Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church. The collection includes diplomas; ministerial documents; sermon notes; papers; thesis; slides; certificates; and the silver medal of gratitude from the Netherlands given to Anne Smith Hoogstra, spouse, for charity work. The collection also includes correspondence, reports, minutes, constitution, and articles produced by the following organizations: American Calvinist Conference; Calvinist Action Committee; Association for Reformed Scientific Studies; Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity and Inner-Church; International Association for Reformed Faith and Action; and Reformed Ecumenical Synod. Correspondents include the following: Jan D. Dengerink, Pierre Marcel, Paul Schrotenboer, Clarence Bouma, Beshai Saeed, Jerome De Jong, Jerry Pott, Robert Recker, Peter Savage, Chester Schemper, Gordon Spykman, Hubert Van Tol, Enno Wolthuis, and Bernard Zylstra.
Biographical Note
Jacob Tunis Hoogstra was born in Prospect Park (Paterson), New Jersey on April 19, 1900. After graduating from Calvin Seminary in 1928 and from Princeton in 1929 with a master’s degree, Hoogstra studied Systematic Theology at Tubingen, Germany, and in 1930 accepted a call to the Christian Reformed Church of Englewood, New Jersey. While serving the Englewood Christian Reformed Church he continued his studies at the New York Theological Seminary and received a ThD degree in 1934. His dissertation, “The Epistle to the Romans: The Conflict between Christianity and Humanism,” is included with the papers.
In 1940, Dr. Hoogstra accepted the call from the Prospect Park Christian Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan. He served the church for twenty-five years and remained a member until his death.
Hoogstra’s commitment to the Reformed faith and Calvinism involved him with the Calvinistic Action Committee, founded in 1945, and later known as the American Calvinistic Fellowship Committee. This committee in turn participated in the activities of the International Association for Reformed Faith and Action, of which organization the American Calvinistic Fellowship is a regional chapter. This work brought him in contact with prominent leaders from many denominations and many countries. Much correspondence is found in the files of these organizations due to Hoogstra’s committee work and his involvement in the planning and attendance of the Conferences of the Calvinistic Action Committee and the International Conferences on Reformed Faith and Action. In connection with these tasks, Hoogstra edited several books. Correspondence concerning this work covers several files.
His dedication to the efforts to establish a Christian University resulted in his membership in the American Christian University Association, 1943-1946, and the Association for Reformed Scientific Studies, 1962-1970.
Along the same period Hoogstra’s papers, contain much information and correspondence in the files of the Calvinistic Ecumenicity Committee, the International Council of Christian Churches, and the Christian Reformed Church Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity and Inter-Church correspondence, 1942-1966.
The post-World War II papers give evidence of his compassion to provide relief to Christians in Hungary and the Netherlands. Correspondence is found in these files, as well as in the files of the Christian Reformed Church Synod Committee for Korean Spiritual Relief. Hoogstra served on several other Christian Reformed Synodical committees, such as the Committee on Mixed Marriage, 1944, World Council, 1967, and the Committee on Ecumenicity and Inter-Church.
Hoogstra served on the Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary for sixteen years and was a member of the Executive Committee, serving as secretary for many years.
Hoogstra was married to Anne Smith in 1928. Together they had two sons: John and Calvin. Hoogstra passed away on June 14, 1994 in Holland, Michigan.
Several manuscripts are in the files, also bulletins and other institutional publications, which form a partial background to his many endeavors, of which the files give ample evidence.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Alternate Extent Statement:
6.15 cubic ft.
