By Jen Vos
Collection Overview
American theologian and philosopher. Collection includes correspondence, articles, papers, and other writings. Also includes some media items (CDs and cassettes).
Collection Historical Note
Richard John Mouw (April 22, 1940 - ) is the President Emeritus and Senior Professor of Faith and Public Life at Fuller Theological Seminary. He earned his BA from Houghton College, M. Div. from Western Theological Seminary, MA from the University of Alabama, and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.
Mouw served as professor of philosophy at Calvin University for 17 years before starting at Fuller in 1985. He also served as a visiting professor at the Free University in Amsterdam. At Fuller Theological Seminary, Mouw served as provost and senior vice president for four years and as president for 20 years from 1993-2013.
He has authored 19 books, served as an editor for the Reformed Journal, and as a panelist for the online forum “On Faith” by the Washington Post. He was awarded the Abraham Kuyper Prize for Excellence in Reformed Theology and Public Life in 2007 by Princeton Theological Seminary.
Mouw lives in California with his wife, Phyllis, an art historian who is involved in seminary and community programs.
Biographical Note
Richard John Mouw (April 22, 1940 - ) is an American Theologian and Philosopher. He is the President Emeritus and Senior Professor of Faith and Public Life at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Alternate Extent Statement:
10 Boxes
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research use within Heritage Hall.
Preferred Citation:
[item], folder, box, Richard J. Mouw Collection, Heritage Hall (Hekman Library), Calvin University
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: [General Materials]],
- Series 1: [General Materials]
- Box 1
- Folder 1: R.J.M. Biographical Info and Curriculum Vitae
- Folder 2: Miscellaneous Correspondence --- 1961, 1965-1969
- Folder 3-12: Correspondence --- 1970-1975
- Box 2
- Folder 1-10: Correspondence --- 1975-1979
- Box 3
- Folder 1-10: Correspondence --- 1979-1984
- Box 4
- Folder 1-7: Correspondence --- 1984-1987
- Box 5
- Folder 1-8: Correspondence --- 1987-1989
- Box 6
- Folder 1: Correspondence --- May-Aug 1989
- Folder 2: Correspondence --- Sept 1989
- Folder 3: Correspondence --- Oct 1989
- Folder 4: Correspondence --- Nov 1989
- Folder 5: Correspondence --- Dec 1989
- Folder 6: Correspondence --- 1990
- Folder 7: Correspondence --- 1991-1993
- Folder 8: Correspondence --- 1994-1996
- Folder 9: Correspondence --- 2013
- Folder 10: Correspondence --- Undated
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Houghton College Lanthorn Article: The Mythmaker --- 1961
- Folder 2: Houghton College Star Articles --- 1960-1961
- Folder 3: Christian Century Article, "The Task of Christian Social Ethics" --- January 1968
- Folder 4: Calvin Dialogue Article, Non-CRC Faculty at Calvin --- January 1970
- Folder 5: Canadian Journal of Theology Article, "The Status of God's Moral Judgements" --- 1970
- Folder 6: Calvin Dialogue Article, "Politics, Coercion, and Power" --- October 1971
- Folder 7: Worldview Magazine Article, "Commands for Grown-Ups" --- July 1972
- Folder 8: Christian Century Article, "Evangelicals Can Be Political" --- December 1972
- Folder 9: New Covenant Magazine, "The Evangelicals" --- September 1973
- Folder 10: Post American Article, "Sexual Politics" --- August 1974
- Folder 11: Christian Century Article, "Weaving A Coherent Pattern of Discipleship" --- August 1975
- Folder 12: Article, "Halloween or Reformation" --- October 1977
- Folder 13: Article, "Understanding the Mission of the American Laity" --- 1978
