Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church and professor of practical theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. The collection includes home missions materials; articles; Leadership Training Conference materials; festschrift; books; campus ministries materials, papers; Calvin Institute of Missions; CRC-RCA Committee on Evangelism materials; speeches; devotionals; addresses; book reviews; course material; subject files; conference material; Church and Ministry Division minutes; clippings, correspondence, and research note cards. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
Carl Gerhard Kromminga was born on February 12, 1925 in Peoria, Iowa. Like his father, Rev. Diedrich H. Kromminga, Carl decided to pursue a career in ministry. He enrolled in Calvin College and Seminary earning his Th.B. in 1948. That same year Kromminga married Margaret Luteyn. Together they had three children. When Margaret passed away in 1986, Kromminga got remarried to Joan Jellema Bulthuis.
Kromminga was ordained on October 1, 1948 at Lodi, New Jersey. He remained in Lodi until 1951 when he accepted the call from Harderwyk Christian Reformed Church of Holland MI. The 1953 Synod appointed Kromminga to the Calvin Seminary faculty. Before beginning his career at Calvin, Kromminga was granted a stipend to advance his studies at the Free University of Amsterdam, where he would eventually earn his Th.D. in 1964. Kromminga began teaching at Calvin Seminary in 1954 and remain on faculty until his retirement in 1990. During his time at the Seminary he began as Chair of Practical Theology (1954-57) then became Associate Professor of Practical Theology (1957-65) and ended his career as Professor of Practical Theology (1965-90). He also earned his M.Div. in 1981 from Calvin Theological Seminary.
Kromminga also served on several denominational boards and committee such as the Evangelism Principles Study Committee, Task of Deacons, and Interchurch Relations. He also found time to write articles for a number of journals like Missionary Monthly, The Banner, and Calvin Theological Journal. He even wrote a book entitled, Bringing God's News to Neighbors.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: [General Materials]],
Series 2: Notecards],
- Series 1: [General Materials]
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Article: "The Church and Old Testament History," Reformed Journal, July/August --- 1956
- Folder 2: Calvin Institute of Missions In-Service Seminar, March 4-8; "Reaching the Uncommitted" --- 1974
- Folder 3: Campus Ministry Study Committee papers --- 1977-1978
- Folder 4: Joint Commission of the CRC / RCA for Study of Theology Evangelism Committee minutes and papers --- 1973-1975
- Folder 5: Office and church, focus on the diaconal office --- 1964-1977
- Folder 6: "Evangel and Evangelism: Practical Principles," series of articles in Missionary Monthly --- November 1968 - February 1970
- Folder 7: Strategy Conference on the Growing Church, papers --- October 14-17, 1975
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Festschrift - Perspectives on the CRC (Folder 1) --- undated
- Folder 2: Festschrift - Perspectives on the CRC (Folder 2) --- undated
- Folder 3: Festschrift - Perspectives on the CRC (Folder 3) --- undated
- Folder 4: Festschrift - Perspectives on the CRC (Folder 4) --- undated
- Folder 5: Unidentified material --- undated
- Folder 6: Unidentified material --- undated
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Various talks, papers, etc. --- 1960, and undated
- Folder 2: Articles for Eastern Academy (New Jersey) and Passaic (New Jersey) Christian School papers --- 1949-1951
- Folder 3: Devotionals for the Daily Manna --- 1973-1978
- Folder 4: Banner articles --- 1959-1982
- Folder 5: Reformed Journal articles --- 1956
- Folder 6: Miscellaneous speeches --- 1957-1965
- Folder 7: Address at Board/Faculty Conference "The Reformed Doctrine of Inspiration" --- 1960
- Folder 8: Paper for Seminary Faculty Retreat: Theological Education at Calvin Seminary --- undated
- Folder 9: Studies in I and II Peter and Christian Reformed Men's Federation Convention --- 1973
- Folder 10: Book reviews --- undated
- Folder 11: Article, "Is the Church's Message Relevant," in Vision, 1960 and "Pastoral Preaching and Evangelism," in The Reformed Review, 1958
- Folder 12: Articles for Sixth Annual Convention of Christian Association for Psychological Studies --- 1957 and 1959
- Folder 13: Article: "The Liturgy of Life" in Calvin Theological Journal
- Box 4
- Folder 1: Bible Lessons for the Young Calvinist --- 1957-1958
- Folder 2: Bible Lessons for the Young Calvinist --- 1958-1959
- Folder 3: Bible Lessons for the Young Calvinist --- 1959-1960
- Folder 4: Material for Adult Church School Sessions --- 1987
- Folder 5: Lesson material for Series Life in the Spirit --- 1956-1957
- Folder 6: Continuing Education Seminar course "Preaching on the Miracles of Jesus --- 1988
- Folder 7: Material for Christian Reformed Church/ Reformed Church in America Preaching Today Conference --- April 1990
- Folder 8: Material for Bible Studies --- 1977
- Folder 9: Material for Seminary in the Rockies --- 1974
- Folder 10: Seminary Convocation Address: A School of the Prophets --- 1966
- Folder 11: Notes on The Task of the Reformed Family in Evangelization --- undated
- Folder 12: Various Tasks and Lectures Given --- undated
- Folder 13: Missionary Monthly Articles, late --- 1960s
- Box 5