Acquisition Source:
Gift of the J.T. Hoogstra family
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Ministerial Documents, Notes, and Papers],
Series 2: American Calvinist Conference Committee (ACCC)],
Series 3: CAC (Calvinist Action Committee)],
Series 4: ACF (American Calvinist Fellowship)],
Series 5: ARSS (Association for Reformed Scientific Studies)],
Series 6: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity],
Series 7: IARFA (International Association for Reformed Faith and Action)],
Series 8: RES (Reformed Ecumenical Synod)],
Series 9: FILED BY TOPIC],
- Series 1: Ministerial Documents, Notes, and Papers
- Box 1
- Folder 1
- Item 1: Anne Smith Hoogstra, (wife of Jacob T. Hoogstra) documents
- Item 2: Erkentelijkheidsmedaille (silver Medal of Gratitude) --- 1947
- Folder 2: Paper,"Fulfillment of the Word" (by Hoogstra) --- 1962
- Folder 3: Ministerial documents --- 1930
- Folder 4: Sermon notes --- undated
- Folder 5: Speech notes --- undated
- Folder 6: Thesis, "The Epistle to the Romans: The Conflict between Christianity and Humanism," pt. 1 --- 1934
- Folder 7: Thesis, "The Epistle to the Romans: The Conflict between Christianity and Humanism," pt. 2 --- 1934
- Series 2: American Calvinist Conference Committee (ACCC)
- Box 1
- Folder 8: ACCC, minutes --- 1944
- Folder 9: ACCC Conference 1939, correspondence --- 1936, 1937
- Folder 10: ACCC Conference 1939, correspondence --- 1938-1939
- Folder 11: ACCC Conference 1939, documents
- Folder 12: ACCC Conference 1942, "Word of God"
- Folder 13: ACCC Conference (Regional) --- 1944, 1947
- Folder 14: ACCC clippings --- 1937-1947
- Folder 15: ACCC correspondence, Clarence Bouma --- 1937
- Folder 16: ACCC notes --- 1938-1947
- Series 3: CAC (Calvinist Action Committee)
- Box 1
- Folder 17: CAC constitution, name change, beginnings, and membership List
- Folder 18: CAC Articles of Incorporation --- 1946
- Folder 19: CAC minutes --- 1945-1949
- Folder 20: CAC minutes --- 1950-1960
- Folder 21: CAC Conference --- 1946
- Folder 22: CAC Conference --- 1955
- Folder 23: CAC Conference,"Calvinism Today" --- 1956-1957
- Box 2
- Folder 1: CAC correspondence --- 1945-1949
- Folder 2: CAC correspondence --- 1950-1960
- Folder 3: CAC correspondence re: book God Centered Living --- 1947-1954
- Folder 4: CAC correspondence re: Calvin Memorial, Reformed Ecumenical Journal --- 1957
- Folder 5: CAC correspondence, Samuel Zwemer --- 1950
- Folder 6: CAC documents re: literature --- 1945-1958
- Box 3
- Folder 15: CAC newsletters, CAC Eucmenical Newsletter (Ecumenical Newsletter) --- 1957-1958
- Series 4: ACF (American Calvinist Fellowship)
- Box 2
- Folder 7: ACF Constitution, name change, beginnings --- 1960-1962
- Folder 8: ACF Advisory Council --- 1960-1964
- Folder 9: ACF articles and papers re: American Calvinist Fellowship --- 1972-1976
- Folder 10: ACF Conference, "Authority of the Word of God" --- 1962
- Folder 11: ACF Conference, "Creation and Evolution" --- 1966
- Folder 12: ACF correspondence --- 1960-1961
- Folder 13: ACF correspondence --- 1962-1964
- Folder 14: ACF correspondence --- 1965-1967
- Folder 15: ACF correspondence --- 1968-1969
- Folder 16: ACF correspondence --- 1970-1981
- Folder 17: ACF correspondence, Alan Baker --- 1966
- Folder 18: ACF correspondence, Herman Baker/ Baker Books --- 1948-1968
- Folder 19: ACF correspondence, Beshai Saeed Beshai --- 1967
- Folder 20: ACF correspondence, William H. Boer --- 1970
- Folder 21: ACF correspondence, Jerome DeJong --- 1967-1971
- Folder 22: ACF correspondence, Jan Dengerink --- 1960-1966
- Folder 23: ACF correspondence, Indonesian publications --- 1980
- Folder 24: ACF correspondence, International Association for Reformed Faith and Action (IARFA) --- 1960-1970