- Folder 14: Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Article, "Biblical Revelation and Medical Decisions" --- 1979
- Folder 15: Article, "Biblical Revelation and Medical Decisions" --- 1979
- Folder 16: Perkins Journal Article, "Evangelism and Social Ethics" --- 1981
- Folder 17: Banner Article, "Calvinists at Bethlehem?" --- December 1987
- Folder 18: Faith and Philosophy Magazine Article, "John Locke's Christian Individualism" --- October 1991
- Folder 19: Article, "Pentecostal Evangelism" --- 1996
- Folder 20: Fuller Focus Articles --- 1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2003
- Folder 21: Theology News and Notes Article, "The Journey Is Part of the Gift" --- 2007
- Folder 22: Article, "Convicted Civility and Interfaith Dialogue" --- 2010
- Folder 23: The Semi Magazine Article, "'Awe' Some Education" --- October 2010
- Folder 24: Evangelical Interfaith Dialogue Articles --- 2012
- Folder 25: Article, "Explaining Social Reality: Some Christian Reflections" --- undated
- Folder 26: Article, "The Task of Christian Social Ethics" --- undated
- Folder 27: Banner and similar magazine articles
- Folder 28: Article, Comments on Richard Mouw's Commands and Christian Morality --- undated
- Folder 29: Paper, On Identifying Behavior --- 1960s
- Folder 30: Paper, The Historical Background and a Preliminary Formulation of the Paradigm Case Argument --- 1960s
- Folder 31: Paper on Art for Philosophy Course --- 1960s
- Folder 32: Paper, Russell on the Eternal "Thing" --- 1960s
- Folder 33: Paper, Discussion of: Northrop Frye's 'The Educated Imagination' --- 1960s
- Folder 34: Paper, Recognising Colours --- 1960s
- Folder 35: Paper, The Christian and the Church --- January 1960
- Folder 36: Paper, Faith and Reason: A Study of the Apologetics of Vantil and Carnell --- January 1961
- Folder 37: College Paper, Existentialism and Psychology --- July 1961
- Folder 38: Paper, A Study of Acts 10:34 &35 --- April 1962
- Folder 39: Paper, The Concept of the Individual in Kierkegaard and Hegel
- Box 8
- Folder 1: Paper, The Falsification of Moral Judgements --- May 1963
- Folder 2: Paper Given to Student Humanist Society, University of Albert, Bertrand Russel on Human Values --- February 1964
- Folder 3: College Paper, Some Reflections on the Future of Tense --- December 1965
- Folder 4: Paper, Learning as Recollection in the 'Meno' and the 'Pheado' --- April 1965
- Folder 5: Paper, Reference and the Future Tense --- 1966
- Folder 6: Paper, Some Reflections on an Anselmian Thesis --- March 1957
- Folder 7: Paper, Comments on Charles Bruce's "Self Deception, Knowledge, and Belief" --- 1970s
- Folder 8: Essay, "Politics, Procedures, and the Public Interest" --- 1975
- Folder 9: Paper at University of Dallas, North American Conservative Evangelicals --- June 1976
- Folder 10: Paper for NAPARC Conference, The Snape of Evangelical Race Relations --- 1977
- Folder 11: Paper, Understanding the Mission of the American Laity --- 1978
- Folder 12: Paper, Jesus and the Poor: Unity in Christ in an Unjust World --- October 1979
- Folder 13: Paper, Jesus and the Poor: Unity in Christ in an Unjust World --- October 1981
- Folder 14: Paper, Remarks on Tensions Regarding South Africa --- undated
- Folder 15: Paper, Understanding Bible Prophecy --- undated
- Folder 16: Paper, Reflections on a Year at Juniata --- undated
- Folder 17: Paper, Politics and the Pulpit --- undated
- Folder 18: Paper, P-Predicates and Consciousness --- undated
- Folder 19: Paper, Comments on George Navrodes' "Conventions and the Morality of War" --- undated
- Folder 20: Paper, Some Thoughts on Victimless Crimes --- undated
