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Dirk William Jellema Collection



Biographical Note

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Personal and Professional

Papers and Published Articles

Press Clippings

Student and Instructor

History: Anglo-Saxon, Frisian

History, the Netherlands

History, Roman Empire and Russia

History, Western Civilization

The Abraham Kuyper Collection

Abraham Kuyper Collection and Other Material

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Dirk William Jellema Collection, 1941-1982 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Dirk William Jellema Collection, 1941-1982

ID: COLL/134

Primary Creator: Dirk William Jellema (1924-1982)

Extent: 11.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Professor of history at Calvin College. The collection includes lectures; class notes; articles; translations; correspondence; and subject files detailing Anglo-Saxon Frisian history, the Anti-revolutionary Party, Abraham Kuyper, and The Kuyper Newsletter. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Biographical Note

Dirk William, son of William Harry and Frances Jellema, was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 7, 1924.  He received his grade school education at the Oakdale Christian School.

When his father left Calvin College for a position in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Indiana, Dirk continued his education at the University High School of Bloomington, Indiana, and spent his first year of college at Indiana University.  His sophomore year was spent at Calvin College.  During that year, he enlisted in the Air Corps and then served in the military service from 1943 to 1946.  After the war, he returned to Calvin College to receive his BA in June of 1947.

Graduate work in medieval history began at the University of Wisconsin in the fall of 1947.  He held teaching assistantships in medieval and ancient history and a research fellowship in medieval history.  When he received a Fulbright grant, he went to the Netherlands to study at the University of Groningen where he completed a thesis on “Frisian trade during the dark ages.”  In the fall of 1951, he received a PhD from the University of Wisconsin.

Dirk’s first teaching experience as a graduate was at the University of Oregon (1951-1952).  After a year at the University of West Virginia (1952-1953), he went to Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland, Ohio (1953-1960).  The school year 1960-1961 was spent at Illinois State Normal University.

Dirk returned to his alma mater, Calvin College, in 1961 to teach in the department of history where he taught for some twenty years.

He remained single.  Dirk and his father often worked together.  Both of them had a continuing interest in religion, philosophy, and history.  There was a constant interchange of ideas and notes.  Dirk William died of a heart attack July 12, 1982, at the age of 59, only two months after his father, Dr. William Harry, passed away, May 16, 1982, at 89 years of age.

Dirk’s interest in history went beyond his preparations for classroom lectures.  Local history prompted him to assist in founding the Grand River Valley Review, a journal, and to serve as a member of the board of the Grand Rapids Historical Society.  He also contributed time and effort and articles to other historical societies.  He maintained an abiding interest in baseball and music – always from the perspective of their historical value.

In the beginning of his career, he researched the history of the Anglo-Saxons and the Frisians.  Toward the end, he became an active student and researcher of the life and works of Abraham Kuyper.  He co-founded and co-edited the Kuyper Newsletter.  The first issue was published January 1980.

Throughout his life, he wrote many articles and book reviews which appeared in both religious and historical magazines and periodicals.

A colleague, Herbert Brinks, described Dirk “as the master of the unexpected insight.  Dirk’s mind was always going in the opposite direction of everyone else.  He would come up with insights that no one else expected.”

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Personal and Professional, 1951-1982],
[Series 2: Papers and Published Articles, 1948-1982],
[Series 3: Press Clippings, 1950-1981],
[Series 4: Student and Instructor, 1941-1982],
[Series 5: History: Anglo-Saxon, Frisian, 1947-1957],
[Series 6: History, the Netherlands],
[Series 7: History, Roman Empire and Russia],
[Series 8: History, Western Civilization],
[Series 9: The Abraham Kuyper Collection],
[Series 10: Abraham Kuyper Collection and Other Material],

