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Slenk, Howard (1931-) | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Name: Slenk, Howard (1931-)

Historical Note:

Howard J. Slenk was born in Holland, Michigan in 1931. He attended Calvin College went on to earn his Ph.D. from Ohio University. Slenk taught at Trinity Christian College, but perhaps is best known for his service at Calvin College as professor of music for 28 years.

From 1967-1995 Slenk taught organ and music theory as well as directing Calvin's choirs and conducting the Oratorio Society. Slenk also served as the organist and music director for Woodland CRC in Grand Rapids. Slenk wrote A Well-Appointed Church Music in 1960. Slenk, (now emeritus professor of music) has received the honor of a scholarship named after him. The Howard J. Slenk Music Scholarship is awarded to Calvin College students with a music focused career path such as choral conducting, organist, or musicology.

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