- Folder 1: Material for Reverend D. Miedma's Doctor of Ministry Project --- 1989
- Folder 2: Material on Psalter Hymnal Handbook Preparation --- 1986
- Folder 3: Material on Limited Atonement Issue --- 1967
- Folder 4: Material re Committee to Study J. Stek's Views on Genesis 1-11
- Folder 5: Material on Old Testament History --- undated
- Folder 6: Material re American Association of the Theological Schools Grant --- 1962
- Folder 7: Material re Preaching in Korean and Chinese Churches in California --- late 1970s
- Folder 8: Material re Dutton Christian Reformed Church/Verhey Matter --- 1979
- Folder 9: Material re W.I. Buiten/ Los Angeles Consistory Matter --- 1958-1961
- Folder 10: Liturgy and Music in Reformed Worship Material
- Folder 11: Material for Cooperative Courses with Redeemer College in Public Worship and Preaching, late --- 1980s-early 1990s
- Box 6
- Folder 1: Course material on Missions in Old Testament Perspective --- undated
- Folder 2: Course material on Problems in Gospel Communication --- undated
- Folder 3: Course material on Sermon Construction --- 1980-1984
- Folder 4: Course material for The Church's Public Worship of God --- undated
- Folder 5: Course material for Middler Preaching and Sermon Evaluations --- undated
- Folder 6: Material for Senior Preaching Course --- 1980s
- Folder 7: Course material on Homiletics --- 1950s-1960s
- Folder 8: Course material for the Church and Its Ministry --- undated
- Folder 9: Course material for Ministry in North American Culture --- late 1980s-early 1990s
- Folder 10: Course material on Sermon Construction --- 1970s-1980s
- Folder 11: Course material: The Churches Public Worship of God --- 1970s
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Course material for Church Policy --- mid 1990s
- Folder 2: Course material for Communication in Public Worship --- late 1980s-early 1990s
- Folder 3: Course material for Liturgies --- undated
- Folder 4: Course syllabus, The Church's Proclamation of the World in Public Worship --- undated
- Folder 5: Man Before God's Face in Calvin's Preaching [HERH BX9418.K72] --- 1961
- Folder 6: Papers: The Liturgy of Life and The Message in Evangelism --- undated
- Folder 7: Working paper on the Timothy/Lawndale Matter and Related Documents --- 1969
- Folder 8: Paper: Office and Church --- undated
- Folder 9: Papers: The Role of the Laity in Urban Evangelism and Education at Calvin Seminary as Training for Ministry --- undated
- Folder 10: Paper: Evidences of Christ's Eternal Deity and Sonship in John's Gospel --- 1980-1981
- Folder 11: Papers on Genesis 17 and 32, and I and II Peter --- undated
- Folder 12: Paper: History of Efforts Toward a Uniform Order of Worship in the Christian Reformed Church 1916-1932 --- undated
- Folder 13: Paper: The Millennium, by D. H. Kromminga --- undated
- Folder 14: R. Decker's Theology master's thesis Martyn Lloyd-Jones Theory and Practice of Expository Preaching --- 1980s
- Folder 15: Symbols of the Seminary booklet --- undated
- Box 8
- Folder 1: Church and Ministry Division minutes --- September 1976-December 1980
- Folder 2: Church and Ministry Division minutes --- 1981-1984
- Folder 3: Church and Ministry Division minutes --- January 1985-July 1987
- Folder 4: Minutes of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies --- 1956-1958
- Folder 5: Minutes of Committee for Organization of the Church Order --- 1988
- Folder 6: Minutes and related material, Kromminga Resource Center --- 1994-1995
- Folder 7: Debate on Ordination of Women --- 1991
- Folder 8: Church Visitors Reports --- 1997 and 2000
- Folder 9: Results of Survey, re: Christian/Non-Believing Neighbor Relationships --- undated
- Folder 10: Yearbook --- 1963
- Folder 11: Gamma Beta Theta Seminary Club Constitution --- 1954
- Folder 12: Handwritten course notes --- undated
- Folder 13: Dissertation submitted at Free University of Amsterdam, The Communication of the Gospel Through Neighboring --- 1964
- Box 9
- Folder 1: Review of doctoral dissertation --- 1965
- Folder 2: Article for Calvin Chimes, "1945 and World History" --- January 1945
- Folder 3: Liturgics notes for Professor Volbeda's Class --- 1940s
- Folder 4: Papers written for college courses --- 1940s
- Folder 5: Papers written for seminary courses --- 1940s
- Folder 6: News clippings --- 1949-1957
- Folder 7: Seminary class resource book The Doctrine of Church and the Means of Grace --- 1940s
- Folder 8: Book: Articles of Faith of the Dutch Reformed Church of Ceylon --- 1957
- Folder 9: Book: Ark of the Covenant from Conquest to Kingship --- 1965
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Correspondence re: Admittance to the Lord's Supper by Non Members/Visitors
- Folder 2: Correspondence re: Summer Urban Field Program
- Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1958-1959
- Folder 4: Correspondence --- 1960-1961
- Folder 5: Correspondence --- 1964-1965
- Folder 6: Correspondence --- 1966-1969
- Folder 7-16: Correspondence --- 1970-1991
- Folder 17: Correspondence --- 1994-1995
- Folder 18: Correspondence --- 1996-1997
- Folder 19: Bringing God's News to Neighbors, 1976 [HERH BV 4520.K68 --- 1976]
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Seminary Student Thesis: Preaching as a Means of Grace, Views of H. Hoeksma and R.B Kuiper --- 1985
- Folder 2: Seminary Student Thesis: Evangelization of Korea and the Nevius Principles --- 1967
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: [General Materials]],
Series 2: Notecards],