- Folder 21: Paper, Understanding Biblical Prophecy --- undated
- Folder 22: Paper, History and Prophecy --- undated
- Folder 23: Paper, Toward a Responsible Evangelical Eschatology --- undated
- Folder 24: Paper, Policies, Procedures, and the Public Interest --- undated
- Folder 25: Paper, Reflections on the Problem of the Other Minds --- undated
- Folder 26: Paper, The Concept of the Public Interest --- undated
- Folder 27: Paper, Is Christian Morality Primitive and Stultifying? --- undated
- Folder 28: Paper, Professor Duncan on Kant's Categorical Imperative --- undated
- Folder 29: Paper, The Justification of Moral Judgements --- undated
- Folder 30: Paper, Commands and Christian Morality --- undated
- Folder 31: Address, The Christian in Philosophy --- 1960s
- Folder 32: Address at Ann Arbor Chapel, The Church and Public Policy --- December 1972
- Folder 33: Address at Ann Arbor Campus Chapel, The Church and Public Policy --- December 1972
- Folder 34: Address, Sexual Politics: Some Prolegomena to a Christian Theory of Politics --- April 1974
- Folder 35: King's College Convocation Address, Education Under the King --- September 1979
- Folder 36: Address, Education for the Kingdom, Given at Installation as President of Fuller Seminary --- November 8, 1993
- Folder 37: Address to Students and Faculty at Fuller Seminary, The Glory of a Theological Seminary --- October 2002
- Folder 38: Sermon at Church of the Servant --- September 1979
- Folder 39: Sermon on Matthew 12:7 --- undated
- Folder 40: Speech, Calvin and Its Constituency --- 1970s
- Folder 41: Speech for Evangelical Press Association --- 1982
- Folder 42: Remarks for CRC Education Department, Reflections on Church Education --- June 1978
- Folder 43: Remarks for Brouwer Ordination --- undated
- Box 9
- Folder 1: Review of Interpretations of Poetry and Religion --- May 1959
- Folder 2: Discussion on Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations --- 1960s
- Folder 3: Discussion on Sartre's Being and Nothingness --- 1960s
- Folder 4: Socialized Examination Houghton College --- May 1960
- Folder 5: Notes and Exams for Introduction to Philosophy Course --- 1960-1961
- Folder 6: Notes and Exams for History of Philosophy Course --- 1961
- Folder 7: Letter to Editor of Torch and Trumpet --- 1970
- Folder 8: Review of Political Evangelism --- 1973
- Folder 9: 1975 Harkema Calendar (R.J.M. is February)
- Folder 10: Princeton University Certificate of Completion --- 1975
- Folder 11: Reflections on the Politics of Jesus and Political Theory --- October 1976
- Folder 12: Memo to SCORR Evaluation Committee RE: Rationale for Preserving SCORR --- November 1976
- Folder 13: University of Dallas Conference, "North American Conservative Evangelicals" --- June 1976
- Folder 14: Application for Sabbatical --- 1977-1978
- Folder 15: Theology, Ethics, and Ethics of Medicine and Healthcare, Comments on Papers by R.J.M. and Others --- 1979
- Folder 16: Calvin News Release, "Calvin Philosopher Honored" --- May 1980
- Folder 17: Dialogue, "Homosexuality: Eros and Agape" --- October 1981
- Folder 18: Interview by G. VanderZande, "How Does Church Tackle Demon of Racism?" --- June 1981
- Folder 19: Reviews of Called to Holy Worldliness --- 1982
- Folder 20: R.J.M. Review of God and Caesar: Christian Faith and Political --- 1984
- Folder 21: Reviews of When the Kings Go Marching In --- 1984
- Folder 22: Fuller Seminary Faculty Report --- 1985-1986
- Folder 23: Installation Service of R.J.M. as Provost of Fuller Seminary --- April 1990
- Folder 24: Worship Service on Occasion of R.J.M. Installation as Provost of Fuller Seminary --- April 18, 1990
- Folder 25: Sabbatical Request and Report --- 1990
