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Tymen E. Hofman Collection



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Tymen E. Hofman Collection, 1950-2008 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

By Ed Gerritsen

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Collection Overview

Title: Tymen E. Hofman Collection, 1950-2008

ID: COLL/492

Primary Creator: Hofman, Tymen E. (1922-2006)

Extent: 3.0 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description

Date Acquired: 00/00/2008


Minister of the Christian Reformed Church. The collection includes book manuscripts; articles; papers; correspondence; photographs; reports; sermons; and materials detailing various synodical committees, church-related issues, pastorates, and Canadian churches' history, particularly the churches at Monarch and Nobleford, Alberta. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Biographical Note

Tymen Edward Hofman was born in Nobleford, AB on August 24, 1922. Hofman grew up on the family farm, and eventually attended University of Alberta to study agriculture. However, he felt the calling to pursue a career in ministry, so Hofman enrolled at Calvin Theological Seminary. He earned his B.D. in 1951 and eventually earned his M.Div. in 1977. While attending Calvin, he met and married Jacoba "Cobi" Jorritsma.

After graduation, Hofman accepted the call from Bozeman, MT. Hofman was the first Canadian-born preacher in the CRC, and he was ordained on October 10, 1951. He served the Bozeman congregation until 1955. He went on to serve the congregations of Calgary, AB (1955-62); Los Angeles, CA (1962-68); Allen Av., Muskegon, MI (1968-72); Neland, Av. Grand Rapids, MI (1972-81); and lastly Faith, Tinley Park, IL (1981-87). Rev. Hofman retired from active ministry in October of 1987.

Rev. Hofman participated in many denominational boards including Board of Home Missions, Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary, and Interchurch Relations Committee. He also found time to write articles in periodicals like the Banner and Calvinist Contact. He even published a book, The Strength of Their Years: The Story of a Pioneer Community, about Dutch history in Alberta, Canada.

Rev. Hofman was known for his powerful preaching and singing voice, as well as his bluntness and good heart. Later in life, he was diagnosed with cancer which required him to go through throat surgery. On January 6, 2006 Tymen Hofman passed away due to complications from a throat inflammation. He was survived by his wife and their 3 sons.

Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Alternate Extent Statement: 6 Boxes

Acquisition Source: Cobi Hofman, 2008 and 2011

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence, 1950-2003],
[Series 2: Subject Correspondence, 1955-2002],
[Series 3: Ministerial Materials, 1951-1998],
[Series 4: Publications and Research Materials, 1950-2004],
[Series 5: Biographical Information, 1979-2008],
[Series 6: Photographs, 1951-1969],

Series 4: Publications and Research Materials --- 1950-2004
Box 5
Folder 1: Research materials and writings re: Dutch Immigrant History Project --- 1950-1992
Folder 2: Materials and script for CRC Centennial sight/sound program, "The Call, The Church, The Challenge," 1956 --- [1957?]
Folder 3: Booklet: Golden Jubilee Anniversary of the Nobelford Christian Reformed Church, 1905-1955, Nobelford, Alberta --- [1955]
Folder 4: Articles --- 1957-1994
Folder 5: Paper: "Taking Discipline Seriously" --- [1959?]
Folder 6: Research materials (newsletter): Historical Society of Alberta --- 1969-1975
Folder 7-8: Manuscript: Living Members --- [1972?]
Folder 9: Paper: "Watergate: the End of a Line" --- [1974?]
Folder 10: Paper: "The Dynamics of the Integration of the Church" --- 1976
Folder 11: Paper: Celebrating 75 Years in Canada" --- [1980?]
Folder 12: Banner articles with related documents re: Hofman/Boesak dialogue --- 1980-1981
Folder 13: Manuscript: For the Strength of Their Years --- [1980?]
Folder 14: Manuscript: For the Strength of Their Years --- 1982
Folder 15: Book reviews: For the Strength of Their Years --- [1983?], and 1991
Folder 16: Writings --- 1984-2005
Folder 17: Paper: "Memories at a 35th Anniversary" --- [1986?]
Folder 18: Paper: "From Pioneering to Piyami" --- [1986?]
Folder 19: Paper: "Ministerial Ethics and the Word of God" --- 1989
Folder 20: Essay: "The Life and Times of Neland Church, 1972-1981" --- 1993
Folder 21: Article: "memories of a Sunday Morning in Rijssen," Christian Courier, vol. 18, 10-11 --- Sept 13, 1996
Folder 22: Paper: "The Growing Irrelevance of Synod" --- [1997]
Folder 23: Book contributions in: Our Family Album, James C. Schaap, (Grand Rapids, MI: CRC Publications) --- 1998
Folder 24: Paper: "The Restoration of the Original Monarch CRC Church" --- 2001
Box 6
Folder 1: Manuscript: My Life and Times --- [2004?]
Folder 2: Book: The Canadian Story of the CRC: Its First Century, (Belleville, ON: Guardian Books) --- 2004

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence, 1950-2003],
[Series 2: Subject Correspondence, 1955-2002],
[Series 3: Ministerial Materials, 1951-1998],
[Series 4: Publications and Research Materials, 1950-2004],
[Series 5: Biographical Information, 1979-2008],
[Series 6: Photographs, 1951-1969],

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