- Folder 25: ACF correspondence, International Reformed Bulletin --- 1966
- Folder 26: ACF correspondence, Jerry Pott --- 1961-1970
- Folder 27: ACF correspondence, Robert Recker --- 1975-1983
- Box 3
- Folder 1: ACF correspondence, Sidney H. Rooy --- 1964-1982
- Folder 2: ACF correspondence, Peter Savage --- 1971-1973
- Folder 3: ACF correspondence, Chester Schemper --- 1966-1969
- Folder 4: ACF correspondence, Paul G. Schrotenboer --- 1965-1980
- Folder 5: ACF correspondence, Gordon Spykman --- 1971-1985
- Folder 6: ACF correspondence, Hubert Van Tol --- 1972
- Folder 7: ACF correspondence, Enno Wolthuis --- 1973-1976
- Folder 8: ACF correspondence, Bernard Zylstra --- 1962-1967
- Folder 9: ACF Executive Committee minutes --- 1961-1972
- Folder 10: ACF finances --- 1960-1980
- Folder 11: ACF, Gereformeerd Weeklad clippings --- 1963
- Folder 12: ACF, Heidelberg Catechism articles, correspondence, and pamphlets --- 1961-1963
- Folder 13: ACF minutes --- 1960-1970
- Folder 14: ACF minutes --- 1971-1983
- Folder 16: ACF newsletters, American Calvinistic Fellowship Newsletter --- 1961-1968
- Folder 17: ACF newspapers and digests, Holland, South Africa --- 1968, 1975, 1976
- Folder 18: ACF re: Pentagon hassles --- 1972-1981
- Folder 19: ACF periodicals, literature, and booklets --- undated
- Folder 20: ACF reports to Synod --- 1960, 1972, 1974
- Folder 21: ACF reports --- 1972-1978
- Folder 22: ACF takeover by World Literature Committee --- 1983-1984
- Folder 23: ACF various pamphlets and booklets --- 1966
- Series 5: ARSS (Association for Reformed Scientific Studies)
- Box 4
- Folder 1: ARSS notes and reports re: Christian University --- 1958-1961
- Folder 2: ARSS reports and notes re: Christian University (2) --- 1962-1970
- Folder 3: ARSS reports and notes re: Christian University (3) --- 1962-1969
- Folder 4: ARSS reports and notes re: Christian University (4) --- 1964-1965
- Folder 5: ARSS reports and notes re: Christian University (5) --- 1965-1968
- Folder 6: ARSS correspondence and notes re: Christian University --- 1966
- Folder 7: ARSS reports and notes re: Christian University --- 1967
- Folder 8: ARSS reports, notes, and correspondence re: Graduate Studies --- 1966
- Series 6: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity
- Box 4
- Folder 9: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity, articles, correspondence, minutes, and reports --- 1942
- Folder 10: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity and Inner-Church correspondence --- 1941-1949
- Folder 11: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity and Inter-Church correspondence --- 1950-1957
- Folder 12: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity and Inter-Church correspondence --- 1962-1966
- Folder 13: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity notes and reports --- 1944-1967
- Series 7: IARFA (International Association for Reformed Faith and Action)
- Box 5
- Folder 1: IARFA reports, notes, and correspondence --- 1979-1984
- Folder 2: IARFA Preparatory Committee --- 1950-1952
- Folder 3: IARFA Preparatory Committee --- 1953-1955
- Folder 4: IARFA Detmold Conference, Report --- 1955
- Folder 5: IARFA Detmold Conference --- 1955
- Folder 6: IARFA correspondence, J. Dengerink --- 1957-1961
- Folder 7: IARFA Conference --- 1957-1963
- Folder 8: IARFA Potchefstrom --- 1958
- Folder 9: IARFA Campbridge Conference --- 1961
- Folder 10: IARFA Constitution, reports, and literature
- Folder 11: IARFA --- 1960-1977
- Series 8: RES (Reformed Ecumenical Synod)
- Box 6
- Folder 1: RES correspondence and reports --- 1962-1963
- Folder 2: RES Committee, Inspiration of Scripture, correspondence, minutes, and reports --- 1955-1960
- Folder 3: RES Committee, Inspiration of Scripture, reports and statements --- [1955?]
