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Hofman, Tymen E. (1922-2006) | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Name: Hofman, Tymen E. (1922-2006)

Historical Note:

Tymen Edward Hofman was born in Nobleford, AB on August 24, 1922. Hofman grew up on the family farm, and eventually attended University of Alberta to study agriculture. However, he felt the calling to pursue a career in ministry, so Hofman enrolled at Calvin Theological Seminary. He earned his B.D. in 1951 and eventually earned his M.Div. in 1977. While attending Calvin, he met and married Jacoba "Cobi" Jorritsma.

After graduation, Hofman accepted the call from Bozeman, MT. Hofman was the first Canadian-born preacher in the CRC, and he was ordained on October 10, 1951. He served the Bozeman congregation until 1955. He went on to serve the congregations of Calgary, AB (1955-62); Los Angeles, CA (1962-68); Allen Av., Muskegon, MI (1968-72); Neland, Av. Grand Rapids, MI (1972-81); and lastly Faith, Tinley Park, IL (1981-87). Rev. Hofman retired from active ministry in October of 1987.

Rev. Hofman participated in many denominational boards including Board of Home Missions, Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary, and Interchurch Relations Committee. He also found time to write articles in periodicals like the Banner and Calvinist Contact. He even published a book, The Strength of Their Years: The Story of a Pioneer Community, about Dutch history in Alberta, Canada.

Rev. Hofman was known for his powerful preaching and singing voice, as well as his bluntness and good heart. Later in life, he was diagnosed with cancer which required him to go through throat surgery. On January 6, 2006 Tymen Hofman passed away due to complications from a throat inflammation. He was survived by his wife and their 3 sons.

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