Series 1: Personal and Professional --- 1951-1982
Box 1
Folder 1: Biographical material
Folder 2: Correspondence --- 1958-1982
Folder 3: Genealogical material
Folder 4: Baseball article in West Michigan --- April 1982
Folder 5: African American History, articles
Folder 6: Crossword: "Square and Dutch"
Folder 7: Jazz, article, clippings
Folder 8: Property projects, maps and newsletters
Folder 9: Youth and Calvinism group: correspondence and membership --- 1951-1952
Folder 10: Youth and Calvinism group publications
Folder 11: Calvinist Renascence Foundation: minutes and correspondence --- 1952-1953
Folder 12: Conference on Faith and History --- 1981
Folder 13: Grand Rapids Historical Society, Grand River Times, with "connexions" --- 1980
Folder 14: Institute for Christian Studies correspondence
Folder 15: Historical Society of Michigan, articles and material
Folder 16: Holland Area Historical Society, articles --- 1981
Folder 17: International Honorary Society in History, newsletter and correspondence
Folder 18: Notebook with references to various published articles
Series 2: Papers and Published Articles --- 1948-1982
Box 2
Folder 1: Bibliographies
Folder 2: Articles by Jellema published in magazines, includes a publications list
Folder 3: Book reviews by Jellema written for various publications --- 1950-1979
Folder 4: Buridan, John.  "The Impetus Theory," translated from Questionas super acto physicorum libros, 1509: resource article
Folder 5: Jammer, Vera.  Die anfänge der Münzprägung im Herzogtum Sachsen. Maps presented to Jellema by V. Jammer --- 10 und 11, jahrhundert, 1952
Folder 6: Jellema, Dirk.  "John of Holland," paper based on Latin text of De Motus, Part I
Folder 7: Jellema, Dirk.  "John of Holland," English summary of De Motus, part III
Folder 8: Jellema, Dirk.  "Pietra Pomponazzi's treatise on the intention and remission of forms," paper --- undated
Folder 9: Jellema, Dirk.  "Walter Burley," paper --- 1949
Folder 10: Jellema, Dirk.  "William of Moerbeke," paper --- 1948
Folder 11: Marillius of Inghen.  "The Nature of Movement," translation
Folder 12: Reynolds, Robert L.  Note on Beowolf's date and economic-social history. Reprint from author to Jellema
Folder 13: Robinson, J. L.  "Dialectology and the Community College," Paper presented to Jellema by author, resource article
Folder 14: Robinson, J. L.  "Voices in the Classroom: Unity or Diversity?" paper presented to Jellema by author, resource article --- 1970
Folder 15: Shedd, James. "Doublespeak: Dialectology in the Service of Big Brother," paper presented to Jellema by author
Folder 16: Theatinus. "Nicolaus Vernias, Question whether the civil law or medicine is the more excellent profession," A translation with introduction by Peter N. Riesenberg:  resource paper
Folder 17: Van Mastrigt, C. J.  "Het recht van dedezeggenischap in de onderneming," article presented to Jellema by author
Folder 18: Published articles with reference to Jellema --- 1951, 1958, 1982
Folder 19: Synopses of articles and books by Jellema
Series 3: Press Clippings --- 1950-1981
Box 3
Folder 1: General, some with comments --- 1951-1955
Folder 2: General, some with comments --- 1956-1960
Folder 3: General --- 1961-1963
Folder 4: General --- 1964-1965
Folder 5: General --- 1976-1979
Folder 6: General --- 1980-1981
Folder 7: Church and state, some with comments --- 1954-1958
Folder 8: Church and state, some with comments --- 1958-1960
Folder 9: Contemporary religions --- 1950-1965
Folder 10: Religious experiments and education --- 1957-1960
Series 4: Student and Instructor --- 1941-1982
Box 4
Folder 1: Notes on Calvin's Commentary on Genesis 1 and 2
Folder 2: Notes on Calvin's commentaries on Psalms through Jeremiah --- 1958
Folder 3: Notes on Calvin's commentaries on Ezekiel through minor prophets
Folder 4: Notes on Calvin's commentary on Acts --- 1958
Folder 5: Notes on Clive Day's Economic Development in Modern Europe, New York: Macmillan --- 1942
