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Toronto Committee for Women in the CRC Collection



Scope and Contents

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Full-length Articles

Unpublished Papers


Minutes and Reports

Bible Studies and Discussion Guides


Newspaper Clippings

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Toronto Committee for Women in the CRC Collection, 1974-1996 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Toronto Committee for Women in the CRC Collection, 1974-1996

ID: COLL/449

Extent: 3.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Details the efforts of one local committee under the umbrella of the larger Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church in North America, that worked to have all members of the denomination, regardless of gender, be able to make full use of their talents in serving the church, and specifically the CRC denomination. The Committee was not an official agency of the denomination, but was made up of people concerned about gender equality. The collection details various educational efforts, such as newsletters, correspondence, and informational sources used by the committee.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church was formally organized following synod’s 1975 decision to not open church offices to women. Regional committees, such as the Toronto Committee, sprang up around North America, to bolster local support for the women’s movement. As a grass-roots effort, the committee conducted correspondence, gathered information, published articles, sponsored workshops, and the like. In short, the committee served as a clearinghouse for views of the place of women in the denomination from 1975 to 1996 when that year’s synod left it to local congregations to decide on opening church offices to women. Later, although no official record was found to confirm this, it seems that the Toronto Committee disbanded. At this time, Johanna Peetoom sent one large box full of records to Joan Flikkema (Grand Rapids, MI), chair of the larger committee, who in turn gave the box of records to Heritage Hall, the Archives, at Calvin College.

The following summary of the Women’s Committee purpose is provided from the minutes of the early meetings: “The goal of the Christian Women’s Committee is the full and equal participation of both women and men in the life of the church . . . [it] intends to work for the full expression of the gifts of women in the church by supporting, encouraging, and training women to become aware of and to use their abilities in building up the body of Christ. It is our belief that the ordination of women to ecclesiastical offices is the Spirit-directed outcome of the teachings of Scripture. . . . The CRC is suffering from sexism.”—Joan Flikkema.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Full-length Articles, 1863-1990],
[Series 2: Unpublished Papers, 1982-1987],
[Series 3: Correspondence, 1982-1986],
[Series 4: Minutes and Reports, 1984-1990],
[Series 5: Bible Studies and Discussion Guides],
[Series 6: Newsletters, 1983-1994],
[Series 7: Newspaper Clippings, 1982-1993],