- Folder 26: Contracts with Book Publishers --- 1990, 1992
- Folder 27: Certificate Awarded by Fuller Seminary --- 1993
- Folder 28: Talk to Fuller Board of Trustees on Fuller's Competitive Environment --- September 2006
- Folder 29: Poster for Sermon, "More Than We Can Imagine" --- September 2010
- Folder 30: Response to Lundin and Numbers --- undated
- Folder 31: Comments on R.J.M.'s Defense of Public Interest --- undated
- Folder 32: Self-Evaluation for Tenure Process --- undated
- Folder 33: Discussion of Sartre's, Being and Nothingness --- undated
- Folder 34: Reflections on the Writings of Saint Anselm --- undated
- Folder 35: Perceptions of R.J.M. by a Student --- undated
- Folder 36: Reflections on R. Mouw's "Reflections" By Dale Dannefer --- undated
- Folder 37: News Clippings
- Box 10
- Folder 1: CD, T. George and R. Smith Introduce Sermon by R.J.M. --- 2012
- Folder 2: CD, Interfaith Course --- 2010
- Folder 3-5: Cassette, Living in the Light of God's Newage, Parts 1-3
- Folder 6: Cassette, Ecumenical Politics
- Folder 7: Cassette, Biblical Basis for Ethical Decision Making
- Folder 8: Cassette, Biblical Faith and Nuclear War
- Folder 9: Cassette, R.J.M. on Civil Religion --- 1976
- Folder 10: Cassette, The People of God and the World
- Folder 11: Cassette, The Identity/Unity/Mission of God's People
- Folder 12: Cassette, Soundings Wood AM --- July 1974
- Folder 13: Cassette, Moral Majority Debate
- Folder 14: Cassette, Follow the Lamb, Reformation Day --- 1984
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Mouw’s Musings – Fuller Theological Seminary Blog 2006 – 2007
- See folder for list of blog titles
- Folder 2: Mouw’s Musings – Fuller Theological Seminary Blog – 2008
- See folder for list of blog titles
- Folder 3: Mouw’s Musings – Fuller Theological Seminary Blog – 2009
- See folder for list of blog titles
- Folder 4: Mouw’s Musings – Fuller Theological Seminary Blog – 2010
- See folder for list of blog titles
- Folder 5: Mouw’s Musings – Fuller Theological Seminary Blog – 2011-2012
- See folder for list of blog titles
- Box 12
- Folder 1: Paper, Another Look at the Infra/Supralpsarian Debate --- 1998
- Folder 2: Paper, Beyond Babel --- 1997
- Folder 3: Paper, The Call to Holy Worldliness --- undated
- Folder 4: Paper, Christian Faith in a World of Autonomous Disciplines --- undated
- Folder 5: Paper, Comments on Lutheranism: Reformed Perspective ---undated
- Folder 6: Paper, Comments and Questions on MacIntyre, Wohn and Weber --- undated
- Folder 7: Paper, Cultural Diversity and Christian Thought --- 1999
- Folder 8: Paper, Diversity at Fuller Seminary: Some Thesis --- undated
- Folder 9: Paper, Educational Choice and Pillarization: Some Lessons for Americans from the Dutch Experiment in “Affirmative Impartiality” --- undated
- Folder 10: Paper, The Ethics of Teaching Ethics --- 1989
- Folder 11: Paper, Evangelicals in Search of Maturity --- undated
- Folder 12: Paper, The Evangelical Mind --- undated
- Folder 13: Paper, Evangelism and Social Ethics --- 1982
- Folder 14: Paper, Exile Review – Essay ---undated
- Folder 15: Paper, Faculty Governance as an Aspect of Evangelical Theological Leadership
- Folder 16: Paper, Individual Virtue and Social Justice: Comments on Richard Mouw’s “Christian Virtue and Political Leadership” --- undated
- Folder 17: Paper, Leadership and the Three-Fold Office of Christ – undated
- Folder 18: Paper, Marsden as Incarnationist: Understanding Footnote 57 --- undated
- Folder 19: Paper, The Missionary Location of the North American Churches, 1998
- Folder 20: Paper, A Modest Defense of “Lockean Individualism” ---undated
