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Stapert, Milo J. (1879-1957) | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Name: Stapert, Milo J. (1879-1957)

Historical Note:

Milo Stapert was born in the province of Vriesland in the Netherlands, October 31, 1879, and departed from this life May 1, 1957, at the age of seventy-seven years.

He and his wife, Pearl Kuik, with their young son, Jacob, came to the United States in 1908 and settled in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Nine children were born to them, though one passed away in infancy.  Mrs. Stapert departed from this life November 22, 1933, at the age of fifty-four years.

When they arrived in Kalamazoo they affiliated with the Third Reformed Church, but after a few years they transferred their membership to the Second Christian Reformed Church.

Mr. Stapert had no formal education beyond the sixth grade but, owing to his great desire for knowledge, he was an avid reader, interested in general knowledge and intensely active in searching the Scriptures.

In his later life he was involved in a traffic accident and for several years was disabled due to a post-operative infection in his hip.  In order to keep himself occupied and his mind active and alert, he conceived of the project of copying the Bible in longhand.  With much patience and determination he finished this monumental task.  Having completed it in English he then copied the Bible as well as other religious writings.

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