Title: Frank C. Roberts Collection, 1975-1986
ID: COLL/208
Creator: Frank C. Roberts (1937-2013)
Extent: 1.0 Box
Arrangement: Folder level description
Frank Carl Roberts was born in Rochester, New York on October 8, 1937. Roberts enrolled at Calvin College and graduated with B.A. in 1962. He went on to pursue a higher education first receiving his Masters in Divinity at Calvin Theological Seminary and then his Ph.D. in history and church history from Vanderbilt University.
From 1968 to 1969, Roberts served as pastor for the United Presbyterian Church. In 1969, Roberts accepted a faculty position in the history department of Calvin College. He would remain at Calvin until his retirement in 2001. Besides serving the college as a history professor, Roberts also served as academic dean and director of off-campus programs.
Roberts was a member of the Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church. On March 29, 2013, Frank C. Roberts passed away at the age of 75. His wife of 49 years, Doris (Ludwick) and four sons survived him.