- Folder 21: Paper, Moving in the Right Direction: Some Scattered Thoughts on our Dialogue --- undated
- Folder 22: Paper, New Age Religion and Reformational Thought –- undated
- Folder 23: Paper, New Harmony Comments --- undated
- Folder 24: Paper, A New Opportunity for Mormonism? --- undated
- Folder 25: Paper, Normativity and Contextuality in the Social Science: Lessons from Dutch Villages --- August 1987
- Folder 26: Paper, On Creations “Several Parts” Modal Diversity in Dooyeweerd’s Social Thought --- August 1994
- Folder 27: Paper, The “Ontology” of the Theological School --- undated
- Folder 28: Paper, The Politics of Jesus and Political Theory --- 1987
- Folder 29: Paper, Popular Religion and the Gospel --- 1993
- Folder 30: Paper: Public Ethics and Public Selfhood, the Hidden Problems --- undated
- Folder 31: Paper: The President as Symbolic Culture-forming Leaders --- undated
- Folder 32: Paper, The Problem of Authority in Evangelical Christianity --- 1994
- Folder 33: Paper, Religious Freedom --- undated
- Folder 34: Paper, Response to Darrell Bock’s Why I am a dispensationalist with a little “d” --- undated
- Folder 35: Paper, Response to Leena Pullinen – 1989
- Folder 36: Paper, Schilder as Public Theologian --- undated
- Folder 37: Paper, Seminary and Church: Probings of a Reformed Evangelical --- undated
- Folder 38: Paper, Sister Helen’s Tears – undated
- Folder 39: Paper, “Some Poor Sailor Tempest Tossed”: Nautical Rescue Themes in Evangelical Hymnody --- undated
- Folder 40: Paper, Some Reflections on Sphere Sovereignty --- 1998
- Folder 41: Paper, Some Theological Theses re Diversity --- undated
- Folder 42: Paper, Some Thoughts about Theological Assumptions for Planning Process --- undated
- Folder 43: Paper, Spiritual Identity and Churchly Praxis --- undated
- Folder 44: Paper, A Strong Center for Fuller: Some Reflections --- undated
- Folder 45: Paper, Thinking About the Poor: What Evangelicals Can Learn from the Bishops --- undated
- Folder 46: Paper, A Time for More Restlessness --- 1995
- Folder 47: Paper, Toward a Theology of Social Change --- undated
- Folder 48: Paper, Violence and the Atonement --- 2003
- Folder 49: Paper, What Does God Think About America? Some Challenges for Evangelicals and Mormons, BYU Studies --- 2004
- Box 13
- Folder 1: Article, Abandoning the Typology: A Reformed Assist, TSF Bulletin --- 1985
- Folder 2: Article, Alasdair MacIntyre on Reformation Ethics, The Journal of Reformed Ethics --- undated
- Folder 3: Article, Alternative Christian Approaches to Political Science: Toward a More Comprehensive Perspective --- undated
- Folder 4: Article, An Incarnational Administrator, Theology News and Notes --- June 1997
- Folder 5: Article, An Opportunity to Learn Together, Christianity in China --- 2002
- Folder 6: Article, Assessing the Moral Majority, Zadok Centre News --- March 1982
- Folder 7: Article: The Call to Sanctified Thinking, College Faith --- 2002
- Folder 8: Article, Can War Bring Peace? Service Quarterly --- 1985
- Folder 9: Article, Christelijk Realism en de Organisatie, Beweging 82 --- 1982
- Folder 10: Article: Christian and Politics, Center Journal --- 1982
- Folder 11: Article, Christian Responses to a World in Crisis, Fuller Focus --- Spring, 2002
- Folder 12: Article, Christian Scholarship: The Difference a Worldview Makes, Cresset --- 1997
- Folder 13: Article, Christianity and Pacifism, Faith and Philosophy --- April 1985
- Folder 14: Article, The Christian Thinking About War and Peace, Theology News and Notes --- Fall 2002
- Folder 15: Article, Clergy Liability: A Theological Perspective, Theology News and Notes --- October 1986