Folder 6: Notes on C. J. H. Haye's A Generation of Materialism, 1871-1900, New York: Harper and Brothers --- 1941
Folder 7: Notes on Gottfried Schramm's Der polnische Adel und die Reformation, Wiesbaden: F. Steiner --- 1965
Folder 8: Notes on social need (sociale nooden)
Folder 9: Outline of Plato's Republic --- 1970
Folder 10: Student exam questions
Folder 11: Course on conformity: notes and material
Folder 12: Course on the Good Society: outline, notes and observations
Folder 13: History, United States: brief notes on dates and people
Folder 14: History, Central America: notebook I, news clippings --- January - March 1982
Folder 15: History, Central America: notebook II, news clippings --- March - April 1982
Folder 16: History, Economic History to 1775: class notes --- 1951-1952
Series 5: History: Anglo-Saxon, Frisian --- 1947-1957
Box 5
Folder 1: Anglo-Saxon History: paper (initial pages missing), bibliography
Folder 2: Anglo-Saxon History: thesis notes I
Folder 3: Anglo-Saxon History: thesis notes II
Folder 4: Ideas for a survey of history of the movements of Anglo-Saxon swaefs, by R. Reynolds.  Letter to Jellema --- 1957
Folder 5: Frisian Contacts with Anglo-Saxon England, thesis submitted to University of Wisconsin (M. A.) --- 1948
Folder 6: Frisian Trade to 1100, part 1 of thesis submitted to University of Wisconsin (Ph. D.) --- 1951
Folder 7: Frisian Trade to 1100, part 2 of thesis submitted to University of Wisconsin (Ph. D.) --- 1951
Folder 8: Gere, Robert H., "Materials for the History of English Trade and Industry": part 1 of paper used for research --- undated
Folder 9: Gere, Robert H., "Materials for the History of English Trade and Industry": part 2 of paper used for research --- undated
Folder 10: The Golden Age of Frisian Trade 450-850, paper for History 133, University of Wisconsin --- 1947
Folder 11: Notes on the Anglo-Saxon Settlement, paper written --- December 1952
Folder 12
Item 1: Reprint with authors' compliments: P. C. J. A. Boeles, "De handel van Groter-Friesland met Frankrijk in de Merovingshce tijd"
Item 2: Reprint with authors' compliments:  J. N. L. Myres, "Cremation and Inhumation in the Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries" --- 1942
Folder 13: History, Medieval: Lecture notes, student notes for class discussion --- undated
Folder 14: History, Medieval: Lecture notes, student notes for class discussion --- undated
Folder 15: History, Medieval: Lecture notes, tests, articles --- undated
Series 6: History, the Netherlands
Box 6
Folder 1: History, the Netherlands: bibliographies
Folder 2: History, the Netherlands: the labor movement, class lectures
Folder 3: History, the Netherlands: the labor movement, synopses of books on the subject
Folder 4: History, the Netherlands: 1450-1500, lecture notes
Folder 5: History, the Netherlands: 1600s, lecture notes
Folder 6: History, the Netherlands: 1700s, lecture notes
Folder 7: History, the Netherlands: 1800s, lecture notes
Folder 8: History, the Netherlands: 1890s-1900s, lecture notes
Folder 9: History, the Netherlands: 1900s, lecture notes
Folder 10: History, the Netherlands: discussion questions, term paper subjects and student responses
Folder 11: History, the Netherlands: student papers
Folder 12: History, the Netherlands: student papers
Series 7: History, Roman Empire and Russia
Box 7
Folder 1: History, Roman Empire: 0-150, Pax Romana
Folder 2: History, Roman Empire: 150-300, decay of classical society
Folder 3: History, Roman Empire: 300-450, Rome and the barbarians
Folder 4: History, Roman Empire: to 300, challenge of Christianity
Folder 5: History, Roman Empire: East, Rome and the great heretic, 450-700
Folder 6: History, Roman Empire: West, the tribes, 450-700
Folder 7: History, Roman Empire: West, 450-700
Folder 8: History, Roman Empire: economic reasons for decline
Folder 9: History, Russia: 750-1450, lecture notes
Folder 10: History, Russia: 1450-1650, lecture notes
