Ahuis, Henry (1865-1946) | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Name: Ahuis, Henry (1865-1946)
Historical Note: Henry Ahuis was born in Georgsdorf Kries, Grafschaft Bentheim, Germany, on 10 January 1865. He attended school in his native village for his early education. He attended Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary and received his diploma in 1899. He was ordained into the Christian Reformed Church in 1899. He served churches in Hull, North Dakota; Bunde, Minnesota; Ackley, Iowa; Parkersburg, Iowa; Ridott, Illinois; and Vesper, Wisconsin. He did missionary work in Custer and Ackley, Iowa. In 1902 he married Jennie Ensing of Fremont, Michigan. Henry died on 24 July 1946 in Fremont, Michigan, survived by his wife, one daughter and her husband, and one granddaughter.