- Folder 16: Article, Considering the “What” and the “Who” of Ecclesial Authority, The Oxford Review --- 1991
- Folder 17: Article, Convicted Civility --- undated
- Folder 18: Article, The Cost of Splitting: Some Historical Reminders, Presbyterian Outlook --- 2002
- Folder 19: Article, Creation Politics--Some Calvinist Amendments, Christian Scholars Review ---1993
- Folder 20: Article, Culture, Church and Civil Society: Kuyper for a New Century Princeton Seminary Bulletin --- undated
- Folder 21: Article, Culture Religious Thought, CRT --- undated
- Folder 22: Article, The Danger of Alien Loyalties, Reformed Worship --- 1990
- Folder 23: Article, Delivering a Fuller Education, The Semi --- 2006
- Folder 24: Article, De Religie Van De New Age, Beweging --- 1988
- Folder 25: Article, Development and the Public Character of Theological Schools, ATS --- 2001
- Folder 26: Article, Embrace of a Loving Savior, Decision --- 1995
- Folder 27: Article, Evangelical Ecumenism, Theology News and Notes --- 1988
- Folder 28: Article, Evangelical Ethics and the Anabaptist, Reformed Dialogue --- undated
- Folder 29: Article, Evangelical Historians, TSF Bulletin --- 1983
- Folder 30: Article, “Evangelical” as Identity and Call to Renewal, Catalyst --- 1995
- Folder 31: Article, An Evangelical Moment?, America --- 2008
- Folder 32: Article, An Evangelical Response to Emmanuel Sulliven, Ecumenical Trends --- 1986
- Folder 33: Article, Evangelicals and Roman Catholics in Dialogue, The Catholic World --- 1995
- Folder 34: Article, Evangelism and Social Ethics, Perkins Journal --- 1981
- Folder 35: Article, Five Challenges Facing Fuller, Fuller Focus, 1998
- Folder 36: From Here, Where?, The Semi --- 1993
- Folder 37: Article, From Jerusalem to Babylon and Back Again, The Weekly Standard --- 1998
- Folder 38: Article, Fuller and Evangelism Today, Faculty Forum --- 1997
- Folder 39: Article, Giving the Devil His Due, Decision --- 1991
- Folder 40: Article, The Growing Edge of Evangelism, Theology, News and Notes --- 1977
- Folder 41: Article, Just War Doctrine: Some Neglected Basics, Sanctity of Life --- 1987
- Folder 42: Article, Large Vision, Steady, Focus --- undated 2002
- Folder 43: Article, Kuyper, God’s Generosity and Common Grace, Christian Renewal --- 2004
- Folder 44: Article, Learning from the “Splits”: Some Reflections on Dutch Calvinist Diversity, Calvin Theological Journal --- 1996
- Folder 45: Article, Lent and the Bigger Picture, The Living Pulpit --- 1999
- Folder 46: Article: Less Shouting, More Talking, Newsweek --- February 9, 2009
- Folder 47: Article: Letters About My Space, The Pentecostal Leader --- March 2007
- Folder 48: Article: Life in the Spirit in an Unjust World, Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies --- Fall 1987
- Folder 49: Article, John Locke’s Christian Individualism, Faith and Philosophy --- October 1991
- Folder 50: Article, Lutherans from a Reformed Perspective, Word & World ---Summer, 1991
- Folder 51: Article, Making Real Decisions About Halloween, The Evangelical Mind --- 2000
- Folder 52: Article: The Marketing and Missions, The Marketplace --- 1986
- Folder 53: Article, Missionaries to the Dark Continents of Politics, Spectrum --- 1990
- Folder 54: Article, A Mild Proposal --- March, 2005
- Folder 55: Article, Natural Spirituality, Perspectives --- October, 1992
- Folder 56: Article, Partnership in the Gospel - A Journey, CRC Women in Office Committee – 1987
- Folder 57: Article: Pentecostal Evangelism, Word & World --- 1996
- Folder 58: Article, Personal Salvation & Social Justice, The Living Pulpit --- undated
- Folder 59: Article, The Protestant Theology of Abraham Kuyper, The Weekly Standard --- 1999