Series 1: Full-length Articles --- 1863-1990
Box 1
Folder 1: "The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense: Special Chapter for Women," by Suzette Elin
Item 1
Item 2: "Cinderella Syndrome," by Cathy Allen, in Church Herald , p.7-9 --- February 17, 1984
Item 3: "Women in Office: A Chronological Review of Synod Action, 1963-1984, 1990"
Item 4: "New Testament Teaching on the Role Relationship of Male and Female," by George W. Knight III, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 11 pages --- Spring 1975
Item 5
Item 6: "Pandemonium and Silence at Corinth," by Richard and Catherine Kroeger. Reformed Journal, p. 6-14 --- June 1978
Item 7: "Sexual Identity in Corinth," by Richard Kroeger, Reformed
Item 8: Journal, p. 11-15 --- Dec-78
Item 9: "Ancient Heresies and a Strange Greek Verb," by Catherine
Item 10: Kroeger, Reformed Journal, p.12-15 --- March 1979
Item 11: "May Women Teach?" by Richard and Catherine Kroeger, Reformed Journal,  p.14-18 --- October 1980
Item 12: "Woman Shall Be Saved: A Closer Look at I Timothy 2:15," by Mark Roberts, Reformed Journal, p.18-22 --- April 1983
Item 13: "History and Issues in the Treatment of Battering Men," by Jerry Jennings, Journal of Family Violence, Vol.2, no.3 --- 1987
Item 14: "Job Stress in Shelters," by Laura McKenna, Response, vol.9, p.21-24 --- 1986
Item 15
Item 16: "A 20th Century Witch Hunt: A Feminist critique of Grange Royal Commission into Deaths at the Hospital for Sick Children," by E. Buckley Day, from Studies in Political Economy, p.13-37 --- Autumn 1987
Item 17: "The Future of a Distinctive Dutch/American Theology in the Reformed Church of America and the Christian Reformed Church" by John Hesselink, Jr. p. 273-296
Item 18: "Therapy for the Masses," by William Kilpatrick, in Christianity Today --- Nov. 8, 1985
Item 19: "Authority and Ordination"
(source not identified)
Item 20: "Should Women Hold Offices in the Church?" by Tom Stark, University Reformed Church, E. Lansing, MI
Item 21: "The Power of Anger in the Work of Love: Christian Ethics for Women and Other Strangers," by Beverly Harrison, in Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Supplement, p. 41-57 --- 1981
Series 2: Unpublished Papers --- 1982-1987
Box 1
Folder 2
Item 1
Item 2: "Churches on the Cutting Edge," by Elaine Tamminga, for Calvin CRC, Grand Rapids, MI
Item 3: "The Ministry of Women in the Churches: A Challenge to Male Supremacy?" by Mary Gerritsma, 33 pages --- Aug. 27, 1985
Item 4: "What Does the Bible Teach about Men/Women Relationships?" a Seven-part series by Berkeley and Alvera Mickelsen --- undated
Item 5: "It Was Not That Way in the Beginning," a study in the development of patriarchy, by Jan Davies, 8 pages --- Jul. 15,1987
Item 6: "The Animus and the Anima in Marriage and Family Counseling," author unknown, 13 pages
Item 7: "Imaging God as Woman and Man Together: A Study of Genesis Two," by Susan Bower
Item 8: "Jesus, Power, and Gender-Roles," by S. Scott Bartchy --- 1982
Item 9
Item 10: "The Human Face: Decision to Bear a Child," by Diane Marshall --- Mar-86
Series 3: Correspondence --- 1982-1986
Box 1
Folder 3: Correspondence between Johanna Peetoom (Toronto) and Joan Flikkema --- 1984-1986
Folder 4: Correspondence between Johanna Peetoom and other people, primarily women within the CRC --- 1982-1985
Series 4: Minutes and Reports --- 1984-1990
Box 1
Folder 5
Item 1: Reports: the Commission of Women (1986 Reformed Church of America); Task Force on Pornography (United Church of Canada).
Item 2: Minutes: The Christian Women of the CRC Executive Board (especially represented by J. Flikkema, M. Takens, K. Langeland) --- 1986
Item 3
Series 5: Bible Studies and Discussion Guides
Box 1
Folder 6
Item 1: "Women in the Office of Deacon," 11-page study guide
Item 2: "Deborah a Woman of Courage," from book by M. Mason.
Item 3: "Feminine Images of God"
Item 4: CW-CRC Reading list
Item 5: "What Can I Do?" by CW-CRC
Item 6
Item 7: "Open Doors: A Sketch Based on the Story of Ruth"
Item 8: "World Day of Prayer, 1988, Bible Studies"
Series 6: Newsletters --- 1983-1994
Box 2
Folder 1
Folder 2
Item 1: Ground Swell (Ecumenical Decade Coordinating Group, Toronto) --- 1989-1994
Item 2: Inklings for Change (Edmonton chapter of the Committee for Women in the CRC) --- 1984-1989
Folder 3
Item 1
Item 2
Folder 4: Priscilla Papers --- 1990-1991
Folder 5: Newsletter (later called Partnership) --- 1985-1991
Folder 6: The Banner --- 1983-1993 (gaps)
Series 7: Newspaper Clippings --- 1982-1993
Box 3
Folder 1: Clippings from various newspapers and newsletters, especially the Toronto Star (photocopies) --- 1984-1987
Folder 2: From the Calvinist Contact (continued by Christian Courier) --- 1983-1993
Folder 3: Conference materials, including addresses and "networking" information --- 1982-1988

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Full-length Articles, 1863-1990],
[Series 2: Unpublished Papers, 1982-1987],
[Series 3: Correspondence, 1982-1986],
[Series 4: Minutes and Reports, 1984-1990],
[Series 5: Bible Studies and Discussion Guides],
[Series 6: Newsletters, 1983-1994],
[Series 7: Newspaper Clippings, 1982-1993],

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