder 1: Selected Articles on: faith, modern humanism, Secularization, Worldly Christianity, Interpretation of history
Folder 2: Lecture materials on Ethics and Philosophy --- 1953-1954
Folder 3: Lecture materials on Philosophy of history --- 1951
Series 24: Miscellaneous Material --- 1968-1986
Box 35
Item 1: Memorial Resolution #867 "to the life of Dr. M. Howard Rienstra"from the Senate of the State of Michigan, --- July 1, 1986
Item 2: Miscellaneous Materials gathered on MHR's Italian Sabbatical --- 1968-1969
(see also box 16 and 17)
Item 3: Scrapbook (red) on the Urban League
Item 4: Scrapbook on MHR's career as a City Commissioner --- 1970-1983
Box 36
Item 1: Scrapbook on MHR's career as a City Commissioner --- 1970-1983
Series 25: Addenda and Varia --- 1975-1987
Box 37
Folder 1: Article: "Civil Rights: Price and Principle"The Banner --- April 14, 1986
Folder 2: Article: "What Constitutes a Civil Right"Dialogue, Vol. 19, No. 1 --- 1986
Folder 3: Boldgett Hospital Class of 1953.  Reunion - Mrs. Howard Rienstra --- 1986
Folder 4: Cancer Patient, Butterworth --- 1982
Folder 5: Correspondence - M. Monsma's acknowledgement of paperback books --- December 15, 1986
Folder 6: Director of Meeter Center
Folder 7: Friesians and Cousins, a Baltic past --- 1980
Folder 8-10: Legal Correspondence --- 1984
Folder 11-12: Legal Correspondence --- 1985-1986
Box 38
Folder 1: Legal Correspondence --- 1987
Folder 2: Netherlands - American Bicentennial Commission year-end report --- 1982
Folder 3: Requiem Prayer at Funeral
Folder 4: Review of books
Folder 5: Planning Commission of Salvation Army --- 1982-
Folder 6: Serving Sherman CRC
Folder 7: Slides of Strasburg and Geneva
Folder 8: Stuttgarter Antiquariat
Folder 9: Synodical Study Committee for Ethical Decisions about War --- 1975
Folder 10: "Who is in Control?"Responses
Folder 11: "Who is in Control?"Testimony --- September 18, 1981
Folder 12: Gerald R. Ford Museum Commemorative
Folder 13: The Philatelist
Series 26: Calvinism and Racism International Conference --- January 28-30, 1985, 1978-1985
Box 39
Folder 1: Attendance
Folder 2: Brochure --- 1985
Folder 3: Film Presentation Materials, Southern Africa Media Center --- undated
Folder 4: Preliminary Questions to Stimulate Discussion
Folder 5: Registration Material
Folder 6: Schedule
Folder 7: Service of Worship --- 1985
Folder 8: Speaker Information
Folder 9: Planning: Preliminary Statement --- 1984
Folder 10: Planning: Proposal and Report
Folder 11: Planning: Bibliography --- 1984
Folder 12: Correspondence --- 1983-84
Folder 13: Correspondence --- 1985
Folder 14: Research: Agreement, Grand Rapids, MI --- undated
Folder 15: Research: Cloete, Daniel, "Puritans, Pigments, and Paupers" --- 1985
Folder 16: Research: Chronology --- 1984
Folder 17: Research, Du Toit, Andre, "No Chosen People" --- 1983
Folder 18: Research, Eisenstadt, S.N., "The Protestant Ethic and Modernization”
Folder 19: Research: Erskine, N.L., "Black People and Reformed Church in America" --- 1978
Folder 20: Research: Fredrickson, G.M., "White Supremacy" --- 1981
Folder 21: Research: Hexham, Irving, "Dutch Calvinism and the Development of Afrikaner Nationalism" --- 1980
Folder 22: Research: Heyns, J.A., "A Cry for Life" --- 1978
Folder 23: Research: Hill, Herbert, "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission" --- 1983
Folder 24: Research: Hill, Herbert, "New York City Terminal Market Controversy" --- 1983
Folder 25: Research: History of Racism
Folder 26: Research: La Reforme Calviniste
Folder 27: Research: Lucas, Isidro, "I am a Person" --- 1985
Folder 28: Research: Lucas, Isidro, "Racism and Religion: A Catholic Perspective" --- 1985
Folder 29: Research: Moodie, T.B., "Calvinism and Afrikaner Nationalism" --- 1981
Folder 30: Research: Moodie, T.B., "Rise of Afrikanerdom" --- 1975
Folder 31: Research: Ngubane, Jordan K., "Conflict of Minds" --- 1979
Folder 32: Research: Scully, "Left's New Love" --- 1984
Folder 33: Research: Smiley, Xan, "Misunderstanding Africa" --- 1982
Folder 34: Research: Thorn, G., John Calvin, "Calvinism in South Africa" --- 1982
Folder 35: Research: Van Rooy, J.A., "Image of Man in White Theology" --- 1981
Folder 36: Research: VU Magazine --- 1985
Folder 37: Research: Wilmore, G.S., "Black and Presbyterian" --- 1983
Folder 38: Research: Wilmore, G.S., Letter to the Editor --- 1984

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Reels in Audio Visual Collection, 1985],
[Series 2: Personal Materials, 1949-1983],
[Series 3: Correspondence and History Teaching Material, 1960-1986],
[Series 4: History Teaching Material, 1957-1983],
[Series 5: History Department, 1954-1986],
[Series 6: History Materials, 1955-1981],
[Series 7: Philosophy of History Academic Affairs, 1963-1984],
[Series 8: Student Papers, 1964-1984],
[Series 9: Card Indexes, Microfilm of G. Della Porta's De Distillations Liber 13, Datebooks, 1970-1986],
[Series 10: Writings, 1953-1986],
[Series 11: Speeches, 1959-1984],
[Series 12: Meeter Center, 1971-1987],
[Series 13: Sabbatical in Italy, 1969],
[Series 14: Correspondence as City Commissioner, 1970-1983],
[Series 15: Grand Rapids City Commission Materials, 1961-1986],
[Series 16: Housing in Grand Rapids, 1963-1968],
[Series 17: Kent Community Action Program (CAP), 1972-1985],
[Series 18: Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1975],
[Series 19: Michigan Advisory Committee (MHR secretary) on Civil Rights (MHR), 1970-1984],
[Series 20: Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1977-1984],
[Series 21: CRC Race Commission, 1950-1972],
[Series 22: Miscellaneous Items, 1962-1969],
[Series 23: Selected Books, 1950-1983],
[Series 24: Miscellaneous Material, 1968-1986],
[Series 25: Addenda and Varia, 1975-1987],
[Series 26: Calvinism and Racism International Conference, January 28-30, 1985, 1978-1985],

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