- Folder 60: Article, The Protestant Theology of Abraham Kuyper, The Weekly Standard --- 1999
- Folder 61: Article, Public Religion Through Thick and Thin, The Christian Century --- 2000
- Folder 62: Article, RCA and CRC: “Can We Merge the Stories?”, Perspectives --- 1989
- Folder 63: Article, The Reckless Tongue, Uncommon Decency --- undated
- Folder 64: Article, Reflections on Common Grace, Pro Rege --- 2003
- Folder 65: Article, Reflections for the Mennonite Quarterly Review --- undated
- Folder 66: Article, Reflections on My Encounter with the Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition
- Folder 67: Article, Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, Dictionary of Christianity in America
- Folder 68: Article, Reforming Cultural Calvinism, The Reformed Journal --- undated
- Folder 69: Article, Religion and Morality, Routledge Encyclopedia and Philosophy --- 1986
- Folder 70: Article, Response to Richard Mc Brien --- 1989
- Folder 71: Article, Rest for Our Souls, Vantage Point --- 2007
- Folder 72: Article, Saving Our Ship, Sojourners --- 1977
- Folder 73: Article, A Second Glance, Christian Century --- 2007
- Folder 74: Article, The Seminary, the Church and the Academy, Calvin Theological Journal --- 1998
- Folder 75: Article, Some Brief Thoughts About Sacramentality --- undated
- Folder 76: Article, Some Neglected Factors in Theological Debate, Ecumenical Trends --- 1990
- Folder 77: Article, Some Theological Assumptions for the Planning Process, Theological News and Views – 1994
- Folder 78: Article, The Sovereignty of God—Living Together in a Troubled Church and Broken World, Theology News and Views --- 2003
- Folder 79: Article, Spiritual Consumerism’s Upside—Why Church Shopping May Not be All Bad, Christianity Today --- 2008
- Box 14
- Folder 1: Article, Spring Sabbath --- 1996
- Folder 2: Article, The Spiritual Thrust of Just War Doctrine, New Oxford Review --- 1988
- Folder 3: Article, Summer Reading, The Christian Century --- 1990
- Folder 4: Article, This World is Not My Home, Christianity Today --- 2000
- Folder 5: Article, A Time for Self-Examination, The Chronicle Review --- 2001
- Folder 6: Article, The Times They Are A-Changing, Christianity Today --- 2000
- Folder 7: Article, To the Jew First: Witnessing to the Jews is Nonnegotiable, Christianity Today --- 1997
- Folder 8: Article, Tolerance Without Compromise— Christian Engagement in an Era of Political Rancor, Christianity Today --- 1996
- Folder 9: Article, Understanding the Fundamentalists’ Retreat, New Oxford Review --- 1997
- Folder 10: Article, Up From Liberalism, Christianity Today --- 2000
- Folder 11: Article, Violence Abuse and Reformed Understanding of the Atonement, Theology Matters --- 1997
- Folder 12: Article, Waco Logic – Self Understanding of a “Sinful Messiah”, Books & Culture – 1995
- Folder 13: Article, Welcome Back to Fuller, The Semi --- 1997
- Folder 14: Article, Considering the “What” & the” Who” of Ecclesial Authority, New Oxford Review --- 1991
- Folder 15: Article, Where Civility Begins, Religion and Values --- 1998
- Folder 16: Article, What the Old Dispensationalists Taught Me, Christianity Today --- 1995
- Folder 17: Article, Why the Evangelical Church Needs the Liberal Church, Sojourners – 2004
- Folder 18: Article, The Women at the Concord Tombs, Books & Culture --- 1998
- Folder 19: Inaugural Address (Fuller Seminary), Educating for the Kingdom --- November 9, 1993
- Folder 20: Address, Houghton College Commencement --- undated
- Folder 21: Article, How to Choose a Seminary, 1996 Summary and Gradate School Handbook
- Folder 22: Calvin College Address, Assessing Christian Scholarship: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going --- September 2001
