Title: John T. Holwerda Collection, 1948-1965
ID: COLL/113
Primary Creator: John T. Holwerda (1904-1980)
Extent: 1.0 Box. More info below.
Arrangement: Folder level description
Subjects: Christian life
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church, John T. Holwerda was born on March 7, 1904 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He attended Calvin Seminary and graduated in 1931. In July of 1931, Holwerda married Martha Veltkamp. He served congregations in Sioux City, Iowa, 1931; Ellsworth, Michigan, 1935; Midland Park, New Jersey, 1941; Alpine Avenue, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1948; First Bellflower, California, 1954; Pleasant Street, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, 1963; Allendale, Michigan, 1969; retired 1972.
Rev. John T. also served the denomination on the Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary. He was a delegate to Synod a number of times. He served as editor of the Messenger, a publication of the Federation of Christian Reformed Men’s Societies.
“JT” was heartily received by the congregations to which he ministered.
In August of 1980, Rev. Holwerda preached his last sermon in Sioux City. It was soon after that Holwerda found out he had leukemia. He passed away on November 5, 1980.
Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Alternate Extent Statement: 0.50 cubic ft.
Acquisition Source: Gift of J.T. Holwerda family