- Folder 5: RES Committee, Inspiration of Scripture, minutes and reports --- 1955
- Folder 4: RES Conference, Edinburgh --- 1953
- Folder 6: RES Conference, (Fifth) --- 1963
- Folder 7: RES News Exchange --- 1964
- Folder 8: RES News Exchange --- 1965
- Folder 9: RES News Exchange --- 1966
- Folder 10: RES News Exchange --- 1967
- Folder 11: RES News Exchange --- 1968
- Folder 12: RES News Exchange --- 1969
- Folder 13: RES News Exchange --- 1970
- Folder 14: RES News Exchange --- 1971
- Series 9: FILED BY TOPIC
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Afscheiding: Polemios articles --- 1834
- Folder 2: American Christian University Association: articles, notes, and pamphlets --- 1943-1946
- Folder 3: Anonymous: "The Church" [edited by Hoogstra]
- Folder 4: Back to God Tract Committee: pamphlets, and tracts
- Folder 5: Blair, Ducan M.: The Beginning of Wisdom, undated
- Folder 6: Belgium: Reformed Church of Belgium Synod publications --- 1973-1978
- Folder 7: Calvin, John: notes, correspondence, papers, and book reviews --- 1944-1959
- Folder 8: Calvin, John: correspondence re: "Um Gottes Ehre" (play about John Calvin) --- 1960
- Folder 9: Calvinist Philosophy Club: articles, correspondence, and notes --- 1931-1953
- Folder 10: Catholicism: paper, "Catholicity and Denominationalism" --- 1941
- Folder 11: Central Avenue Christian Reformed Church: De Boer Issue --- 1970-1971
- Folder 12: Christian Reformed Church: Board of Home Missions manual --- 1959
- Folder 13: Christian Reformed Church: Centennial Research brochure --- undated
- Folder 14: Christian Reformed Church: Classis Holland report --- 1961
- Folder 15: Christian Reformed Church: Colleges, Calvin Radio Issue; and Trinity --- 1965
- Folder 16: Christian Reformed Church: missions, newspapers, articles, pamphlets, and notes
- Folder 17: Church History: articles and notes
- Folder 18: Church History: contemporary --- 1935-1940
- Folder 19: Church History: A History of the Reformed Church In the USA, by Norman L. Jones --- 1710-1964
- Folder 20: Clippings and newspapers --- 1947-1966
- Box 8
- Folder 1: Communism: US Senate Studies Committee, The Church and State under Communism --- 1965
- Folder 2: Coolen, Anton: The Golden Webs --- 1953
- Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1927-1928
- Folder 4: DeJonge, Jerome: "Ecumenicity and the Reformed Church" --- undated
- Folder 5: Donner, A.M.: "The Bible and the Authority of the State"
- (French and English)
- Folder 6: Dure, Leon: The New Southern Response --- 1961
- Folder 7: Ecumenicity: articles by Hoogstra:
- Item 1: That They May Be One
- Item 2: Must We Walk the Separate Road?
- Item 3: Oecumenische Synode
- Item 4: Potchefstroom Ecumenical Synod
- Item 5: Notes plus other articles on ecumenicity
- Folder 8
- Item 1: France: correspondence, Pierre Marcel --- 1955-1959
- Item 2: Sociéte Calviniste de France Bulletins --- 1935-1940
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Ministerial Documents, Notes, and Papers],
Series 2: American Calvinist Conference Committee (ACCC)],
Series 3: CAC (Calvinist Action Committee)],
Series 4: ACF (American Calvinist Fellowship)],
Series 5: ARSS (Association for Reformed Scientific Studies)],
Series 6: Calvinistic and Synodical Committee on Ecumenicity],
Series 7: IARFA (International Association for Reformed Faith and Action)],
Series 8: RES (Reformed Ecumenical Synod)],
Series 9: FILED BY TOPIC],