Folder 11: History, Russia: 1650-1700, lecture notes
Folder 12: History, Russia: 1700s, lecture notes
Folder 13: History, Russia: 1800s, lecture notes
Folder 14: History, Russia: 1900-1914, lecture notes
Folder 15: History, Russia: communist regime, lecture notes
Folder 16: History, Russia: class exams and essay tests
Folder 17: History, Russia: press clippings
Folder 18: History, Russia: student papers, chemical war and Russian revolutionary art
Series 8: History, Western Civilization
Box 8
Folder 1: History, Western Civilization: false dawn, 750-900
Folder 2: History, Western Civilization: supremacy of the East, 750-1050
Folder 3: History, Western Civilization: papers on various subjects, French towns, manors, agrarian reform
Folder 4: History, Western Civilization: development of feudal society, 900-1050
Folder 5: History, Western Civilization: revival and crusades, 1050-1150
Folder 6: History, Western Civilization: bordering societies, 1050-1450
Folder 7: History, Western Civilization: church and culture, 1150-1250
Folder 8: History, Western Civilization: rise of canon law, paper for research
Folder 9: History, Western Civilization: feudal and Catholic civilization,
Folder 10: History, Western Civilization: waning of medieval society, 1350-1450
Folder 11: History, Western Civilization: class lecture notes and class material covering entire period
Folder 12: History, Western Civilization: class material --- 1967-1968
Folder 13: History, Western Civilization: class material --- 1979
Folder 14: History, Western Civilization: class material --- 1979
Series 9: The Abraham Kuyper Collection
Box 9
Folder 1: Abraham Kuyper's Attack on Liberalism, paper, Case Institute of Technology
Folder 2: Abraham Kuyper the Dutch Troy Radical, paper, first of three drafts
Folder 3: Abraham Kuyper and His Social Thought, paper --- 1949-1950
Folder 4: Abraham Kuyper: The Social Thought of Abraham Kuyper, paper --- 1953
Folder 5: Abraham Kuyper: The Social Question, translation from Abraham Kuyper's Ons Program --- 1880
Folder 6: Abraham Kuyper: Varia Americana, observations of Abraham Kuyper on his visit to America in 1889
Folder 7: The Kuyper Newsletter, vol. I and II, ed. by Jellema; includes correspondence and notes --- 1980-1982
Folder 8: Letters to Abraham Kuyper --- 1864-1908
Folder 9: Notes (cryptic) on Abraham Kuyper: "Is the Antithesis Taken Seriously?" survey of Calvin College students, January 26 --- 1962
Folder 10: Synopses of books on Abraham Kuyper --- 1912-1938
Folder 11: Synopses of books on Abraham Kuyper --- 1940-1947
Folder 12: Anti-Revolutionaire Partij: publications and other material
Series 10: Abraham Kuyper Collection and Other Material
Box 10
Folder 1: Curriculum committee notes
Folder 2: De Heraut, Sunday, no. 150; "De stichting der Vrije Universiteit --- October 31, 1880
Folder 3: Map (detailed) of Gorinchem and Utrecht --- 1934
Folder 4: Sphere Sovereignty, by Abraham Kuyper; Dutch and translations
Folder 5: Student papers
Folder 6: Should Churches be Tax Exempt? in Liberty --- 1966
Folder 7: Abraham Kuyper collection brochures
Folder 8: Abraham Kuyper collection booklets
Folder 9: Abraham Kuyper collection brochures
Folder 10: Abraham Kuyper collection brochures
Folder 11: Dr. Abraham Kuyper in Jesus Onslapenden Achtsten --- November 1920
Box 11-13: Research note cards:  class and thesis material

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Personal and Professional, 1951-1982],
[Series 2: Papers and Published Articles, 1948-1982],
[Series 3: Press Clippings, 1950-1981],
[Series 4: Student and Instructor, 1941-1982],
[Series 5: History: Anglo-Saxon, Frisian, 1947-1957],
[Series 6: History, the Netherlands],
[Series 7: History, Roman Empire and Russia],
[Series 8: History, Western Civilization],
[Series 9: The Abraham Kuyper Collection],
[Series 10: Abraham Kuyper Collection and Other Material],

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