- Folder 23: Address: Musings about Directions in Theological Education --- undated
- Folder 24: Address, Remembering Who We Are --- 1990
- Folder 25: CRWRC Workshop, On Being Reformed: Part One “The Case of Abraham Kuyper” 1984
- Folder 26: CRWRC Workshop, On Being Reformed: Part Two “Reformed and Evangelical”
- Folder 27: CRWRC Workshop, On Being Reformed: Part Three “Some Ecclesiological Theses”
- Folder 28: Los Angeles Times Q&A, Aiming to Clarify the Meaning of a Loaded Word (Evangelical), December 2006
- Folder 29: An Interview with Richard Mouw, Steps --- Fall 1990
- Folder 30: Influences, Fuller Faculty Profiles including Richard Mouw --- November 1987
- Folder 31: Citizens for Public Justice, Bolton Conference Summary Remarks --- undated
- Folder 32: Book Review, American and Catholic: The New Debate --- 1988
- Folder 33: Book Review, Christian and Politics Beyond the Culture Wars by David Gushee –2002
- Folder 34: Book Review, Everything is Politics, but Politics is Not Everything by H. M. Kuitert, This World --- Summer 1987
- Folder 35: Symposium, Today’s Church, Todays Worship First International Symposium, Korea 2008
- Folder 36: Opinion, What Can Learning Due to Us? Pasadena News --- 2003
- Folder 37: Meditation, Keeping the Words, One World --- August 1986
- Folder 38: Meditation, Meditations on Revelation 5, Conference on Christian Identity --- 1985
- Folder 39: Interview, The Life of Bondage in the Light of Grace, Christianity Today --- December 1988
- Folder 40: Interview, Kuyper, God’s Generosity and Common Grace, Christian Renewal --- 2004
- Folder 41: Interview, The Sustainable Richard Mouw by Jay Blossom, In Trust --- 2007
- Folder 42: Notes, Christian Ethics for the 21st Century, Albany Synod Forum --- 1992
- Folder 43: Speech, An Amazing Job Description --- Jul 2006
- Folder 44: Speech, Evangelical Ethics in the Time of God’s Patience: Recovering Some Recently Neglected Themes --- 1998
- Folder 45: Speech, Spoken together in Love --- Calvin College, October
- Folder 46: Speech, Let Every Person be Subject: The Contemporary Relevance of Romans 13 --- October 2007
- Folder 47: Chapel Speech, He Passed Through the Heavens ---1994
- Folder 48: Speech, What is Personal Growth? Some Christian Reflections --- 1976
- Folder 49: Speech, What Does a Biblical Church Say to Its Secular Society? --- 1983
- Folder 50: Essay, The Identity of “Israel”, CFIA Forum --- 2007
- Folder 51: Essay, Jesus and Political Authority – 1991
- Folder 52: Essay, Kuyper for a New Century, Comment --- June 2007
- Folder 53: Essay, Providence and Politics, Life is Religion --- 1981
- Folder 54: Essay, What About the “B” in “GLBT”? Viewpoint --- 2006
- Folder 55: Essay, Wonderful Words of Life, Perspectives --- 2004
- Folder 56: Lecture, Culture and Common Grace, 2001 Stob Lecture Series
- Folder 57: Lecture, Evangelicals and Politics, Geneva Lecture, University of Iowa --- 1996
- Folder 58: Lecture, Evangelism: The Very Idea --- 1995
- Folder 59: Lecture, Pentecostal Evangelism --- 1995
- Folder 60: Lecture, Gaining Strength—the Long-term Prospects for the American Laity – 1986
- Folder 61: Nyvall Lectures: Piety and Politics – undated
- Folder 62: Lecture Series, The Christian Turn in the Moral Philosophy
- Folder 63: Lecture Series, Theories of Selfhood --- 1990
- Folder 64: John Finch Tribute – undated
- Folder 65: Comments on: Is There More Than One Way to Do Theology? Gospel in Context – 1978
- Folder 66: Dissertation for PhD University of Chicago, March 1971 – The Identification of Behavior and the Problem of Other Minds
Browse by Series:
Series 1: [General Materials]],